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Khalistan !!!

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none mentioned that... more over why should we support them, when master tara decided to sit with congress and massacre muslims?

we should support only those Sikh which demand sepration of Punjab of India
you mean to Say Seikh??? The Arab seikh???\

I am shocked to see a Muslim buttering Sikh. The religion Sikh was born against atrocities of Islam. All Sikh Gurus died defending Indian religion from Islam... I think Pakistani need to read the history....

No wonder next time you will call "Jew Brothers" ... :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

Sikhism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

good piece of information , one of my sikh friend also told me that the pakistani terrorist's can't infilitrate into indian side through punjab due to some hard action's taken by punjab police , the sikh's had also closed khyber pass so that no more muslim ruler's invade india , the very birth of sikh religion was to fight musim's.
sikh's are in control, instead they are joining army and police , and serving the nation, the maoists are not carrying out suicide attacks , bomb blasts or attacking our military bases like taliban is doing in pakistan, so you better clean your own mess than being worried of what is happening in india.

Instead of "Sikhs are in control" I will say "Sikhs are controlling India". PM is sikh, Planning commission VP is sikh and l;ike wise there are many Top officials are sikh...
good piece of information , one of my sikh friend also told me that the pakistani terrorist's can't infilitrate into indian side through punjab due to some hard action's taken by punjab police , the sikh's had also closed khyber pass so that no more muslim ruler's invade india , the very birth of sikh religion was to fight musim's.
wrong, the gurus were secular.
Sikhs don't belong to India. India belong to them like any other religion. Most of Indians including Hindus don't consider Sikhs as minority. Most of the things are common even inter-religion marriage or festivals or any way of worship. Sikhs were created to protect India from intruders.

Khalistan is dead issue very long back. Most of the Sikhs (90%+) themselves don't support. And it was Ideology not a separate state. Only few rich Canadian and U.K. Sikhs say this as they don't have knowledge of ground realities and they living there since 2 decades with less connection.

Not to forget our PM is Sikh ( Even when Sikhs are 1.87% only in India). A Hindu can't become PM in Pakistan but Sikh can become PM in India not because of Law. Because no one thinks Sikhs as minority. Sikhs or Hindus - Doesn't make difference.

Even Sikhs didn't liked Congress in 80's but today, Sikhs support more congress than BJP + AD.
Hello everyone, get this fact out of your mind that sikhism was made to counter islam, no the gurus were secular and many parts of Holy Guru Granth Sahib are derived from Holy Quran, also the sikh participation in the riots of 1947 are greatly exaggrated.Udham Singhji, the great freedom fighter and martyr considered Hindu, Sikhs, Isais and Muslims as equal, Shahid Bhagat Singhji (may his soul RIP) always wanted the nation free from religious dogmas.
Hello everyone, get this fact out of your mind that sikhism was made to counter islam, no the gurus were secular and many parts of Holy Guru Granth Sahib are derived from Holy Quran, also the sikh participation in the riots of 1947 are greatly exaggrated.Udham Singhji, the great freedom fighter and martyr considered Hindu, Sikhs, Isais and Muslims as equal, Shahid Bhagat Singhji (may his soul RIP) always wanted the nation free from religious dogmas.

yes i agree with you that sikh religion was a mixture of islamic as well as hindu principle's , and our great leader BHAGAT SINGHJI always wanted india to be a secular and religiously tolerant country( one of the bravest man i have ever heard of) , but when aurangzeb started attacking hindu and sikh temple's the sikh's had waged a war against him in the 16 century , in which he had also killed the ninth sikh guru, guru gobind singh.Since then sikh's had always been against muslim establishment's and that is a fact.
@zarvan: tell me how will you divide india, any grand plans?

We will just support all the freedom moments going on in your country like you did by supporting Mukti Banis and the other task will be really very easy
first control Maoists and Sikhs of Punjab than tell us you are bound to loose many areas Pakistan lost Bangladesh but not any more its now your turn
Maoists have been weakened a bit after the massacre of 76 CRPF men in Apr 2010.Khalistani's have silenced in 80's by brave police officer Gill & Assam the ULFA power has been reduced significantly.
We will just support all the freedom moments going on in your country like you did by supporting Mukti Banis and the other task will be really very easy

Please do.. It will save us the trouble.. Trace Pakistan's graph in last 20-30 years when it has become from the most progressive Muslim state in the world to a country limping from one disaster to another (whether financial or security). Its all the result of the plan of action highlighted by you above..
We will just support all the freedom moments going on in your country like you did by supporting Mukti Banis and the other task will be really very easy
easy? Ha ha, you'll make a fine commander brother, now get some sleep.
the sikhs i know only want indian punjab as khalistan and they know dream of khalistan can only be realized in alone this way

They want part of Pakistan Punjab too !!
Btw the Movement is Dead And Sikhs that I know are one of the most Patriotic People of India.
We will just support all the freedom moments going on in your country like you did by supporting Mukti Banis and the other task will be really very easy

this is what we call it as " apne paro pe kuladi marna" anyway's keep dreaming.
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