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Khalistan flag/Nishan Sahib raised on Red fort, police clash with Sikh farmers

hope its not true as Farmers protest is for civil rights of farmers. It is not about Khalistan. The energy, effort and sacrifices put by farmers for 2 months, mustn't be stained by some, if any.
I know there is similarity but one is religious and other is political/separatist, plus many times we can see khalistan clearly written in such flags.
Protesting farmers are not separatist khalistanis else they wouldn't be waving our Tricolour.
I cannot comment on the ground-realities of Delhi Protests as I do not possess the necessary information but I have witnessed approx 3 protests last month and numerous car rallies here in Germany; Farmer Solidarity and Khalistan demand was the only theme and I am not deducing it based on the similarities of flags, rather the actual banners, slogans and chants.
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Clearly many people are venting their anger on the state but this is no way acceptable, he should be put under custody at once and prosecuted. :mad::mad:
To be noted it was a fellow farmer that had handed him our Tricolour flag.
I cannot comment on the ground-realities of Delhi Protests as I do not posses the necessary information but I have witnessed approx 3 protests last month and numerous car rallies here in Germany; Farmer Solidarity and Khalistan demand was the only theme and I am not deducing it based on the similarities of flags, rather the actual banners, slogans and chants.
Yeah farmer protests have acted as a trigger for Khalistani elements outside India to spread their word. It won't work though, Indian sikhs are among the most patriotic people out there. Few trouble makers won't change that reality.
Clearly many people are venting their anger on the state but this is no way acceptable, he should be put under custody at once and prosecuted. :mad::mad:
To be noted it was a fellow farmer that had handed him our Tricolour flag.

Yeah farmer protests have acted as a trigger for Khalistani elements outside India to spread their word. It won't work though, Indian sikhs are among the most patriotic people out there. Few trouble makers won't change that reality.

Yet that's what's happening

Tricolour is being thrown away, twitter, FB, SM is full of conflict at the moment

I keep saying hindutva is the biggest weapon for Pakistan against India, but you guys if you want to save your nation really need to think about the divisions and divisive effect hindutva is having
mitrrrrunnn!! pehlay Kashmir movement ko jagaya ab khalistan movement ko!!!

wah Modi g wah!! wahhhhhh!!!

I know there is similarity but one is religious and other is political/separatist, plus many times we can see khalistan clearly written in such flags.
Protesting farmers are not separatist khalistanis else they wouldn't be waving our Tricolour.

Not every one in protest is holding Indian flag. If you look carefully there are more Khalistani flags than Indian flag which indicates they are mostly Khalistanis in protest but not all while here you are trying to portray that all these protesters are die hard Indians since some of them carry Indian flag too.
Indians coming with shity argument about flag. Who cares if its religious or Khalistan. The point is people protestors have taken over lal fort. The mob mentality of Indians continue to damage Indian reputation abroad. While watching those images after I have seen Delhi pics where mosques were vandalised, the idea of secular India is dead and buried. This is new fascist Hindustan.

The Indian capital on Republic day depicts a banana republic, with ongoing violence, Indian flags getting teared down.

Pure Chaos in the country.

And they talk about two front war

Damage is already done, no one is interested in India so called parade, world is focused on the "parade of tractors" running through the streets of Indian capital. HAHAHAHA. :omghaha: :omghaha:

I am of the view that things are not that bad as we Pakistanis are thinking. Sikhs have always been very patriotic towards India, and I think same is case now. Or anyone wants to correct me?

Usually I would agree, but with modi in power anything can happen. Even Kashmir seemed like a lost cause until he came along.
I am of the view that things are not that bad as we Pakistanis are thinking. Sikhs have always been very patriotic towards India, and I think same is case now. Or anyone wants to correct me?
Surds have their own attributes, good & bad (like every other community). Patriotism is the good one. I read somewhere that at least one person from each Sikh family is in armed forces. Fools can have their wet-dreams. And there are plenty of them here.
When it comes to religion, Sikhism is an Indic faith just like Buddhism & Jainism. Another wet-dream of fools is the Sikhism versus Hinduism clash.
Its no wonder that these fools do not wonder why is their own house on fire even after attaining perfect unison & divine perfection. That simple question does not cross their mind.
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