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Second game has played by the way.....(world cup).... just put aside our differences here for the mean time :P
show me the money ......Kalifah can be from Pakistan or has only two options...Turk or Arab ?....lolzzzzzzzzzzz

Sharam nai bhai apne Khalifa seh paise mangta hai. :P
I think @r2t2 is trying to convey the fruits of Khilafat. He is implying that conquest of Constantinople was somehow due to Khilafat. If that be the case, then he ought to realize that it was not until 1517 that Sultan Selim conquered Mamluk sultanate and extended his authority to Hijaz. I can not say if Sultan Selim could be said to be first Ottoman Khalifah.

If I recall correctly indeed the first mention of Khalifah as applied to Ottoman sultans happened rather late. The first such recorded instant was in a letter addressed to Russia regarding Tatars in 18th. century after Ottomans had lost Crimea etc... to Russians. In the said letter Ottoman Sultan emphasized his religious authority over Crimean (?) Tatars by pointing out that he was Khalifah.

Also, though some Sufis accompanied the Sultan Mehmet's army, they can not be credited with conquering the city. It would be better to say that the Islamic state of Ottomans with its superior organization conquered Constantinople. The Sufis had a strong role in organization of Islamic states. In that way it could be said that Sufis had a role to play. Jannisseries were inducted into Bektashi Sufi order and that perhaps could also be used as referring to what you have pointed out. But that would be somewhat a weak pointer.
The caliphate he's quoting and the one he refers to are 2 different things.
After the ascension of Umayyads the meaning of Khalifah was changed to ruler . They had no "religious decree or anything"
Useless thread, serves no purpose...
The caliphate he's quoting and the one he refers to are 2 different things.
After the ascension of Umayyads the meaning of Khalifah was changed to ruler . They had no "religious decree or anything"

And yet whoever was conferred the title of Caliph was accorded enormous respect by Muslims in general. Sultans of Delhi regularly sent embassies to Caliphs to receive robes of honor as indication of their legitimacy as Sultans. In fact, @r2t2 is right in that the institution of Khilafat, however distorted, inadequate, and meaningless, did survive til 1920s until totally abolished by Mustafa Kemal.
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