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"Khalifat Movement" was one of the most stupid things Indians did. Instead of looking after their own people, the politicians acted opportunistically to milk an international issue not really related to them.
To fight against whome ?

It will ensure peace in the region, Taliban Jenissaries will get discipline and follow army rules and regulations. They will fight against which ever target they are given just like during USSR and American invasion of Afghanistan and before that in 1948 ehn the tribals liberated 1/3rd of Kashmir in a joint action with PA.
"Khalifat Movement" was one of the most stupid things Indians did. Instead of looking after their own people, the politicians acted opportunistically to milk an international issue not really related to them.
Both Jinnah , Iqbal and many important leaders opposed it.
It will ensure peace in the region, Taliban Jenissaries will get discipline and follow army rules and regulations. They will fight against which ever target they are given just like during USSR and American invasion of Afghanistan and before that in 1948 ehn the tribals liberated 1/3rd of Kashmir in a joint action with PA.

Taliban peace keepers...LMFAO ...OK/BYE
Yeah....he can come from Pakistan of course ....:D

Better to use political vehicle and system , if not people just will call you crazy :lol:

Well yeah if you make bayah it counts as a vote. :D
Salahuddin ayyoubi was a sufi[/quote]

I don't care if the cat was black or white as long as it caught the mice LOL
But why cleanup when we can make a Jennisry Guerrila

Janissaries were far beyond guerrila....

Offcials gathered Christians Boys from Greeks and other European parts of the empire at the age of 5-8. Then they sent to capital where they get converted to Islam, thought Turkish and trained for years as a elite soldier. When they come at age they join the Janissary Corps directly serving Sultan no one else.

Think about them they received almost 10 years of military traning, raised only to be a soldier nothing else. There are no equal to Janissaries even now.
Is the OP's whole premise based on the coming together of the army and groups like ttp, taliban, isis, shabaab, boko etc? wth.....are you presuming that these terrorists are fighting some kind of holy war and their actions and morals are actually justified? lol - they come together to do what? - one can easily guess of course.
Salahuddin ayyoubi was a sufi

I don't care if the cat was black or white as long as it caught the mice LOL[/quote]
What if the cat bites the owner.
conquest of Constantinople was led by Sufis. The Sultan himself is buried next to his Sufi Shaykh in Turkey

Do you think the wahabi khawarij TTP will take their place?

I think @r2t2 is trying to convey the fruits of Khilafat. He is implying that conquest of Constantinople was somehow due to Khilafat. If that be the case, then he ought to realize that it was not until 1517 that Sultan Selim conquered Mamluk sultanate and extended his authority to Hijaz. I can not say if Sultan Selim could be said to be first Ottoman Khalifah.

If I recall correctly indeed the first mention of Khalifah as applied to Ottoman sultans happened rather late. The first such recorded instant was in a letter addressed to Russia regarding Tatars in 18th. century after Ottomans had lost Crimea etc... to Russians. In the said letter Ottoman Sultan emphasized his religious authority over Crimean (?) Tatars by pointing out that he was Khalifah.

Also, though some Sufis accompanied the Sultan Mehmet's army, they can not be credited with conquering the city. It would be better to say that the Islamic state of Ottomans with its superior organization conquered Constantinople. The Sufis had a strong role in organization of Islamic states. In that way it could be said that Sufis had a role to play. Jannisseries were inducted into Bektashi Sufi order and that perhaps could also be used as referring to what you have pointed out. But that would be somewhat a weak pointer.

PS> Upon further investigation, it seems that I was wrong in wondering about whether Sultan Selim had used the title of Khalifah:

From Aunty Wiki:

"After the conquest of Egypt and the Holy Cities in 1517, Selim induced Al-Mutawakkil III (1509–17), the last in the line of Abbasid caliphs who resided in Cairo since 1261 as nominal rulers legitimizing the de facto rule of the Mamluk sultans over the Mamluk Sultanate,[14] to formally surrender the title of Caliph and its emblems, the sword and the mantle of Muhammad.[2] These are kept in the Topkapı Palace Museum at Istanbul, Turkey."

In any case it would not be correct to ascribe the title of Caliph to Sultan Mehmet II.
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