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Khalistan !!!

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perhaps the sikhs dont want this.

i think it's hindu rule they dont like.

hmm, hindu rule with a sikh PM. Even if you call him a puppet he is propped by a catholic woman.

I really dont see where you get "hindu rule" from
hmm, hindu rule with a sikh PM. Even if you call him a puppet he is propped by a catholic woman.

I really dont see where you get "hindu rule" from

of course its hindu rule. MS is a puppet.

Indians voted for Congress and Sonia Gandhi in the last election. The reasons were the Gandhi brand name and a lot of fair & lovely.

Behind MS and the ceremonial president its all BJP and RSS.
of course its hindu rule. MS is a puppet.

Indians voted for Congress and Sonia Gandhi in the last election. The reasons were the Gandhi brand name and a lot of fair & lovely.

Behind MS and the ceremonial president its all BJP and RSS.

:hitwall: :hitwall: :hitwall:

That's all.
of course its hindu rule. MS is a puppet.

Indians voted for Congress and Sonia Gandhi in the last election. The reasons were the Gandhi brand name and a lot of fair & lovely.

Behind MS and the ceremonial president its all BJP and RSS.

:coffee: you sir don't know perhaps that BJP and RSS is the biggest enemy of Indian National COngress and that BJP and RSS protected Sikh during 1984 riots agaist Congress mob....some of the major leaders and members of BJP-RSS are ex leaders of Khalistan Liberation Front.
No just like Lal Masjid

100 terrorists dead,thousands of hostages freed...... Sophisticated weapons,kevlar,gas masks,RPGs,NVGs found.......Main Terrorist caught.... another killed.

Compare Golden temple....... Thousands killed,Govt encouraged genocide,police involved,golden temple(one of the holiest sikh shrines) destroyed,sikh weapon raped and widowed,systematic killings,rapes and kidnappings by Police and indian army....... Operation "Shudi Karan" changing the genetics of next generation of sikhs? etc
Indra gandhi murdered!
Still Jernail Singh a former indian army officer is remembered as a hero.

Compare tht to Lal masjid......:tdown:
the sikhs i know only want indian punjab as khalistan and they know dream of khalistan can only be realized in alone this way

Hhhhmmmm...... Thats strange......
The sikhs I know they dont want Khalistan without Lahore
of course its hindu rule. MS is a puppet.

Indians voted for Congress and Sonia Gandhi in the last election. The reasons were the Gandhi brand name and a lot of fair & lovely.

Behind MS and the ceremonial president its all BJP and RSS.

Oh my god.. :hitwall:

I cannot take it any more.. enough jokes...lol :)

BJP and RSS are behind a PM, whose party won the election by defeating BJP? Your knowledge makes me speachless. Anyway, keep going. I really enjoy your posts...
1.It was a brilliant master stroke of Gen Ziaul Haq to arouse the Sikhs into demanding Khalistan. Suddenly E Punjab was converted into a buffer between Pakistan and India.

2. Enemy of Islam and daughter of a criminal traitor, Benazir sold herself to India and had her Minister Aitezaz Husain hand over the list of Khalistani activists to India. In a wink the Khalistan movement was over. Meanwhile, this Aitezaz Husain is still a hell of a man in Pakistan.
1.It was a brilliant master stroke of Gen Ziaul Haq to arouse the Sikhs into demanding Khalistan. Suddenly E Punjab was converted into a buffer between Pakistan and India.

2. Enemy of Islam and daughter of a criminal traitor, Benazir sold herself to India and had her Minister Aitezaz Husain hand over the list of Khalistani activists to India. In a wink the Khalistan movement was over. Meanwhile, this Aitezaz Husain is still a hell of a man in Pakistan.

Based on the Khalistan movement, the Sekihs demanded a seperate state form british prior to 1947 ... so I don't think it was case of someone inciting anyone, they demanded their own state , but they could not politically get prepared in time

Also , I think such a movement is some what justified becasue Seikhs are a seperate entity all together - not muslims / not hindu
:coffee: you sir don't know perhaps that BJP and RSS is the biggest enemy of Indian National COngress and that BJP and RSS protected Sikh during 1984 riots agaist Congress mob....some of the major leaders and members of BJP-RSS are ex leaders of Khalistan Liberation Front.

the RSS does want the extermination of Sikhism from India. The BJP are an extension of RSS.

"The Congress and the BJP’s track record of relations with non-Hindu minorities have been horrible. The Congress had organized massacres of the Sikhs in November 1984 and this was emulated by the BJP against Muslim minority 18 years later in Gujarat. Similarly, the Congress destroyed Akal Takht in June 1984 whereas the BJP brought Babri Masjid to rubble in 1992.

The Congress has patronized, funded and encouraged “godmen” and fake dera’s to create divisions amongst Sikhs whereas the ideology of Hindutva was to eliminate all diversity from the subcontinent and impose ‘one nation and one culture’ theory on its people."
'Khalistan Declaration Day' Observed: Sikhs desire for their own self-rule @ www.punjabnewsline.com

BJP + RSS = Hindutva.

They are using divide & conquer on the Sikhs.

Khalistan is a big issue still even though Sikhs may not mention it in public.
Source please. Try making it credible.

India and the Baloch insurgency

Why is Manmohan Singh under fire in India? Many Indians, including the Opposition, are not happy about the reference to Balochistan in the joint statement released at Sharm-El-Shaikh, Egypt, after the meeting between Dr. Singh and his Pakistani counterpart Yusuf Raza Gilani on the sidelines of the Non-Aligned summit. Some feel Dr. Singh stabbed them in the back by accepting the claim that India interferes in Balochistan. There are reports that Mr. Gilani pressured Dr. Singh at Sharm-El-Shaikh by handing over a dossier of evidence alleging Indian involvement in cross-border terrorism in Balochistan and that was how the Prime Minister was forced to accept the reference to Balochistan. I was present at Sharm-El-Shaikh. Many Indian journalists were shocked on reading the joint statement. They asked me why Balochistan was mentioned in the statement. In fact, many of them, like many common Indians, were not aware of what was going on in Balochistan. Within a few hours, I started receiving calls from many Indian television channels asking what evidence Pakistan showed Dr. Singh of the alleged Indian involvement in Balochistan.

The situation in the province came in for detailed discussion during the first meeting of the Foreign Secretaries at Sharm-El-Shaikh in the evening of July 14, two days before the meeting of Dr. Singh and Mr. Gilani. Pakistani Foreign Secretary Salman Bashir told his Indian counterpart, Shiv Shankar Menon, that India must delink the composite dialogue process from action on terrorism, otherwise Pakistan would be forced to produce before the international media at least “three Indian Ajmal Kasabs” who were directly or indirectly part of the terrorist activities in Balochistan. He added that Pakistan would easily establish that the Indian Consulate in the Afghan city of Kandahar was actually a control room of terrorist activities organised by the separatist Balochistan Liberation Army (BLA). The three Indian nationals were arrested in Pakistan in the last few weeks. According to Pakistani officials, they have undeniable evidence of the links of these Indians with Baloch militants.

Mr. Bashir told Mr. Menon that Pakistan and India could not afford a blame game. If Pakistan were to come out with evidence of India’s involvement in the attack on Chinese engineers in the Gwadar port city, not only would India’s credibility be damaged but also more anti-India feelings would spread in Pakistan. The extremist forces would be the ultimate beneficiaries, Mr. Bashir said.

Pakistan is making noises about the alleged Indian involvement in the Baloch insurgency in a careful, calculated and “limited manner.” The U.S. magazine, Foreign Affairs (March 2009) published the report of a roundtable discussion on the causes of instability in Pakistan. Christine Fair of RAND Corporation said, “having visited the Indian mission in Zahedan, Iran, I can assure you they are not issuing visas as the main activity. Indian officials have told me privately that they are pumping money into Balochistan.”

Where is Zahedan? It is the capital of the Irani province Sistan-o-Balochistan bordering Pakistan. More than two million Balochis live on the Iranian side of Balochistan. Iran is building a big port of Chabahar in the same area with active help from India. Top Iranian leaders have repeatedly alleged that the Central Intelligence Agency is supporting the Iranian Balochis to destabilise the Islamic Republic. American journalist Seymour Hersh admitted in July 2008 that the Bush administration gave millions of dollars to the separatist Iranian group, Jandallah, which is responsible for violence in the Iranian part of Balochistan.

Pervez Musharraf gave Gwadar to the Chinese for development in 2003. Three Chinese engineers were killed and nine injured on May 3, 2004 in a remote-controlled car bomb attack. Two months later, Pakistan claimed for the first time that India was involved in the attack.

The Hindu : Opinion / Op-Ed : India and the Baloch insurgency
Indian state sponsored terrorism is a known fact since the creation of India in 1947.
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