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Khamenei: No Arab State Can Stand Iran's Power for One Week

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hilarious enough for you to wanna blow up?
Do it in Iraq or something, don't wanna see wahabi body parts all over some beautiful Iranian tile work in some bazaar.

you should be careful friend. you don't want him blowing you up.
First of all it is just me there no you guys.
and I don't want to know how you feel.
you are like a common rock who wished it was diamond.
you are probably crying right now. The Persian civilization will always be regarded as a fantastic culture no matter how much we hate their regime.

your culture is all involving camels.
Don't forget to pray and put your head on the ground towards Arabia.
First of all it is just me there no you guys.
and I don't want to know how you feel.
you are like a common rock who wished it was diamond.
you are probably crying right now. The Persian civilization will always be regarded as a fantastic culture no matter how much we hate their regime.

your culture is all involving camels.
Please no disrespect to the Arab no one is better than the other.
I have no doubt about your ignorance!!!??? see you burning from inside out with your hate to Islam hence the Arab as a nation otherwise you don't like the prsian culture you just try to vent your spite toward the Islam, you could just wright your impression toward the the persian culture without insulting a whole nation that most of it's population innocent and has nothing to do with some comments written here by some ignorant.

Persian culture and Indian Vedic culture have tons of similarities because Avestan the main language of Persia and Sanskrit were considered sister languages and there was plenty of interaction between the two great cultures.

So the mutual respect. Ofcourse, how would an Arab know about it - culture and all ?
Persian culture and Indian Vedic culture have tons of similarities because Avestan the main language of Persia and Sanskrit were considered sister languages and there was plenty of interaction between the two great cultures.

So the mutual respect. Ofcourse, how would an Arab know about it - culture and all ?
what you mean can clarify.
Please no racism! No talk about blowing up and camels please! Both posts reported!
time to be more polite.
well but a camel means an economy for an arab family.no insulting.camel means their food,their transportation system,....
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