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Kashmiri Pandit body demands restoration of Article 370


Aug 22, 2019
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Kashmiri Pandit body demands restoration of Article 370
The organisation called Reconciliation, Relief and Rehabilitation has called for the restoration of Article 370 for Jammu and Kashmir ahead of the completion of one year of its abrogation by the Government of India.


July 27, 2020
UPDATED: July 27, 2020 17:58 IST

File photo of Srinagar in Jammu and Kashmir. The abrogation of Article 370 on August 5 removed the state's special status and bifurcated it into two Union Territories- Jammu & Kashmir and Ladakh. (File photo: PTI)

An organisation of migrant Kashmiri Pandits has asked the government of India to restore the statehood and special status for Jammu and Kashmir. The organisation called Reconciliation, Relief and Rehabilitation has demanded that Article 370 be reinstated in Jammu and Kashmir ahead of the completion of a year of its abrogation by the government of India on August 5. The abrogation removed the state's special status and bifurcated it into two Union Territories- Jammu & Kashmir and Ladakh.

"We demand immediate restoration of statehood and special status to Jammu and Kashmir. The Indian Constitution ensures the right to equality that extends to individuals, communities, religions, regions, and all social and political institutions. The right to equality ensures non-discrimination on the basis of religion, caste, region, or any other social and political sub-categories. Never before a state has been downgraded. This is not done in a democracy. One can't have a military solution to a political situation and can't go to war with their own people," said Satish Mahaldar, chairman of migrant Kashmiri Pandits' organisation called Reconciliation, Relief, and Rehabilitation in a statement on Monday.

The group has made an appeal to the Prime Minister, Home Minister and the government saying, "The people of Jammu and Kashmir were your own people, love them. As a good gesture, confer special status to Jammu and Kashmir. The representatives /parliamentarians are for the people, by the people and they need to understand the aspiration and the wishes of the people".

The statement added that the special provisions should be made to safeguard the interest and aspirations of the backward regions, to protect the cultural and economic interests of the people, safeguard the minorities and deal with the disturbed law and order in some parts of the state. The group has also pointed out that J&K wasn't the only state with special status with other states too enjoying special category status.
They ran away with their tails between their legs in 1991 ..... losers remain losers
As I had stated previously, the biggest losers in the scrapping of Article 370 in J&K are the Kashmiri Hindus.
They ran away with their tails between their legs in 1991 ..... losers remain losers

Don't your abusive words, these are bunch of looser who used to get money/freebies in name of Article 370.
They did not represent entire Pandit community.

And from now onward faith of J&K will be decided by 1.3 billion people not by any individual group.
Dude , you know once you start showing victim hood you will be harassed throughout your life and ..thes epandits are doing the exactly same .... have you ever heard a business oriented jew presenting him/her self as victim and they faced the worse treatment in human kind

I never used any abusive word but they just left their ancestral land without even facing the odds

Don't your abusive words, these are bunch of looser who used to get money/freebies in name of Article 370.
They did not represent entire Pandit community.

And from now onward faith of J&K will be decided by 1.3 billion people not by any individual group.
I am talking about valley from where Kashmirir Pandits actually came , Jammu is dominated by Dogras not Pandits
No Hindu ran away from Jammu area. They will be severely affected. They were almost guaranteed employment....not anymore.
Don't your abusive words, these are bunch of looser who used to get money/freebies in name of Article 370.
They did not represent entire Pandit community.

And from now onward faith of J&K will be decided by 1.3 billion people not by any individual group.


Who gave your 1.3 billion people, a highly questionable and entirely stupid figure, the right to decide individual faith?

read this yesterday, was just waiting for it to get here.

the truth is, they are the happiest people in India, but only the older generation from what I have seen.

chairman of migrant Kashmiri Pandits' organisation called Reconciliation, Relief, and Rehabilitation in a statement on Monday.


sorry, but the people who faced it as adults back then

they do not agree, in fact they overwhelmingly agree with scrapping 370 as a first step

and in both India and Pakistan, non Kashmiris are more invested in this emotionally than Kashmiris themselves.

Who gave your 1.3 billion people, a highly questionable and entirely stupid figure, the right to decide individual faith?

J&K is part of my country and I have all right to think/decide its faith as per my individual capacity. (Which I need by choosing BJP to power). So take your stupid political correctness some where else. No one is asking your useless advice.
As I had stated previously, the biggest losers in the scrapping of Article 370 in J&K are the Kashmiri Hindus.

Have you heard what the Dogras are saying? Cursing it all, worried through their teeth they will be overrun with migrants from Bihar, UP etc.
I remember the few we had here and the heated debates that used to happen between them and other Indian members. I used to step in-between them. Yes they’re patriotic, yes they want the army there, no they don't want other Indians there.
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Opps when the real question came you again started name calling ......

That reference to peaceful Muslims shows you for what you are. If you do not want to be called names, do not do anything that invites labelling.
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