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Khalistan !!!

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Its not about how many live there now. Its about reclaiming our lands. A Khalistan would include almost the whole of undivided Punjab. :P

Is it possible? i mean maybe they can fight in indian punjab... occupied or whatever........but how r they going to form some sort of insurgency in Pakistan?Including Pakistani Sikhs?
Is it possible? i mean maybe they can fight in indian punjab... occupied or whatever........but how r they going to form some sort of insurgency in Pakistan?Including Pakistani Sikhs?

Well Khalistan isnt just about Sikhs. It will include all Punjabi heartlands of the subcontinent. Punjabis of different religions Sikhs, Muslims and Hindus would live side by side, joined by the common bond of Punjabiyat. This was the Punjab under Maharaja Ranjit Singh and this is how the Khalistan of the future will be. We Punjabis can do wonders if we can unite and forget our trans-national issues. Shahmukhi and Gurmukh both will be taught in schools. I am not sure of Punjabi Hindus though, they would probably be too scared living amongst lion-hearted Punjabi Sikhs and Muslims. I am imagining they will leave Khalistan for Hindi heartlands. Anyways, we can do without them!

And regarding a plan to achieve this objective. I think most of Pakistan's bureaucracy, polity and army would support it since Punjabis already dominate it. So there would be no reason to fight. And if you think about it, the name too wouldn't change Khalistan means the same as Pakistan - "the land of the Pure". And I think since we would be the land of the pure (the true one), there would be no reason to Pakistan to remain a country. And anyways, without Punjab Pakistan cannot sustain itself and it will break up into different pieces. And out of the ashes of erstwhile Pakistan, a new and true land of the pure called Khalistan would emerge!

Hows that for a fantasy?
An interesting thing that I found are links bellow, there are many version of Khalistan MAPs available and different Sikh organizations or movements are claiming it and interesting map of Republic of Khalistan that claiming Himachal Pradesh and J&K as well that have been conflicted between Pakistan, India and China :coffee: see bellow


SIKH VISION - To Keep The Truth Live





Chalo yaar, Khalistan ko support karo. If Khalistan becomes a reality, all water sharing treaties will be null and void between India and Pakistan. It will be fun to see what Pakistan will then do if large dams come up in Khalistan.

On a serious note, stop dreaming guys. Don't live in a make believe world.

Today, Punjab passed a law called "Right to Service" where service becomes a right and people will be held accountable for their actions/inactions. Punjab is one of the leading and forward looking states in India. Those dreaming of Khalistan, you can choose drugs or cyanide. One will make Khalistan possible atleast in dreams, the other will end your pitiful existence.

Khalistan movement is dead!!!!

Pakistanis support the Khalistan movement not because they give a damn about Sikhs, it's because the creation of a Sikh state will make India weaker!!!!
because Pakistan can't handle a strong UNITED India
we should support only those Sikh which demand sepration of Punjab of India

Like good and bad taliban... oops bad taliban r u hitting more.. what if?? ;)
An interesting thing that I found are links bellow, there are many version of Khalistan MAPs available and different Sikh organizations or movements are claiming it and interesting map of Republic of Khalistan that claiming Himachal Pradesh and J&K as well that have been conflicted between Pakistan, India and China :coffee: see bellow

This is what the problem is.. Most of the people who r residing outside in UK/Canada/Europe/Australia are still with the wounds of post 84 era.. And to add salts to their wounds our great govt never took action against those who did it all. Hence they come up with dead topic of Khalistan, work, come back to Punjab enjoy and again sing the old tune... Indian govt this time healed a bit of removing Sikh terrorist from most wanted list and allowing them to freely roam in India. So no worries here..

Few Pakistanis (Read ISI) who think this as an opportunity would have started working on the same but they know this is not possible as Indian Sikhs are as Indians as anyone else is.. The only sadness is regarding justice.. which noone got ..
not really, there arent many sikhs in Pakistani punjab, they actually demand indian punjab,

did Pakistan do operation bluestar? nope,

You didn't got what he is saying , Those sikhs from India demanding Khalistan , Demand Punjab from Both India and Pakistan as New State of Khalistan.
Well Pakistan is separate now , internationally recognized borders and UN approved

But Seikh's in India still could get their own independent state as they are officially in higher% in India so they could democratically demand a state
Because Seikh's are not Hindus and and they are not Muslims - they are unique entity

Their situation is similar to Ukraine and Russia etc how Ukraine got independence from USSR etc

Or like in French Canadians in Canada

But I mean the situation will intensify with time over there as more and more seikhs dominate internation business and power sending $$ back to their organization that support independence

Indra Gandhi really opened a wound in india when she ordered the temple strikes

What was the argument , for the strike anyways ? I remember I was very young back then but all i recall is that Seikh's took Ms Indra out sufficiently it was quite gruesome

Maoist on east , and Khalistan on west not to mention , delits living inside india also very unhappy due to neglect
and not to mention Muslims
You didn't got what he is saying , Those sikhs from India demanding Khalistan , Demand Punjab from Both India and Pakistan as New State of Khalistan.

According to the maps riseup posted, only the Indian Punjab part and other parts of india are included. Not Pakistan
Do this Khalistan has a sea port ? or is it dependent on other countries like India for their ports well not that it will happen but what if all the Seikhs in Indian army suddenly revolted ?

Imagine I mean it could happen after all so many Seikh soliders in Army if someone messes with their golden template again etc like gov I would imagine they would not be happy and something could happen

Wow they also have a commando force



2nd explosives haul in a week
Jagraon, June 27
In a second major haul of explosives within a week from the region, the Jagraon police has recovered 34.5 kg of explosives from three residents of Moga, suspected to be the activists of “Khalistan Zindabad Force”. They had got
Suspected terrorists of “Khalistan Zindabad Force” in police custody at Jagraon on Friday.special training in Pakistan during their visit to the country as part of a jatha

I think they have a better chance for a independent state , with some connection to India rather then take the route of violence and commando force etc
If Pakistan with the 700K strong armed forces + Jihadis + nukes has been unsuccessful in gaining any valuable inch of Kashmir, what makes the delusional folks on this thread think a few rag tag sucidal Khalistanis will be able to carve out Khalistan from India?

Dream on...
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