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Khalistan flag/Nishan Sahib raised on Red fort, police clash with Sikh farmers

It's just a religious flag for representation, you can clearly see Indian national flags also being waved
"Some protesters reached a junction about 2 miles from where the prime minister, Narendra Modi, and other government leaders watched tanks and troops parade past and fighter jets fly overhead. Modi waved to crowds and was driven back to his residence before any personal confrontation with the farmers "

Indians coming with shity argument about flag. Who cares if its religious or Khalistan. The point is people protestors have taken over lal fort. The mob mentality of Indians continue to damage Indian reputation abroad. While watching those images after I have seen Delhi pics where mosques were vandalised, the idea of secular India is dead and buried. This is new fascist Hindustan.

The Indian capital on Republic day depicts a banana republic, with ongoing violence, Indian flags getting teared down.

Pure Chaos in the country.

And they talk about two front war :omghaha:
Very sad day for Modi government and BJP . Or is it ?
Khalistan and Nishan Sahib flags on Red Fort Delhi.


So things getting out of control.

These mob violences happen repeatedly in India.
The farmers themselves were waving Indian tricolor along with their religious sikh flags to represent themselves. The Indian tricolor is still flying high.
Please keep your propaganda to yourselves.
The farmers themselves were waving Indian tricolor along with their religious sikh flags to represent themselves. The Indian tricolor is still flying high.
Please keep your propaganda to yourselves.

What is the difference between Nishan Sahib (sikh flag) and khalistan flag?
What is the difference between Nishan Sahib (sikh flag) and khalistan flag?
I know there is similarity but one is religious and other is political/separatist, plus many times we can see khalistan clearly written in such flags.
Protesting farmers are not separatist khalistanis else they wouldn't be waving our Tricolour.
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