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Khalistan !!!

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Actually, many pro-Khalistan Sikhs who have no hostility or distrust Pakistan feel that Pakistan under B.Bhutto "betrayed" the Khalistani movement when in early 1990s she handed over Khalistani fighters to indian government.

One of the reasons the backbone of the movement was destroyed was because of Bhutto's action. They are more upset obviously over the way indian authorities stormed and destroyed the golden temple during Op Bluestar.

Pakistan didn't give moral backing to Khalistan merely because it wanted to divide hindustan; it also had to do with some common culture with Punjabi sardars and some commonalities with the East Punjab ---which IN THEORY could have helped facilitate a 'friendlier' state as a neighbour on eastern sector. I'm being very frank and forthcoming here.

is the issue dead? Well we dont hear too much about it in the media, save for the huge protests of Sikh diaspora overseas.......But I dont think in today's Pakistan the mission is to meddle in the internal affairs of hindustan; though we do have security interests and concerns given the hostile nature of our relationship with the neighbour country.

actually it is the indians who are meddling in the affairs of Pakistan but that's a whole other issue
if you give a country to sikhs, they know how to make it bigger than that. I think pakistan had a late realization of that and that is how they stopped supporting it.

they can try. if there is enough support for it they'll get it. but i doubt lahore can fall to it now. sikhs left lahore of their own free will. they can't suddenly decide to go back there.
Actually, many pro-Khalistan Sikhs who have no hostility or distrust Pakistan feel that Pakistan under Z.A. Bhutto "betrayed" the Khalistani movement when in early 1990s he handed over Khalistani fighters to indian government.

I think you mean Benazir Bhutto, Z.A Bhutto died in 1979.
actually it is the indians who are meddling in the affairs of Pakistan but that's a whole other issue

Actually read a piece lately about US officials implicitly acknowledging the role India plays in Balochistan
Actually with 10 minutues of googling I was able to determine that they actually asked for a separate state in independence from British but british being you know what they planted the Seikhs into India and now india will feel the consequences no doubt

10 minutes of googling couldn't help you with the spelling of 'Sikh'? Are you really that stupid or are you deliberately trying to provoke people?
Something I am starting to understand more and more as I read British imperial history. The Americans are rank amateurs in the game of empire compared to the British.

The deaths and misery the British caused in total, makes the Nazis look like petty vandals.

The Brits were simply brilliant in manipulation. They did not have the might of the ground . They did so much more with so little. In the end they had subjugated folks in their military doing the killings.

Its natural for U.S with a reach all over the world to make Brits their natural ally who is also their cousins.
Well I am just increasing my general knowledge to be honest I was not actually aware there was this underground movement , in India called the Khalistan movement

And today I was more shocked to learn that its roots were planted way before 1947 - which was equally shocking to me

And the Seikh , community uses their own flags all over Europe/ America etc that weared UFO icon and it just clicked to me ...

I have never seen the Seikh community with an indian flag never ...
Well I am just increasing my general knowledge to be honest I was not actually aware there was this underground movement , in India called the Khalistan movement

And today I was more shocked to learn that its roots were planted way before 1947 - which was equally shocking to me

And the Seikh , community uses their own flags all over Europe/ America etc that weared UFO icon and it just clicked to me ...

I have never seen the Seikh community with an indian flag never ...

:rofl: Good going ... Now we have a movement that people claim is going on from 1947 and you have not even heard of it. Sounds like a very popular uprising !
Well I am just increasing my general knowledge to be honest I was not actually aware there was this underground movement , in India called the Khalistan movement

And today I was more shocked to learn that its roots were planted way before 1947 - which was equally shocking to me

And the Seikh , community uses their own flags all over Europe/ America etc that weared UFO icon and it just clicked to me ...

I have never seen the Seikh community with an indian flag never ...

Yes Right, Never seen Seikh community with Arab Countries Flag. :cheers:

A person who don't know what he saying, what to say.

In Last 2 days, This is 4th time happened. People don't even know Spelling, never been to U.K./Canada, Never met any Sikh, Never read History - And Here the Verdict. lol
Khali stan Zindabad.

Koi mujhe bhi batao Khali ko itni Zamin kisne di.
Actually, many pro-Khalistan Sikhs who have no hostility or distrust Pakistan feel that Pakistan under B.Bhutto "betrayed" the Khalistani movement when in early 1990s she handed over Khalistani fighters to indian government.

Ok, first of all, why would any pro-Khalistan Sikh have absolutely no hostility towards Pakistan? The movement for Khalistan dates back to independence times; a time when we all know there was no love lost between the two religious communities of muslims and sikhs. The actual partition was an extremely sad time in our history when both Muslims and Sikhs butchered each other. There is absolutely no reason for Sikhs to trust a nation state born from their blood, a state which caters only to the concerns of Muslims, a state that has treated them so poorly in the past.

Pakistan didn't give moral backing to Khalistan merely because it wanted to divide hindustan; it also had to do with some common culture with Punjabi sardars and some commonalities with the East Punjab ---which IN THEORY could have helped facilitate a 'friendlier' state as a neighbour on eastern sector. I'm being very frank and forthcoming here.

No, you are being extremely deceptive here. All the common culture with Punjabi Sikhs and East Punjab counted for naught at the time of Partition. The real reason why Pakistan gives "moral backing" to insurgent groups in India is because our historical differences. You want revenge for East Pakistan. Now I am being very frank here.

actually it is the indians who are meddling in the affairs of Pakistan but that's a whole other issue

Indians don't need to meddle in Pakistan since your country is doing such a fabulous job of self destructing. But as you said... that's a whole other issue.
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