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Kashmiri Pandit body demands restoration of Article 370

whole idea is getting investment in the area

privates can offer better opportunities, so first in Jammu, then slowly in the valley too.

Srinagar should be like another (maybe smaller) version of Banglore or Mumbai with infra and businesses and job opportunities and everything, free from militancy.. let them see some prosperity too. It's a shame there is nothing there yet.

??? Are you joking?

What stopped investment earlier?
Don't your abusive words, these are bunch of looser who used to get money/freebies in name of Article 370.
They did not represent entire Pandit community.

And from now onward faith of J&K will be decided by 1.3 billion people not by any individual group.
1.3 billion people need to bugger off and realise they have no rights over Kashmir.

Do the half-educated among the members here even know that 35A was by the Dogras, for the Dogras? It was never for Kashmiri Muslims, who owned none of the land in Dogra times. How events are perverted.

And the smart-alecs who have so much to say about a matter that they know so little about should know that Kashmiris are united in not wanting someone else to come in and trade on their misery or their poverty.

This is an important piece of history. Article 35A was instituted to prevent rich Punjabis from undivided Punjab from settling in J&K. Well...the Punjabis are back...lol
Dude truth is always pain ful ..... and for you guys you faced worse then pandits on same international forum majority of you kissing same a$$e$ which did wrong with you guys
It's not about hurting his sentiments, it's about representing your country on an international forum.

So far not good pal.

Many people are interacting with Indians for the first time through PDF, imagine how you are shaping their perception of all Indians.

Think before you type!
So where did you want to prove it? In parliament or in Supreme court. (Seems both are not in agreement with you)

Give me enough time, with you, and I will make even something like you a firm advocate of upholding the virtues of the rule of law.

The Supreme Court has not yet ruled. Try to stop cuttlefish tactics.

Perhaps you are not aware that even Parliament cannot change, for instance, the basic character of the constitution.

This is not Delhi, and this is not a Kapil Mishra moment.
Dude truth is always pain ful ..... and for you guys you faced worse then pandits on same international forum majority of you kissing same a$$e$ which did wrong with you guys

Absolutely not, I critique them whenever it is required, however I do it in moderation and always make sure to do so constructively.

As for what happened in the past, nothing will be changed by bashing them on here for things that happened when they weren't born.

The dead can't come back to life.
I just wrote sorry as a gratitude to you as a senior fellow Indian and i never asked you to respond .....
I agree that mealy-mouthed hypocrisy, pretending goodwill when there is none, is a good camouflage.
I said majority not to you as individual , you guys dare to fight against atrocities but what pandits did ....how many mukti jodhas died to foght against aggression and how many pandits
Absolutely not, I critique them whenever it is required, however I do it in moderation and always make sure to do so constructively.
1.3 billion people need to bugger off and realise they have no rights over Kashmir.

It's rather more complex than that. Although I used essentially the same words as you sans the profundities, that 1.3 includes the people of Kashmir who gave themselves a constitution that performed (under the Indian constitution, without either violating each other) perfectly peacefully, before the BJP brought a meat cleaver to the cataract surgery table.
Give me enough time, with you, and I will make even something like you a firm advocate of upholding the virtues of the rule of law.

The Supreme Court has not yet ruled. Try to stop cuttlefish tactics.

Perhaps you are not aware that even Parliament cannot change, for instance, the basic character of the constitution.

This is not Delhi, and this is not a Kapil Mishra moment.

One basic question, If Supreme court did not rule about its validity yet does that mean its illegal?
And another important question, do you really believe they can nullify some thing like abrogation of Article 370?

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