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Kashmiri students protest at raising of Indian flag at film shoot

So in "general" the world specially West HATES Pakistanis.The Pakistanis disguised as Kashmiris hates India.

lol...is this another master piece propaganda indian army has taught you guys?:lol::crazy:...I live in USA interact with Whites, Blacks, Latinos etc daily...some of my best friends are White Americans. Even i found Israelis/Jewish very friendly.

@ Topic...indian occupiers must not hurt the feelings of Kashmiris of IOK/Maqbooza Kashmir. Already the are terrorizing innocent Kashmiris since 48.

Baluchistan, FATA, SWAT sambhalta nahin, Kashmir lene chalen hain. Jitna hai utne main khush raho.

Please stay on Topic...Sir. Hope you don't want me to drag Nagaland, Assam, South Tibet, Tripura, Khalistan, Tamil ado, etc.

35% le liya...aadha ganvaa diya 1971main, bhai Kaash Maths padi hoti to aaj khush hote.

Janab aap math ko choro pehlay history achi tarah parh lo. The original Pakistan plan was Punjab, Afghania(KPK/FATA), Kashmir, Sindh & Balochistan whereas Bangladesh & Hyderabad Deccan were supposed to be independent countries.
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Pakistan should do plebiscite in NW and Baluchistan because? Plebiscite in Kashmir is agreed by India and Pakistan together. And what is NW? NWFP? Your level of Understanding on Pakistan is evident from "NW" which has been changed to KPK since years.

Ya as if you are made of stone who is sure to be alive in 2113. :D Besides Azad Kashmir Exists even today (Azad Kashmir - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia), we only long for its extension. You guys have such a poor knowledge.
Even after all this how they can call Kashmir as their integral part .Let,s finish this "atoot ang" drama once and for all.
Baluchistan, FATA, SWAT sambhalta nahin, Kashmir lene chalen hain. Jitna hai utne main khush raho.

35% le liya...aadha ganvaa diya 1971main, bhai Kaash Maths padi hoti to aaj khush hote.

Aadha ganwa dia? Always hiding behind 1971 mukti bahini terrorists supported victory. We are talking about Kashmir kid. In case you have forgotten. :)

Aur 10% to tumharai aik aur dost China kai paas bhi hai. Poora atoot ang divide hogaya bharat kai doston main. :P
lol...is this another master piece propaganda indian army has taught you guys?:lol::crazy:...I live in USA interact with Whites, Blacks, Latinos etc daily...some of my best friends are White Americans. Even i found Israelis/Jewish very friendly.

@ Topic...indian occupiers must not hurt the feelings of Kashmiris of IOK/Maqbooza Kashmir. Already the are terrorizing innocent Kashmiris since 48.

Please stay on Topic...Sir. Hope you don't want me to drag Nagaland, Assam, South Tibet, Tripura, Khalistan, Tamil ado, etc.

Janab aap math ko choro pehlay history achi tarah parh lo. The original Pakistan plan was Punjab, Afghania(KPK/FATA), Kashmir, Sindh & Balochistan whereas Bangladesh & Hyderabad Deccan were supposed to be independent countries.

Janab telling LIES and spreading CONSPIRACY THEORIES is a trademark of Pakistan.According to Pakistan 9/11 is done by US.

Is Pakistan such a respected country then why you are in the top list of countries to watch specially in immigration? You are a #1 terrorist suspect country and most of you are in surveillance.US is hating Pakistanis even more specially after your Osama was killed by US just near Islamabad and daily lot of Pakistani terrorists are killed by US inside Pakistan. :lol:

Also don't spread lies that Pakistani living in US are living such a nice life since a lot of you disguise as Indians.Don't talk of history etc since you have no history/culture and in Identity crisis.Pakistanis are looked down so face the reality... at the moment some blast news comes up Pakistan is blamed for and not India.So you can keep telling funny lies that Pakistan is such a peaceful Mother teresa type country.It actually makes a joke of YOU and Pakistan.:lol:

The FACT is that Pakistan is a pathetic country living in unreal hatred for "Hindus".You Pakistanis are nothing but a product of forceful conversion and mass rapes.And because of this genetic mutation you are perfect example of LOST IDENTITY.

Even after all this how they can call Kashmir as their integral part .Let,s finish this "atoot ang" drama once and for all.

HAHAHA... yeah keep saying that this is helping India.

The more you think of hurting India the more you get hurt.Today it's perhaps just Islamabad which is in control of Pakistan.

Dosro ki kabr khodne vale khud he usme dafan ho jatein hai.So Pakistan is waist deep in the grave it dug out for India.We broke apart Half of Pakistan and today Pakistan is destroying itelf.

All we need is a Pakistan having wrong assumptions and aims and we put the last dirt and read out Inna Lillahi wa inna ilaihi raji'un :lol:
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Feeling the heat from like i Quoted before 66 years from 1947 kasmir is Part of india and and It will be for countless years nothing you can do about It
Don,t show some Facts which is Basically based on Isi propaganda are "labelled Kashmiri insurgents" trained in laskar factory if have some pour facts to
1)Suppression of kasmiri pandits are they throwed from their native lands of Kashmir
2)The Instrument of Accession is a legal document executed by MaharajahHari Singh, ruler of the princely state of Jammu and Kashmir, on 26 October 1947.[1][2] By executing this document under the provisions of the Indian Independence Act 1947, Maharajah Hari Singh agreed to accede to the Dominion of India .

The accession to India is celebrated on Accession Day, which is held annually on October 26.[9]

The preamble states:

Whereas the Indian Independence Act, 1947, provides that as from the fifteenth day of August, 1947, there shall be set up anIndependent Dominion known as India, and that the Government of India Act 1935 shall, with such omission, additions, adaptations and modifications as the governor-general may by order specify, be applicable to the Dominion of India.

And whereas the Government of India Act 1935, as so adapted by the governor-general, provides that an Indian State may accede to the Dominion of India by an Instrument of Accession executed by the Ruler thereof.

Now, therefore, I Shriman Inder Mahander Rajrajeswar Maharajadhiraj Shri Hari Singhji, Jammu and Kashmir Naresh Tatha Tibbetadi Deshadhipathi, Ruler of Jammu and Kashmir, in the exercise of my sovereignty in and over my said State do hereby execute this my Instrument of Accession and

Page 1 of the Instrument of Accession to the Union of India signed on 26 October 1947, and accepted the following day.

Page 2 of the Instrument of Accession, with signatures of MaharajaHari Singh of Jammu and Kashmir, and Viscount Mountbatten of Burma,Governor-General of India.
1. I hereby declare that I accede to the Dominion of India with the intent that the governor-general of India, the Dominion Legislature, the Federal Court and any other Dominion authority established for the purposes of the Dominion shall, by virtue of this my Instrument of Accession but subject always to the terms thereof, and for the purposes only of the Dominion, exercise in relation to the State of Jammu and Kashmir (hereinafter referred to as "this State") such functions as may be vested in them by or under the Government of India Act, 1935, as in force in the Dominion of India, on the 15th day of August, 1947, (which Act as so in force is hereafter referred to as "the Act").

It is further specified that:

3. I accept the matters specified in the schedule hereto as the matters with respect to which the Dominion Legislature may make law for this State.

Thus the power of the Dominion to make laws was restricted to the matters mentioned in the Schedule namely Defence, Foreign Affairs and Communications and a few ancillary subjects specified in the schedule. For all other matters concurrence of the State Government was essential.[10]

Hence , as you say why don,t Pakistani Kashmirs protest well they have living in the country where "Martial Law" inevitable they dont want face militaristic suppression which is common in your country
Feeling the heat from like i Quoted before 66 years from 1947 kasmir is Part of india and and It will be for countless years nothing you can do about It
Don,t show some Facts which is Basically based on Isi propaganda are "labelled Kashmiri insurgents" trained in laskar factory if have some pour facts to
1)Suppression of kasmiri pandits are they throwed from their native lands of Kashmir
2)The Instrument of Accession is a legal document executed by MaharajahHari Singh, ruler of the princely state of Jammu and Kashmir, on 26 October 1947.[1][2] By executing this document under the provisions of the Indian Independence Act 1947, Maharajah Hari Singh agreed to accede to the Dominion of India .

The accession to India is celebrated on Accession Day, which is held annually on October 26.[9]

The preamble states:

Whereas the Indian Independence Act, 1947, provides that as from the fifteenth day of August, 1947, there shall be set up anIndependent Dominion known as India, and that the Government of India Act 1935 shall, with such omission, additions, adaptations and modifications as the governor-general may by order specify, be applicable to the Dominion of India.

And whereas the Government of India Act 1935, as so adapted by the governor-general, provides that an Indian State may accede to the Dominion of India by an Instrument of Accession executed by the Ruler thereof.

Now, therefore, I Shriman Inder Mahander Rajrajeswar Maharajadhiraj Shri Hari Singhji, Jammu and Kashmir Naresh Tatha Tibbetadi Deshadhipathi, Ruler of Jammu and Kashmir, in the exercise of my sovereignty in and over my said State do hereby execute this my Instrument of Accession and

Page 1 of the Instrument of Accession to the Union of India signed on 26 October 1947, and accepted the following day.

Page 2 of the Instrument of Accession, with signatures of MaharajaHari Singh of Jammu and Kashmir, and Viscount Mountbatten of Burma,Governor-General of India.
1. I hereby declare that I accede to the Dominion of India with the intent that the governor-general of India, the Dominion Legislature, the Federal Court and any other Dominion authority established for the purposes of the Dominion shall, by virtue of this my Instrument of Accession but subject always to the terms thereof, and for the purposes only of the Dominion, exercise in relation to the State of Jammu and Kashmir (hereinafter referred to as "this State") such functions as may be vested in them by or under the Government of India Act, 1935, as in force in the Dominion of India, on the 15th day of August, 1947, (which Act as so in force is hereafter referred to as "the Act").

It is further specified that:

3. I accept the matters specified in the schedule hereto as the matters with respect to which the Dominion Legislature may make law for this State.

Thus the power of the Dominion to make laws was restricted to the matters mentioned in the Schedule namely Defence, Foreign Affairs and Communications and a few ancillary subjects specified in the schedule. For all other matters concurrence of the State Government was essential.[10]

Hence , as you say why don,t Pakistani Kashmirs protest well they have living in the country where "Martial Law" inevitable they dont want face militaristic suppression which is common in your country

There is one simple reason behind dispute of Kashmir and people of the land never accepted India as their country. Look at the title of this thread and you may understand. What you are throwing as "evidence of affiliation" was presented to UN and got thrown in dust bin. You know why?

  • Firstly, India could not prove that if this document was genuine
  • Secondly, even if the document was genuine, it was against the rules of democracy where people of the land decide their fate.
  • Despite having this paper, India agreed that this was non-conclusive people of the land will decide their fate. PM Pandit Nehru himself promised to Kashmirs that he will conduct plebusite as its the Kashmiris decission which matters. Read that
"Nehru had promised in 1948 to hold a plebiscite in Kashmir under the auspices of the UN. Kashmir was a disputed territory between India and Pakistan, the two having gone to war with each other over the state in 1948. However, as Pakistan failed to pull back troops in accordance with the UN resolution and as Nehru grew increasingly wary of the UN, he declined to hold a plebiscite in 1953."
Source: Indian Independence Act 1947 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
India has already accepted that the paper declaration is worthless and agreed that Kashmir was a disputed territory who's deciders will be people of the land. Now suddently in 1953 it changed its position that "kashmir is actually an attoot ang".

Now this discussion is not about legal position of Kashmir as we both have our versions but what you are failing to realize is that 77% Kashmirs do not want to live with India and want freedom from its occupation. The the figure 77% must be gone up as Indian Pundits are out of Kashmir and whoever lives in Kashmir today is by-and-large anti-India and Pro-Freedom.

Look at this story again, Kashmiri students are not allowing Indian Flag for the sake of a shooting, even when it is just a temporary "act". I wonder what world of delusions are you Indians living in?
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patches of kashmir are pro India as well.... pro-pakistanis are mostly isi agents or some or the other way programmed to stay anti-India and make others too
Janab telling LIES and spreading CONSPIRACY THEORIES is a trademark of Pakistan.According to Pakistan 9/11 is done by US.

Oh thats rich coming from a country where not only speaking lies is common but they have an art of covering a lie with blanket of lies.:lol:...Not according to Pakistanis but according to many people in the world including Americans themselves...do some research before posting indian army propaganda stories.

Is Pakistan such a respected country then why you are in the top list of countries to watch specially in immigration?

Thats why i said do research before posting indian army propaganda stories...this is America not a third world india who discriminate people according to countries.

You are a #1 terrorist suspect country and most of you are in surveillance.US is hating Pakistanis even more specially after your Osama was killed by US just near Islamabad and daily lot of Pakistani terrorists are killed by US inside Pakistan.

Do you have any source or as usual posting your indian army propaganda? There is no such proven case of terrorism that has/had Pakistan's involvement but on the other hand indian terrorism is proven in 71 when it supported mutki terrorists, in 84-2008 when it supported LTTE indian terrorists, in China's Tibet province as it is supporting dalai lama, etc. Soon just like US caught Afghanistan red handed supporting TTP terrorists, india will be caught too as it is supporting TTP & BLA terrorists.:sniper:

Also don't spread lies that Pakistani living in US are living such a nice life since a lot of you disguise as Indians.

lol that lie & nonsense was exposed by Reuters...as i said you love to live on what is fed you by indian army propagandists:cheesy:...we Pakistanis will die rather than call ourselves indians.

Don't talk of history etc since you have no history/culture and in Identity crisis.

ahahhahah...mental r3t@rdness detected.... this is clear proof of indian army propaganda taught to you guys. A person from a country india that is living on history, religion, civilization, culture & even name that belongs to Pakistan's Sindh talking about history & culture...wow that was hilarious.:omghaha::rofl:...If Pakistanis accepted religion of Light the great Islam it doesn't mean their history is no more. It is indians who have identity crises...in reality india is Bharat & north india should be gangia & south india dravidia. Stop living on borrowed religion, culture, identity, civilization & name.

Pakistanis are looked down so face the reality... at the moment some blast news comes up Pakistan is blamed for and not India.So you can keep telling funny lies that Pakistan is such a peaceful Mother teresa type country.It actually makes a joke of YOU and Pakistan.

What blast...may be it is your head that is having blasts after blasts:rofl:...we never claim Pakistan is peaceful country...these rich funny statements comes from india which claims to be a SUPA DUPA PAWA...whereas the reality is india is not an peaceful Edhi or Malala type country. :lol:

The FACT is that Pakistan is a pathetic country living in unreal hatred for "Hindus".You Pakistanis are nothing but a product of forceful conversion and mass rapes.And because of this genetic mutation you are perfect example of LOST IDENTITY.

Prove it before f@rting indian army propaganda stories. Unlike india where terrorists are called ideal & people wants to elect him as PM & he is member of india's biggest party nothing of that sort happens in Pakistan. And a person where r@p3 culture is born & loved should not talk about r@p3.

Again boring discussion !! Nothing is going to happen. Its either status quo or retainment of Azad Kashmir to India.
There is no solution to Kashmir. This issue has been beaten to death.

India as a powerful country of the two would never voluntary part with Kashmir, Pakistan as a less powerful of the two war is not an option unless it wants to get destroyed in return.
The only killing of millions that happened in Kashmir was by tribal militias and Pak army in 1947. They didn't even spare Muslims. Even if you were right then going by your logic, it will be right for Hindus to drive away Muslims from India because they supported invaders like Afghans, Persians, Turks and Turko-Mongols in India who killed millions of Hindus and destroyed thousands of temples. BTW what happens in Vale of Kashmir is India's problem, not Pak's.
first of all muslims ruled you for 800 hundered years if they wanted to distroy ur all tempeles they could have done it ...secondly all the muslims u have are former hindus... the became muslims after the muslims won india not before they attacked india ...
first of all muslims ruled you for 800 hundered years if they wanted to distroy ur all tempeles they could have done it ...secondly all the muslims u have are former hindus... the became muslims after the muslims won india not before they attacked india ...
Yeah invaders came and converted you guys. All the Muslims you have are also former Hindus. :lol:
Yeah invaders came and converted you guys. All the Muslims you have are also former Hindus. :lol:
may be islam make more sense to them then hinduism
everyone is converted some how ...our civilization started much b4 hinduism, so all the hindu were somethng befiore that ..
may be islam make more sense to them then hinduism everyone is converted some how ...our civilization started much b4 hinduism, so all the hindu were somethng befiore that ..
I have no problem with that...but you accept Pakistanis weren't Muslim from the start. They were Hindus at some point.
patches of kashmir are pro India as well.... pro-pakistanis are mostly isi agents or some or the other way programmed to stay anti-India and make others too
when we were protesting gainst british rule, we were agents as well ..may be germen agents i guess ...

If ISI can hire million of agents i guess then they best God dam agency in the world

I have no problem with that...but you accept Pakistanis weren't Muslim from the start. They were Hindus at some point.
mainly sikhs ... largest population is from punjab .. sindhis were hindu ..but it is just an educated guess ..
first of all muslims ruled you for 800 hundered years if they wanted to distroy ur all tempeles they could have done it ...secondly all the muslims u have are former hindus... the became muslims after the muslims won india not before they attacked india ...
"We ruled", brother nice delusion every invader who
wanted to invade India first came to your door steps,
whopped your a$$ and then proceeded. Hence you have
had to change religion multiple times, first u were
hindus, then became buddhists and now muslim. You
never ruled any nation, somebody else did...all you did
was licked their foot

Why India is not watching its own the Biggest violation of human rights in Kashmir????????
Dropping 12000+ bombs on poor tribal areas,civilians as well as using tanks.
Very brave of you.
Also Pakistan military does not have the guts to confront Taliban in North Waziristan that's why they ran to papa USA to use drones.
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