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Kerala named among world's top 10 holiday destinations

Well i too have a handful of keralite friends,you see i live in UAE.And this place runs because of keralites.Most of my trainees are usually arabs,but i dread giving trainings to malayalees.They take me to my witsend.gawd!!

Language barrier? incompetence?

And U.A.E is like our home away from our home.
I visited Kerala with my gal half a year ago and for both of us it was our best days of our miserable 22 years of life...........nuff said ;)
Kerala Tourism director S. Harikishore, who led the state delegation to the World Travel Mart, received the award from Lonely Planet.

S Harikishor ,the Kerala tourism director is a highly dynamic efficient and young officer,a lot of the credit goes to this guy.He was the sub collector in my neighboring district.I have seen him quite a few times.An IITian as well.
We need more officers like him to take our country towards greatness.
Language barrier? incompetence?
Nope you got me wrong.
They are extremely sharp....lol.And their questions can drive me to my wits end.May be because i am incompetent.
At the same time arab students though intelligent,are extremely lazy and let me wrap up the training earlier than usual.:-)
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Nope you got me wrong.
They are extremely sharp....lol.And their questions can drive me to my wits end.May be because i am incompetent.
At the same time arab students though intelligent,are extremely lazy and let me wrap up the training earlier than usual.:-)

Wheather the mallu trainees learn what you teach them or not but i am sure they would have tought you little malayalam :D
Super.... Like in hindi ...bahuth koob.


And i am sure you meant bahut "khoob" :p:
Everyone here makes sooo many spelling mistakes when it comes to hindi.:rolleyes:
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