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Khalistan !!!

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Actually with 10 minutues of googling I was able to determine that they actually asked for a separate state in independence from British but british being you know what they planted the Seikhs into India and now india will feel the consequences no doubt
Operation bluestar was done coz terrorists were hiding in golden temple .
Atleast our government had guts that time to take action against terrorists while u r government is still hiding like coward
Operation bluestar was done coz terrorists were hiding in golden temple .
Atleast our government had guts that time to take action against terrorists while u r government is still hiding like coward

Just like babri mosque?

Abt our govt hiding? wtf........ we r fighting a full scale war...... open ur eyes....... Ikkgjh
The Brits didn't give up the empire willingly. They left so many issues unsettled on purpose.
But Seikh's in India still could get their own independent state as they are officially in higher% in India so they could democratically demand a state
Because Seikh's are not Hindus and and they are not Muslims - they are unique entity

Sorry pal, we don't believe in this ideology. Republic of India wasn't formed on that either. It's India for Indians. There are Jains, Zoroastrians, Christians, Muslims, etc in India.
Actually with 10 minutues of googling I was able to determine that they actually asked for a separate state in independence from British but british being you know what they planted the Seikhs into India and now india will feel the consequences no doubt

when did the British plant Arab Sheikhs into india????
or you just retarded?
when did the British plant Arab Sheikhs into india????
or you just retarded?

had there been no partition,perhaps there would have been no taliban today,or the four unnecessary wars,or the numerous unnecessary terrorist attacks,or the separation of East Pakistan.We could have been a greater economic power by now.
Seems like fairy tales

This is Khalistan

Those who all want khalistan..Pls raise your hand.

the map you've posted isn't accurate.

it definitely doesn't extend that far west.

"The geographical boundaries of Khalistan will include current East Punjab, Haryana, Himachal Pardesh, part of Rajasthan and small part of Uttar Pardesh. River Ravi on the west and river Jamuna on the east will be some of the boundary lines between Khalistan & Pakistan, Khalistan & India respectively. In the north, part of Himalayan range and in south, part of Thar Deset will make the geographical boundaries of Khalistan."

Lahore isn't essential for Khalistan. The Sikhs just want a homeland and to have it in Indian Punjab. The might like to have Lahore also but Indian Punjab contains most of the places they want for now.
hey whats up with these banners over mall road for Khalistan movement?

I mean seriously why were they even allowed to be displayed...

whatever their problem in london or India is, it should not be brought here...

if someone finds our government to be weak, that doesnot mean our Nation is weak...

their patriotism should be to PAKistan...

on Lahore Mall Road? Do you have pictures?
the map you've posted isn't accurate.

it definitely doesn't extend that far west.

"The geographical boundaries of Khalistan will include current East Punjab, Haryana, Himachal Pardesh, part of Rajasthan and small part of Uttar Pardesh. River Ravi on the west and river Jamuna on the east will be some of the boundary lines between Khalistan & Pakistan, Khalistan & India respectively. In the north, part of Himalayan range and in south, part of Thar Deset will make the geographical boundaries of Khalistan."

Lahore isn't essential for Khalistan. The Sikhs just want a homeland and to have it in Indian Punjab. The might like to have Lahore also but Indian Punjab contains most of the places they want for now.

if you give a country to sikhs, they know how to make it bigger than that. I think pakistan had a late realization of that and that is how they stopped supporting it.
pass me the joint bro!!! I wanna smoke what a think-tank like you smoke..:alcoholic:

the map you've posted isn't accurate.

it definitely doesn't extend that far west.

"The geographical boundaries of Khalistan will include current East Punjab, Haryana, Himachal Pardesh, part of Rajasthan and small part of Uttar Pardesh. River Ravi on the west and river Jamuna on the east will be some of the boundary lines between Khalistan & Pakistan, Khalistan & India respectively. In the north, part of Himalayan range and in south, part of Thar Deset will make the geographical boundaries of Khalistan."

Lahore isn't essential for Khalistan. The Sikhs just want a homeland and to have it in Indian Punjab. The might like to have Lahore also but Indian Punjab contains most of the places they want for now.
The Brits didn't give the empire willingly. They left so many issues unsettled on purpose.

which is why Pakistan should keep itself out of this so-called "commonwealth" in my opinion. We were suspended from it on different occasions and never should have re-joined.
The Brits didn't give the empire willingly. They left so many issues unsettled on purpose.

Something I am starting to understand more and more as I read British imperial history. The Americans are rank amateurs in the game of empire compared to the British.

The deaths and misery the British caused in total, makes the Nazis look like petty vandals.
the very birth of sikh religion was to fight musim's.

sikhism originally borrowed elements of islam and hinduism.

but it's considered seperate to both Islam and hinduism.
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