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Kashmiri Pundit : What was done to them by Kashmiri Muslims

Dude Krait after so many years of being on this forum , you still think they care a damn to what happens to a non-muslim in any part of the world ?

These are people for whom 9/11 was done by Americans themselves.

Mumbai attack was an Indian staged drama.

You think they care about what happened to Kashmiri Pandits or that they will ever admit that there are jihadis both Pakistanis and Kashmiris in Kashmir who have been targetting civilians as well particularly the minority ?

Forget about it man.
But India's duty is to maintain the peace in Kashmir for both Hindus and Muslims so that no one gets thrown out again by a mob supported by some anti national elements in the name of sharia, Islam, etc. And give Justice to Kashmiri Pandits.
For that we need a strong leader who think about national interest rather than Vote Bank Politics. When Fatwa are issued against girls rock band club, separatist leaders meet most wanted terrorists of India, glorification of terrorists, then you need a leader that is ready to take tough decisions.
Dude Krait after so many years of being on this forum , you still think they care a damn to what happens to a non-muslim in any part of the world ?

These are people for whom 9/11 was done by Americans themselves.

Mumbai attack was an Indian staged drama.

You think they care about what happened to Kashmiri Pandits or that they will ever admit that there are jihadis both Pakistanis and Kashmiris in Kashmir who have been targetting civilians as well particularly the minority ?

Forget about it man.

It is not Pakistan who will give Justice to Kashmiri pandits or even kashmiris be it muslim. It is Indian authority who has to bring secular environment into the region of Kashmir.
@nick_indian Its a thread for all Indians who don't see what was done to Kashmiri Pundits. No human rights organization fighting for these people. Tell me do Indian cares about Kashmiri Pundits.

All are still stuck at Godhara but forgot what happened to these people. And dark humor is that its so called Secular Congress and SP supporters who don't even talk about it.
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For that we need a strong leader who think about national interest rather than Vote Bank Politics. When Fatwa are issued against girls rock band club, separatist leaders meet most wanted terrorists of India, glorification of terrorists, then you need a leader that is ready to take tough decisions.

I was going through Dawn about the fatwa issue and there even Pakistanis have different views on it. A guy named feroz wrote

''Muslims are majority in one state of India and see what they do… People should realize and stop them in other states before they force their Islamic views on others in other states of India. India is better off Muslims to preserve its democratic values. We here in Pakistan are bearing the Islamic attrocities from long time.''

Kashmir girl band quits after fatwa | Entertainment | DAWN.COM

and he is right. Indian govt has to make sure that secularism must prevail.

When one can challenge Modi, or BJP, or etc etc then why not these peace dissolvers in kashmir who carried out genocide two decade back
@Joe Shearer

It seems that the video itself contains at least two distinctive narratives. Two Kashmiri Pandits saying they faced oppression from the start and were marginalized long ago and one old timer claiming peaceful times between communities and the known terror wave.

So does this mean that the Kashmiri Pandits were never accepted in the first place and were doomed to be thrown out ?? did the local Muslim populace use the aid from across the border as a tool ?? If so i am forced to ask the question how long will the valley be held with army presence not that any country can wrest it from us but from the people per se.

If the narrative lies some where middle then may be there is hope that some day in future things can change ??

What I know about relations between the communities is based on conversations with friends both among Kashmiris who are Muslim, and KPs, on the accounts on Insaniyat of our senior member, a former bureaucrat of very high standing from J&K and from published literature available to us all.

Apparently, the Dogra rule had marginalised the Kashmiri Muslim, and Sheikh Abdullah's struggle was for democratic rights for all Kashmiris. This was rigidly opposed by the Durbar, and it was Abdullah's alliance with the INC which got him to power in 1947. Thereafter, significant steps were taken for the upliftment of Kashmiri Muslims, but there was still an inbuilt advantage that educated Pandits had, being generationally ahead of the others. The poor of the community, and the majority were poor, along with their neighbours, enjoyed no advantage, but what was seen was the picture at the top, where educated people from both communities fought it out. This was not a competition marked by bitterness, and at other levels, the close cultural bonds and ties continued. This seamless, syncretistic culture is what commentators are given to calling Kashmiriat, a way of life unique to Kashmir.

What happened next was ghastly. When the temperature grew, and foreign money and arms started flowing in again, there was also a radicalization of Islam within the Vale. What was once acceptable was no longer acceptable; bonds with Kaffirs were also seen as a sign of weakness in people's loyalty to Islam, and it became more and more acceptable to take extreme attitudes towards the small number of Kashmiri Pundits who remained. There may also have been the malign influence of Jag Mohan Malhotra, an evil figure who looms over those days. There is a possibility that he took advantage of the growing tension to frighten the Kashmiri Pandits further, and to convince them that they were increasingly unsafe.

The actual events are not recorded in mutually acceptable fashion. The Pandits claim that they were given ultimatums to leave their homes and go out of the Vale. Muslims hotly deny this and claim either that the Pandits panicked, or that they were driven to panic by malignant forces.

My understanding is that things have changed, but many don't want to accept that there has been this change. I believe that the short term prognosis is uncertain because of the incompetent administration; the medium term is good as more and more Kashmiris find out to their surprise that life in the rest of India is a viable option; the long term is excellent as more and more Kashmiris integrate with life and the economy outside the vale.
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@Screambowl By keeping silent over this issue, Indian Govt. has done the biggest mistake. It will become a norm. By the time we see this extremism crossed the no-turning back state, we will see same pseudo-secular people being targeted by these extremists.
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It's so simple Krait - why exasperate over it? the remnants of the mujahadeen from the Afghan war were directed towards Kashmir in 89 - Indian forces fought a bloody battle against these Pak sponsored terrorists. As you say more than 70,000 people were killed due to Pakistan sponsored terrorism. I still remember the peaceful Kashmir from the movies of the 60's and 70's and Pakistan destroyed it. Kashmir is limping back to normalcy and these Jihaadi's are @ss burned to see that and openly calling for terrorist actions in Kashmir again. There is just one solution for all this - the decimation of the land of terrorists - very sorry to say that.

This is truth, But big question is, Does Pakistani Agree with it?? They still see propaganda everywhere.

@KRAIT it seems to me that you are making unnecessary discussion here.

There is no use, the first three four replies themselves should make it clear to you the result. The war isn't here it is some where else.

The hypocracy is very much evident, however why cry on others when our own are found needing. Our govt has completely failed in protecting the Kashmir Pandits and even today we are more worried about the plight of minorities and secular credentials of India which means protecting everybody other than Hindu interests.

No, this is very important discussion. Pakistanis have right to know the other side of truth. These things are not available to them in pakistan. In International forum they can learn the truth, rather than living in lie/denial and propaganda...
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This is truth, But big question is, Does Pakistani Agree with it?? They still see propaganda everywhere.

No, this is very important discussion. Pakistanis have right to know the other side of truth. These things are not available to them in pakistan. In International forum they can learn the truth, rather than living in lie/denial and propaganda...

And they will never come on debate desk with this topic because then it will clearly show their involvement in the unrest. But it should be made clear to the international community that genocide happened against the kashmiri Pandits. Army was called later on so that it does not spread to Jammu area.
I agree with Joe. Gradually more and more Kashmiris muslims(Hindus are already integrated) are integrating into mainstream India but this is true only for mainly the very educated Kashmiri muslims who travel out of the valley for study or jobs. Not so for others.
I agree with Joe. Gradually more and more Kashmiris muslims(Hindus are already integrated) are integrating into mainstream India but this is true only for mainly the very educated Kashmiri muslims who travel out of the valley for study or jobs. Not so for others.

But the point is some of the youths are also brainwashed and they are very well educated.
"Kashmir kay aasaal bait ..mere matlab Kashmir kay Hinfu pundit" -- that's hardly objective - but be that as it may, if the Wahabi inspired offer convert or die to non-Wahabis, it's more than credible that the choice offered to the Pundit was no different -- It's mind boggling to me how colossally stupid and incompetent the managers of these groups are.

muse, its easy to blame the wahhabis for all ills. Actually you would be justified when you say most ills, but not all ills.

Kashmiris those days were definitely not wahhabi.

It was a muslim kashmiri not wanting to live with non-muslim India and hence chasing out the non-muslims from the Valley.

Wahhabism entered the valley only later.

Anyway do you think that there was no problem in IOK before 89?

Not on the scale after 1989.

Kashmir was peaceful and was the numero uno tourist destination in India.
If I did happen & that too in nearly in as organized a way as is being asserted over here as opposed to isolated incidents brought about due to the blow back of the perceptions in play !

Tens of thousands murdered their womenfolk disgraced and lakhs becoming refugges..no, it was not an 'isolated' incident that happened 'here and there'. Neither was it a blowback of some sorts. The Pandits were mostly teachers who had gone about their lives without interfering in the local politics and did not deserve what they got at the hands of the kashmiri muslims.

I'd like to point out some of the slogans that were famous in those days among the Kasmiri sunni muslims. Those days meaning in the late 1980s and early 1990s when the jehad was t its peak.

Hamein kya chahiye nizam-e-mustafa, Yahan kya chalega, nizam-e-mustafa, nizam-e-mustafa

asi gachi pakistan, bata tav ros, batanev san (we want pakistan, with kashmiri women and without their men folk)

aye kafiro, aye zalimo, kashmir chod do

Allah-o-Akbar, Musalmano jago Kafiro bhago, jehad aa raha hai.

Islam hamara maksad hai Kuran hamara dastur hai Jehad hamara rasta hai.

The mosques in the first week of January in 1990 were incessantly broadcasting over the loudspeakers that the pandits either convert to Islam or leave the valley. Kashmir main rahna hai, Allah-ho-Akbar Kahna hoga.

The January 4 edition of Aftab carried out a front page threat of Hizbul Mujaheddin asking for secession of Kashmir from India and asking the hindus to leave the kashmir valley unless they accepted islam. The January 19 editions of Al-safa carried out the same threats in the front page.

Cant you see the religious venom dripping out of them ?

What State Policy ? We supported Freedom Fighters & not terrorists...there is a reason why Kashmir wasn't subjected to suicide bombings !

I'll tell you why - because it takes a man supreme courage to blow himself up. Honestly kashmiri militants and later their punjabi backers werent upto that. Honestly. The only good fighters that the Indian Army faced in Kashmir were the Afghans, Arabs and chechens with Kashmiri militants themselves being the most easy.
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