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Kerry-Lugar Bill or an attempt to further pressurize Pakistan

ISLAMABAD: Foreign Minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi has said that he is going to the United States to convey the stance of Pakistan‘s leadership regarding Kerry-Lugar Bill.

Talking to media men here at the Airport before his departure to the United States, the foreign minister said that he has no personal agenda but going to US with national agenda.

The foreign minister said that Pakistan would not compromise on its sovereignty and after holding meetings in US recently, he believed that the US has no intentions for Micromanagement.

Responding to a question, Shah Mehmood Qureshi said that at present, a democratic government is in power and taking people into confidence over important decisions, adding in the past important decision were taken secretly.

He emphasized that Pakistan has to uphold its regional, economical and political interests and besides that has to strengthen and deepen its relations with the United States.

The foreign minister underlined that instead of point scoring, there was need to keep in mind the realities and to move forward talks in a positive way, saying the aid of $7.5 billion cannot be ignored as entire world including Pakistan is facing economic crisis.

Shah Mehmood Qureshi recalled that he informed US Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, Senators Jon Kerry and Lugar about Pakistan‘s stance and the Parliament has been informed in this regard.

According to sources, the foreign minister would meet his US counterpart Hillary Clinton today (Tuesday) to inform her about Pakistan‘s stance on Kerry-Lugar bill.

* Foreign minister due to leave for US to request President Obama postpone signing of bill

By Irfan Ghauri

ISLAMABAD: Prime Minister Yousaf Raza Gilani contacted the leaders of various political parties on Sunday and informed them of the government’s plan to pass a unanimous resolution in both Houses of parliament notifying the US that Pakistan would not accept any aid unless the US amended the controversial clauses.

The leaders Gilani talked to on the phone included Awami National Party chief Asfandyar Wali, Jamiat Ulema-e-Islam-Fazl chief Fazlur Rehman, Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N) President Shahbaz Shairf, PML-Quaid President Chaudhry Shujaat and PML-Q Punjab President Chaudhry Pervez Elahi, PML-Functional chief Pir Pagara, Muttahida Quami Movement Convenor Farooq Sattar and Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaaf chief Imran Khan.

Chairman Joint Chiefs of Staff Committee General Tariq Majid also met the premier and discussed the Kerry-Lugar Bill. Both leaders decided the final national response to the bill would be given at the conclusion of the parliamentary debate.

Sources said a committee of lawmakers would draft the joint resolution, adding it was likely both Houses would pass resolutions on Thursday or Friday.

Postpone: Foreign Minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi is also due to leave for the US, where a private TV channel has reported he will request President Barack Obama to postpone signing the bill.
I am surprised to see the take by some senior journalists about the Kerry Lugar Bill, it seems that they find this bill to be the exact recipe which Pakistan needs...strange that they seem to deliberately miss the lines which directly implicate Pakistan as a culprit and give unprecedented official access to US...
Maybe such individuals feel that already US can access anything in Pakistan and if we are implicated and asked to be a good boy in future...what is the harm if we are getting money?
It is not like we shall be helping any terrorist outfit...

Maybe this can be called a practical compromise to ensure quick relief but there is a serious aspect which such an assessment overlooks...

The very bloody civilian the analysts seem to be thinking for would be out in the streets if the bill is accepted as it is and the democracy (whatever state it is in) will evaporate in thin air...the abrasive language used in the Bill needs to be amended to not just address the concerns of the PA but also to win over the wide segment of society which sincerely wants Pakistan to regain its sovereignty...

Personally i feel that we need the money and should just change a few lines in the bill which are unacceptable, regarding the clause about PA not interfering in the way of democracy, just tying all US aid to a prerequisite of a democratically elected government should suffice...

Here is the article...i personally do not agree with the author here...he is too venomous against the past wrongs of the Army and is overlooking what is perhaps a genuine concern for the integrity and solidarity of Pakistan and the future unity of the nation...

I have read the complete text of the Kerry-Lugar Bill four times. I find nothing in it that impinges on Pakistan’s sovereignty, which went out the window with the Pakistan Army’s first steps towards forming a symbiotic, but completely inferior, relationship with the United States military.

I give below verbatim (parenthesis mine) an exact copy, but slightly abbreviated, of a Top Secret but now declassified (vide NND 959417 14/1/93) letter written by Gen Mohammad Ayub Khan, C-in-C of the Pakistan Army, to Admiral Arthur Radford, Chairman Joint Chiefs of Staff, Pentagon [sic], Washington D.C. (Please read at Afghanistan - Pakistan documents - by Paul Wolf)

‘General Headquarters
27th Sep ‘55.
D.O. No. 7/36/C-in-C.

My dear Admiral Radford,
Considering that you have been such a good friend, I thought you would be interested to know how the affairs of military aid stand looked at from our angle … which to say the least is gloomy.

2. In early 1954, we were informed that Meyer’s Mission was coming out to Pakistan to negotiate details of military aid with us. In order to prepare our appreciation and plan for presentation to this Mission, we made several approaches to Pentagon [sic] to give us an indication of the scope of the aid. On failing to get any reply we prepared our case on the following basis.
In the event of major aggression against Pakistan, determine the forces required to:-
(a) Defend it.
(b) Launch a counter-offensive from it.
The result of appreciation on the above basis gave us an estimate of the additional effort to be put in by USA. [sic] after deducting our maximum effort on one or both scores, depending on how far America was prepared to go. It was not till the end of our briefing we were told [sic] that … the Mission had come out to find out our deficiencies in nuts and bolts and no more.

3. Then came our meeting in Washington in October ‘54. On it [sic] we were told
that America would be prepared to complete one ½ Division of our Armour and four Divisions of Infantry, and as we were spending the maximum we could on Armed Forces, apart from weapons etc required our additional
internal expense [salaries, staff cars?] would also be covered for these Formations. The programme was to take three years to complete. Thereafter our dealings began with the USMAAG.

4 .Now that the target was set, I thought the things will move smoothly so long as a sound working arrangement was evolved between the American Staff and our Staff. So, I issued a directive to my staff that they will work in close collaboration with the Americans, who were also asked to work more or less on a joint staff basis with our fellows. Unfortunately I failed to obtain American cooperation on this with the result that when our staff presented our requirements list it was objected to on the ground that our Divisional strength was in excess of theirs, which could not be supported. In any case no more than 40,000 additional men could be catered for. Our figure was 56,000 men. When asked for the working of the figure of 40,000 men, no satisfactory answer could be given.

5. Thereupon the whole thing was put in the melting pot and our staff went to work again. We reduced our establishments to remain within 40,000 men additional permissible limit with the following effect:-
(a) Reducing of officer strength by 20per cent.
(b) Reduction of JCO and OR strength by 10per cent.
(c) Conversion of A/Tk units to Fd Arty Units.
(d) Conversion of two 5.5’ gun units to 155 mm How units.
(e) Non-activation of certain units.
(f) Deletion of expansion in Schools & Centers [sic].

6. Our requirements based on above [sic] were then worked out and submitted to USMAAG and presumably accepted by the Department of the Army, who allotted certain amount of funds for internal use for the fiscal year 1954-55. Incidentally the allotment for a certain set of accommodation [!] estimated to cost 16.64 crores [sic] rupees was 7.40 crores and so on. Meanwhile, the whole of Pakistan Army [sic] in general and especially the five ½ Divisions earmarked for completion are being churned up and re-organised to conform as far as practicable to American establishments.

7. Then came the bomb-shell in the form of the message from the Head of the USMAAG … shorn of its verbiage it reads that as far as the Army is concerned the ceiling of military aid is 75.5 million dollars and that all talk of balancing five ½ Division [sic] is revoked.

8. Forgive me for being frank, but I would be failing in my duty if I did not tell you that our people are completely frustrated. They think they have been given an enormous amount of work unnecessarily and that they have been let down. They are in a mood not to accept an American word however solemnly given. This is sad in that it does not augur well for our future good relationship which was one of the things I had been hoping to develop.

9. What the political repercussions be [sic] when this news gets known, and after all you cannot conceal facts indefinitely in a Democracy [this is really rich coming from the grand-daddy of coups d’état in the Land of the Pure!], I do not know. But one thing I do know that [sic] this government will come under tremendous pressure and fire from within and without.
Hope you are in very good health.
With best wishes,
Yours sincerely,
M.A. Khan’

So, gentlemen, why the discourteous, nay rebellious reaction to the Kerry-Lugar bill? Bullying the ‘bloody civilians,’ eh? After all your great forebear even gave out the TO&E (table of organisation and equipment) of the Pakistan Army in such detail? Surely the bit about the secretary of state certifying ever so often that the bloody civilians in Pakistan ‘exercise effective control of the military…’!?

I can only appeal to President Obama not to change a single word in the bill except ‘or the reallocation of Pakistan’s financial resources that would otherwise be spent for programmes and activities unrelated to its nuclear weapons programme.’

For that is our money. Otherwise tell ‘em to take it or leave it. Our Rommels and Guderians are not about to alight from their top of the line BMWs and Mercedes and climb into Suzuki Mehrans.
Pak, Pak Parliment and Pak miltary forces refused Kerry-Lugar Bill with these conditions
Kerry Lugar Bill has definite Issues

The Kerry-Lugar Bill: details and conditions

(The Bill starts off with saying that No money and Defence equipment will be issued to Pakistan unless a"Certificate" is issued by US officials)

(A) ceasing support, including by any elements within the Pakistan military or its intelligence agency, to extremist and terrorist groups, particularly to any group that has conducted attacks against the United States or coalition forces in Afghanistan, or against the territory or people of neighbouring countries;

(B) preventing al-Qaeda, the Taliban and associated terrorist groups, such as Lashkar-e-Taiba and Jaish-e-Mohammed, from operating in the territory of Pakistan, including carrying out cross-border attacks into neighbouring countries, closing terrorist camps in the Fata, dismantling terrorist bases of operations in other parts of the country, including Quetta and Muridke, and taking action when provided with intelligence about high-level terrorist targets; and

(C) strengthening counterterrorism and anti-money laundering laws; and
(3) the security forces of Pakistan are not materially and substantially subverting the political or judicial processes of Pakistan.

(a) Pakistan Assistance Strategy Report- Not later than 45 days after the date of enactment of this Act, the Secretary of State shall submit to the appropriate congressional committees a report describing United States policy and strategy with respect to assistance to Pakistan under this Act. The report shall include the following: (1) A description of the principal objectives of United States assistance to Pakistan to be provided under title I of this Act.

lol , its funny ,:rofl: sign the document frist , and then we will define what the US strategy is with respect to Pakistan , should it not be defined ... look here is what we want you to do ... etc

(D) cease all support for extremist and terrorist groups; ??? wtf moment - Of course the line is a 1 liner hidden in legal mumbo jumbo lawyers do to his it ...

(13) an assessment of whether assistance provided to Pakistan has directly or indirectly aided the expansion of Pakistan’s nuclear weapons program, whether by the diversion of United States assistance or the reallocation of Pakistan’s financial resources that would otherwise be spent for programs and activities unrelated to its nuclear weapons program;

a list of persons or entities from the United States or other countries that have received funds in excess of $100,000 to conduct projects, like if you are a company who does business in Pakistan , now you will be reported to USA... :police: yeaaaaaaaa right that will kill off all our trade if US decides to put sanctions ... trade will go from 205 billion dollar to 1 rupee if they get database of all companies that do busines with pakistan

Pakistan should provide the list - Try asking anyone in US gov to give their personal information fro ISI usage ? exactly ... you don't do such things - there is something called privacy of businesses and people :usflag:

(forget doing business ppl ... with companies you can't move money now lol)
Foreign Minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi has said that he is going to the United States to convey the stance of Pakistan‘s leadership regarding Kerry-Lugar Bill.
Pakistan's leadership! does he meant the moron politicians?
US embassy in Pakistan is dictating and intimidating the ruling party ministers, if they had balls they may have asked the petterson to respect law of the land in her day to day activities.
Does PPP need army to point out every anti Pakistan activity?
US embassy is openly brokering deals of Pakistan establishment officers with RAW but army did not interfer in the matter and left it to diplomats to object! had any politician bothered to object?

We didn't wanted Qureshi to go to US, we wanted our parliament to pass our own bill in response to kerry-logger bill and Qureshi may hand it over to Anny petterson.
A lot has been discussed and written about this bill rather I should say it is still in process. Even a person who cant analyze his own domestic issues speaks like an expert on this bill. This is what my friends has told me is going on in Pakistan.
The following column I don’t know how this should be taken but any way I pasting for every one

BBC Urdu - ?? ?? ?? ???? ???? - ??? ?? ??? ??? ???

کئي دن ہوئے کہ اخبار 'فرنٹیئر پوسٹ' میں کارٹونسٹ ظہور کا ایک کارٹون چھپا تھا کہ ایک مفلوک الحال چیتھڑوں میں ملبوس فاقہ کش آدمی کے منہ تک آتے آتے کانٹے میں لگی روٹی کا ٹکڑا ایک فوجی ہاتھ چھین رہا ہے۔ یہ کارٹون نواز شریف دور حکومت میں سول اداروں کو فوج کے حوالے کرنے پر ایک طنز تھا۔

پھر آپ نے دیکھا کہ اخبار 'فرنٹیئر پوسٹ' کے مالک رحمت شاہ آفریدی کو کچھ دنوں بعد جیل بھجوانے والے وزیر اعظم نواز شریف خود بھی تختہ دار کو چھوتے چھوتے واپس 'چلے' گئے۔

کہتے ہیں کہ رحمت شاہ کا اصل جرم ان کے اخبار کے وہ پنگے تھے جو وہ ضیاالحق کی فوجی آمریت سے لے کر نواز شریف کی سول آمریت تک لیتے آئے تھے۔ اب نواز شریف جمہوریت کے بھولو پہلوان بنے ہوئے ہیں۔ لیکن غریب عوام کے منہ تک آتے نوالے پر فوجی ہاتھ اب بھی ایک سوال بنا ہوا ہے۔

وہ کارٹون مجھے حال ہی میں امریکہ کی طرف سے پاکستان کو کیری لوگر بل کے نام پر ملنے والی غیر فوجی امداد پر اٹھنے والے طوفان پر یاد آیا۔

کور کمانڈروں کی پارلیمینٹ نے امریکہ کی طرف سے پاکستان کی غیر فوجی امداد کے کیری لوگر بل پر اپنے سخت تحفظات کا اظہار کیا ہے یعنی کہ وہ افسانہ جس کا ذکر پوری دنیا میں ہے اس کی بات ان کو بہت ناگوار گزری ہے۔

ناگوار گزرتی ہے آپ کو آپ کے پڑوسی کی بات کہ اس کے بچے کو آّپ کے کتے نے کاٹا ہے اور آپ اسے زنجیر میں باندھ کر رکھیں۔

غیرت کا تقاضا ہے کہ امریکی ڈالر چاہيں لیکن غیر مشروط۔ ایٹم بم فیکٹریاں غیر مشروط۔ ممبئی تک مار کرنے والے فلاحی ادارے غیر مشروط۔ لگتا ہے ٹرپل ون بریگيڈ، ملا بریگيڈ اور میڈيا بریگيڈ 'ہم سب ہوں گے کامیاب ایک دن' گانے میں لگے ہوئے ہیں۔ سندھی میں کہتے ہیں کوے کو شور میں مزہ آتا ہے۔

ایوب خان کے دنوں میں جب غریب سکولوں کے بچوں میں امریکی خشک دودھ بانٹا جاتا تھا تو یہ مولوی کہتے تھے کہ 'یہ دودھ بچوں کو مت لینے دو کہ یہ سورنی کا دودھ ہے۔' ایٹم بم کے برابر خطرناک آبادی کے بم کو روکنے کے لیے جب امریکی امداد سے خاندانی منصوبہ بندی کی گئی تو کہتے تھے کہ 'قوم کے مردوں کو خصی بنانے کی سازش ہے۔' جب ذوالفقار علی بھٹو نے سوشلزم کا نعرہ دیا تو کہتے تھے 'سوشلزم کا مقصد بھائی کی بہن سے شادی' اور اب کیری لوگر بل ایک اور سقوط ڈھاکہ۔


Shireen M Mazari

The Kerry Lugar Bill has woken Pakistanis up to the realities of debilitating conditionalities that accompany US aid. The Americans love to claim, “there is no free lunch”, but no one in Pakistan thought that the cost of supporting the US in its War on Terror would be so high for the nation. Apart from the human lives lost of Pakistanis, there have been the economic costs of becoming a front line state with all that that implies in terms of foreign investment and export orders lost, higher costs of insurance and related matters. However, the most lethal cost has been in terms of the destruction of our society’s social fabric with the polarisation, the violence and the extremism. It is not that the seeds of these conflicts were not there before 9/11, but certainly their fruition has been a direct result of the Pakistan leadership’s hasty embrace of the US War on Terror. The irony is that with all these costs, has the US shown an iota of understanding for the Pakistani nation’s predicament? The simple answer is “No”. Be it in terms of understanding our military’s limitations, our nation’s psyche, or our neighbour India’s historic designs on Pakistan, the US has simply not comprehended what Pakistan is all about. Instead, it has tried one leadership after another, tried to broker political deals in order to push its own agendas and its vision of what Pakistan should be, and increased its aggressive approach towards this nation directly in proportion to its worsening position in Afghanistan. Somehow there is a feeling within the US decision makers that if they drag us down the road of their failures we will become as entrenched in a quagmire and more vulnerable to their imperial diktat.

The KLB is in a way a culmination of their neoimperialist approach to Pakistan which ironically increased in pace after the Obama takeover. Nor is Pakistan being isolated for such treatment. What is being done to us through the KLB has been done to many other US close “allies” before us and continues to be done to many others. Therefore it is good to understand the inherent imperialist trait that forms part of the American psyche. And the best way of understanding this is to see how the US continues to behave towards some of the states in Latin America which it has regarded as its own backyard since the days of the Monroe Doctrine when even the League of Nations was not allowed to intervene in dispute settlement in this region.

If we are concerned about the KLB conditionalities, let us look at the case of Colombia for instance, where in 2000 Clinton signed Public Law 106-246, which included $1.3 billion in aid to that country. Of course, unlike in the case of the KLB and Pakistan, the aid for Colombia was largely military.

The aid had the usual list of intrusive conditionalities attached to it, and the aid flow for each fiscal year was dependent upon the certification by the US secretary of state before the appropriate US Congressional committees that, inter alia, the President of Colombia had given in writing a commitment that those in his armed forces who had committed violations of human rights would be brought to justice in Colombia’s civilian courts, in accordance with the 1997 ruling of Colombia’s Constitutional Court regarding civilian court jurisdiction in human rights cases. While we all want the military under civilian control, do we want a foreign power to takeover implementation of it for us? Nor was this all. The certification also required that the chief of the armed forces had immediately suspended from duty any Colombian armed forces personnel against whom there was credible proof that they had committed gross human rights violations or had aided or abetted paramilitary groups.

The aid bill actually went into minute details of how it had to be shown that the armed forces were cooperating with the civilian government in persecuting their members who were in violation of human rights, in civilian courts, for purposes of certification by the US secretary of state. It was also required of the Colombian government that it ensures the prosecution of militant leaders and fighters as well as those armed forces personnel who were aiding or abetting these groups. Certainly sounds familiar in the context of the KLB and while it may not be as specific and harsh, if we concede the present conditions, it will get worse the next time round - especially with many within the country always ready to use the US to undermine certain institutions of the state. The Colombian aid bill also contained another most intrusive conditionality clause that actually demanded that the Colombian armed forces develop and deploy in their field units a Judge Advocate General Corps to investigate Colombian armed forces personnel for misconduct.

Nor is it just Colombia that has had to suffer US conditionalities. Mexico, which is battling drug and crime cartels, saw a single US Senator, Patrick Leahy, in August 2009, hold up US anti-drug aid to Mexico because he felt that, “Mexico has not yet met human rights requirements laid down in US law for the release of millions of dollars in US anti-narcotics aid.” This aid was to come under the programme Merida Initiative and under US law 15 percent of Merida funds are to be withheld until the secretary of state reports to Congress that the Mexican government has met four requirements including prosecuting military and police officers who violate human rights. The Mexican Army was again targeted despite the fact that it has been in the forefront of the fight against cartels. Why are militaries particularly targeted? One, because they tend to have a more indigenous perspective on national issues which may come into conflict with US agendas; and, two, because they tend to be the most powerful institutions in most of these states. So unless the US can tame them and bring them into line, their interests can suffer setbacks. Of course, most citizens in developing states also want the military’s dominance to end over the civilian sector and especially over the political systems, but few would want to have the US intruding on that count in the state’s internal workings. This becomes even more pertinent when we know that the US has its own designs for countries like ours and these may not be what we are seeking for ourselves.

Unless our leaders understand the imperialist mindset of the American state, which has overwhelmed even the outsider Obama and brought him into line not only with continuing the Bush policies on Afghanistan and Pakistan but of accelerating them especially in their punitive context. That is why it is critical for Pakistan to declare “enough is enough” and rid ourselves of the miniscule 3 percent of the budget that KLB would contribute to if the whole $1.5 billion actually went into national development rather than into the pockets of consultants, advisers, firms, individuals and others of their ilk! Surely, the costs for this amount of addition are too much. Can we not finally focus on self-help, ending corruption and actually developing our rich resources - and most importantly, ridding ourselves of our tried, tested and retried failed leaders?
'No change' to Pakistan aid bill - BBC

A top US senator behind a major aid package to Pakistan has said there are no conditions attached to it that "impinge" on Pakistan's sovereignty.

Senator John Kerry made the comment after a meeting with Pakistani Foreign Minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi.

The package, which Mr Kerry co-authored with Senator Richard Lugar, triples non-military aid to Pakistan to an annual outlay of $1.5bn for five years.

The Kerry-Lugar bill set several conditions for the aid to Pakistan.

Under the bill, the secretary of state will have to certify periodically that Pakistan is working to dismantle the illegal nuclear proliferation networks.

The US also has to certify that Pakistan is no longer supporting militant groups.

The aid money will be spent on various development projects.

'Correct interpretation'

The Pakistani army has expressed "serious concerns" about the package and said it was uneasy about "clauses impacting on national security".

But Mr Kerry told the Pakistani foreign minister - who is in Washington to highlight these concerns - that Pakistan had no reason to worry.

"There is nothing in this bill that impinges on Pakistani sovereignty - period, end of issue. And we have no intention of doing so," he told reporters.

"The bill doesn't have to be changed. If there is a misinterpretation, it simply has to be clarified," he said.

The Kerry-Lugar bill, which has been cleared by the US Congress, does not "require anything of Pakistan that isn't already the stated policy of the government and opposition parties,"," he said.

Mr Qureshi, who was in Washington only last week expressing his support for the bill, said: "It is my responsibility as a friend of this relationship - a person who wants to deepen and strengthen this relationship - that we address these concerns."

"We are going to work on it collectively to give it the correct interpretation," he added.

The BBC's M Ilyas Khan in Islamabad says this clearly suggests a disconnect between the army and the civilian leadership, which has hailed the Kerry-Lugar bill as a success of Pakistani government's engagement with the US.

The aid money will not be directly handed over to Pakistan.

It will be spent on different development projects through the US embassy in Islamabad.

According to reports, a special unit is being established in the embassy, which will maintain accounts of the aid spent and strictly monitor it.

Recently, the US said it had provided more than $3bn in aid to Pakistan since President Zardari came to power a year ago.

The money was given in "combined security, economic and development assistance", US officials said.

In May this year, the US announced it was sending $110m (£71m) in aid to Pakistan to help it cope with the refugee crisis caused by violence between troops and the Taliban in the north-west.
But Mr Kerry told the Pakistani foreign minister - who is in Washington to highlight these concerns - that Pakistan had no reason to worry.

"There is nothing in this bill that impinges on Pakistani sovereignty - period, end of issue. And we have no intention of doing so," he told reporters.

"The bill doesn't have to be changed. If there is a misinterpretation, it simply has to be clarified," he said.

Mr Qureshi, who was in Washington only last week expressing his support for the bill, said: "It is my responsibility as a friend of this relationship - a person who wants to deepen and strengthen this relationship - that we address these concerns."

"We are going to work on it collectively to give it the correct interpretation," he added.

Correct interpretation, my foot!

These bloody fools think we are idiots!

If Pakistan accept this bill then it means that Pakistan is accepting that it was involved in terrorists activities in the region.

The language should be that Pakistan WILL CONTINUE TO SUPPORT efforts to end terrorism, period, end of the bloody discussion.

If the National Assembly is not able to reject this bill then it is a slap on the faces of all those who supported NS, CJP and who were all oppose to Gen. Musharraf!

Where is NS? Probably he is also happy to give control of our forces into the American hands!

We didn't have this kind of langauge in Musharraf's era.

A lot has been discussed and written about this bill rather I should say it is still in process. Even a person who cant analyze his own domestic issues speaks like an expert on this bill. This is what my friends has told me is going on in Pakistan.
The following column I don’t know how this should be taken but any way I pasting for every one

BBC Urdu - ?? ?? ?? ???? ???? - ??? ?? ??? ??? ???

کئي دن ہوئے کہ اخبار 'فرنٹیئر پوسٹ' میں کارٹونسٹ ظہور کا ایک کارٹون چھپا تھا کہ ایک مفلوک الحال چیتھڑوں میں ملبوس فاقہ کش آدمی کے منہ تک آتے آتے کانٹے میں لگی روٹی کا ٹکڑا ایک فوجی ہاتھ چھین رہا ہے۔ یہ کارٹون نواز شریف دور حکومت میں سول اداروں کو فوج کے حوالے کرنے پر ایک طنز تھا۔

پھر آپ نے دیکھا کہ اخبار 'فرنٹیئر پوسٹ' کے مالک رحمت شاہ آفریدی کو کچھ دنوں بعد جیل بھجوانے والے وزیر اعظم نواز شریف خود بھی تختہ دار کو چھوتے چھوتے واپس 'چلے' گئے۔

کہتے ہیں کہ رحمت شاہ کا اصل جرم ان کے اخبار کے وہ پنگے تھے جو وہ ضیاالحق کی فوجی آمریت سے لے کر نواز شریف کی سول آمریت تک لیتے آئے تھے۔ اب نواز شریف جمہوریت کے بھولو پہلوان بنے ہوئے ہیں۔ لیکن غریب عوام کے منہ تک آتے نوالے پر فوجی ہاتھ اب بھی ایک سوال بنا ہوا ہے۔

وہ کارٹون مجھے حال ہی میں امریکہ کی طرف سے پاکستان کو کیری لوگر بل کے نام پر ملنے والی غیر فوجی امداد پر اٹھنے والے طوفان پر یاد آیا۔

کور کمانڈروں کی پارلیمینٹ نے امریکہ کی طرف سے پاکستان کی غیر فوجی امداد کے کیری لوگر بل پر اپنے سخت تحفظات کا اظہار کیا ہے یعنی کہ وہ افسانہ جس کا ذکر پوری دنیا میں ہے اس کی بات ان کو بہت ناگوار گزری ہے۔

ناگوار گزرتی ہے آپ کو آپ کے پڑوسی کی بات کہ اس کے بچے کو آّپ کے کتے نے کاٹا ہے اور آپ اسے زنجیر میں باندھ کر رکھیں۔

غیرت کا تقاضا ہے کہ امریکی ڈالر چاہيں لیکن غیر مشروط۔ ایٹم بم فیکٹریاں غیر مشروط۔ ممبئی تک مار کرنے والے فلاحی ادارے غیر مشروط۔ لگتا ہے ٹرپل ون بریگيڈ، ملا بریگيڈ اور میڈيا بریگيڈ 'ہم سب ہوں گے کامیاب ایک دن' گانے میں لگے ہوئے ہیں۔ سندھی میں کہتے ہیں کوے کو شور میں مزہ آتا ہے۔

ایوب خان کے دنوں میں جب غریب سکولوں کے بچوں میں امریکی خشک دودھ بانٹا جاتا تھا تو یہ مولوی کہتے تھے کہ 'یہ دودھ بچوں کو مت لینے دو کہ یہ سورنی کا دودھ ہے۔' ایٹم بم کے برابر خطرناک آبادی کے بم کو روکنے کے لیے جب امریکی امداد سے خاندانی منصوبہ بندی کی گئی تو کہتے تھے کہ 'قوم کے مردوں کو خصی بنانے کی سازش ہے۔' جب ذوالفقار علی بھٹو نے سوشلزم کا نعرہ دیا تو کہتے تھے 'سوشلزم کا مقصد بھائی کی بہن سے شادی' اور اب کیری لوگر بل ایک اور سقوط ڈھاکہ۔


This is all vested propaganda and such writers hide the important facts.
No body cares, how much does it cost for one day foreign tour of PPP politicians!
This govt. has even made expensive foreign tours to collect charity!
DAWN.COM | World | Congresswoman asks NA to accept US aid package

WASHINGTON: One of Pakistan’s strongest sympathisers in the US Congress, Sheila Jackson Lee, has urged the National Assembly to accept the aid package contained in the recently passed Kerry-Lugar bill.

Congresswoman Jackson Lee is the co-chair of the Congressional Pakistan Caucus and a member of the House Foreign Affairs Committee.

‘I understand that some people in Pakistan view the Kerry-Lugar bill as a threat to Pakistani sovereignty,’ Lee stated, ‘but my colleagues in Congress and I designed this legislation to help the people of Pakistan. Pakistan has consistently been a crucial ally in the fight against Al Qaeda, and I expect this assistance package to enhance our already strong bilateral relationship’.

Senator John Kerry, the chairman of the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations and Congressman Howard Berman, who chairs the House Committee on Foreign Affairs have also made similar appeals.

Lee observed that the recently passed ‘Enhanced Partnership with Pakistan Act of 2009’ authorises $1.5 billion per year for the next five years for democratic, economic and social development assistance.

Lee was an original co-sponsor of the House version of this bill, and worked tirelessly to include language promoting education and employment opportunities for young Pakistanis. The legislation is currently awaiting President Obama’s signature to pass it into law.

Congresswoman Jackson Lee welcomed Pakistan’s internal debate over how to receive the assistance package, calling it a ‘healthy expression of democracy,’ but expressed optimism that Pakistan will ultimately see the assistance package as altruistic.

'As a member of Congress,’ she said, ‘I understand the importance of deliberating over decisions of this magnitude; however, I firmly believe that this assistance package will create important educational, democratic, and economic opportunities for the people of
DAWN.COM | World | Congresswoman asks NA to accept US aid package

WASHINGTON: One of Pakistan’s strongest sympathisers in the US Congress, Sheila Jackson Lee, has urged the National Assembly to accept the aid package contained in the recently passed Kerry-Lugar bill.

Congresswoman Jackson Lee is the co-chair of the Congressional Pakistan Caucus and a member of the House Foreign Affairs Committee.

‘I understand that some people in Pakistan view the Kerry-Lugar bill as a threat to Pakistani sovereignty,’ Lee stated, ‘but my colleagues in Congress and I designed this legislation to help the people of Pakistan. Pakistan has consistently been a crucial ally in the fight against Al Qaeda, and I expect this assistance package to enhance our already strong bilateral relationship’.

Senator John Kerry, the chairman of the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations and Congressman Howard Berman, who chairs the House Committee on Foreign Affairs have also made similar appeals.

Lee observed that the recently passed ‘Enhanced Partnership with Pakistan Act of 2009’ authorises $1.5 billion per year for the next five years for democratic, economic and social development assistance.

Lee was an original co-sponsor of the House version of this bill, and worked tirelessly to include language promoting education and employment opportunities for young Pakistanis. The legislation is currently awaiting President Obama’s signature to pass it into law.

Congresswoman Jackson Lee welcomed Pakistan’s internal debate over how to receive the assistance package, calling it a ‘healthy expression of democracy,’ but expressed optimism that Pakistan will ultimately see the assistance package as altruistic.

'As a member of Congress,’ she said, ‘I understand the importance of deliberating over decisions of this magnitude; however, I firmly believe that this assistance package will create important educational, democratic, and economic opportunities for the people of

no pakistani will ever accept this bill other than traitors they can take their bill and shove it up their ***** .
This bill should be returned back to Congress - with a 1 finger salute

I find the trade information disclosure, and admitance of support of terrorist firms/oranization (mentioned in the bill) has a suicide clause.

A free nation cannot disclose its national assets (nuclear) nor should it disclose which firms do business in Pakistan as these trade firm will be harassed by CIA or other future pressure tactics.

5-6 Billion dollars is not much amount , I am positive China can loan us that amount if it was so badly needed.

China is far more dependable friend for Pakistan then US will ever be

Its based on Facts

1971 US Arms embargo paved way for Pakistan's eastern front to collapse
1980's So called war with USSR brought influx of extremism and Drugs into Pakistan
1990's US stole Pakistan's F16 and put them to rust
2000's US gave nuclear deal to India
2000's US started this joke war on terror, which costs Pakistan's tourism
Trade and other fronts and in return they give this funny Kerry Lugar Bill.

The only thing consistent about US is , that US is a inconsistent "FRIEND" who is more of a 1 night stand
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2000's US gave nuclear deal to India
This is the most funny part considering US a signatory of NPT asking Pakistan a non signatory of NPT to not prolifirate!
Why can't IAEA ask US to stop proliferating?

2000's US started this joke war on terror, which costs Pakistan's tourism
US war has halted Pakistan's economic growth. Estimates says WOT is costing Pakistan around 35$ per year.
This is apart from the wide spread agony and loss of life and infrastructure.
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