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Khalistan flag/Nishan Sahib raised on Red fort, police clash with Sikh farmers

Damage is already done, no one is interested in India so called parade, world is focused on the "parade of tractors" running through the streets of Indian capital. HAHAHAHA. :omghaha: :omghaha:

listen carefully @0:30 someone voice is clearly recorded in this short clip saying "Goli Marni Parey Gi" mean some official was clearly either suggesting, enquiring or instructing to shot at protesters, and I think it is the same place were one protester has died allegedly due to gunshot.

As the video is captured by ANI which mean ANI representative was recording the incident with LAE officials, therefore I suggest someone should download this clip and upload on twitter separately so that even If this ANI delete this tweet video remain accessible.
That is what Indians get for allowing foreigners into bountiful India. "We'll work your amazingly productive farm land for you, Lord." many years later "We own the place." Germanics all all kinds do the same thing.
Surds have their own attributes, good & bad (like every other community). Patriotism is the good one. I read somewhere that at least one person from each Sikh family is in armed forces. Fools can have their wet-dreams. And there are plenty of them here.
When it comes to religion, Sikhism is an Indic faith just like Buddhism & Jainism. Another wet-dream of fools is the Sikhism versus Hinduism clash.
Its no wonder that these fools do not wonder why is their own house on fire even after attaining perfect unison & divine perfection. That simple question does not cross their mind.

Fools are those who talk about other's house on fire when their own house is on fire from losing 1000 sq of territory and still counting to 10% economic contraction, poverty, rapes, malnutrition, caste, religious clashes, riots, deadly protests etc.

Last year it was hindu muslim riots in Delhi, this year its Sikh. Next year. Any guess.
Fools are those who talk about other house in fire when their own house is on fire from losing 1000 sq of territory and still counting to 10% economic contraction, poverty, rapes, malnutrition, caste, religious clashes, riots, deadly protests etc.

Last year it was hindu muslim riots in Delhi, this year its Sikh. Next year. Any guess.
You can have your wet dreams about India.
Riots between two communities happen when TWO COMMUNITIES EXIST.
The more pertinent point to wonder is, why there SO MUCH PEACE in a house where only ONE COMMUNITY exists. The one which converted to PERFECTION and erased the originals. Did you ever wonder? Please dont. Some brain cells may explode due to pressure :p:
listen carefully @0:30 someone voice is clearly recorded in this short clip saying "Goli Marni Parey Gi" mean some official was clearly either suggesting, enquiring or instructing to shot at protesters, and I think it is the same place were one protester has died allegedly due to gunshot.

As the video is captured by ANI which mean ANI representative was recording the incident with LAE officials, therefore I suggest someone should download this clip and upload on twitter separately so that even If this ANI delete this tweet video remain accessible.

Nice catch. Whoever it was, sounded like a typical Bhakt.
beginning of a civil war
mitrrrrunnn!! pehlay Kashmir movement ko jagaya ab khalistan movement ko!!!

wah Modi g wah!! wahhhhhh!!!

Damage is already done, no one is interested in India so called parade, world is focused on the "parade of tractors" running through the streets of Indian capital. HAHAHAHA. :omghaha: :omghaha:
Last year it was hindu muslim riots in Delhi, this year its Sikh. Next year. Any guess.

Now I realize the meaning of famous Pakistani saying " dushmanon ki toppon mein keedey padh jaayein "

There is a sudden lack of indians on this forum. I wonder why. Indian numbers peaked here, especially in 2014.
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