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Kashmiri Pandit body demands restoration of Article 370

They ran away with their tails between their legs in 1991 ..... losers remain losers

They were driven out by Pakistani-backed militants. What are Hindu Pandits suppose to do when the government doesn't do anything to protect them? They had no choice but to flee. And subsequent governments since then have paid nothing but lip service to Hindu Pandits, including Modi's.

It's high time Hindu Pandits be allowed to return to their ancestral homeland under the protection of the Indian military, if necessary. Modi and friends need to stop the chest-beating and get it done.
J&K is part of my country and I have all right to think/decide its faith as per my individual capacity. (Which I need by choosing BJP to power). So take your stupid political correctness some where else. No one is asking your useless advice.
Kashmir belongs to Kashmiri not some Indians that have managed to get an internet connection.
As a Kashmiri myself - I would like a vote by
Kashmiri residents to decide whether India Pakistan or complete independence is called for. Anyone that loves or has Kashmir in their hearts would not be afraid of what the choice would be made.
Dirty Indians that sit in Delhi that have never set foot on the soil should never have the right to even mention the word Kashmir
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Kashmiri Pandit body demands restoration of Article 370
The organisation called Reconciliation, Relief and Rehabilitation has called for the restoration of Article 370 for Jammu and Kashmir ahead of the completion of one year of its abrogation by the Government of India.


July 27, 2020
UPDATED: July 27, 2020 17:58 IST

File photo of Srinagar in Jammu and Kashmir. The abrogation of Article 370 on August 5 removed the state's special status and bifurcated it into two Union Territories- Jammu & Kashmir and Ladakh. (File photo: PTI)

An organisation of migrant Kashmiri Pandits has asked the government of India to restore the statehood and special status for Jammu and Kashmir. The organisation called Reconciliation, Relief and Rehabilitation has demanded that Article 370 be reinstated in Jammu and Kashmir ahead of the completion of a year of its abrogation by the government of India on August 5. The abrogation removed the state's special status and bifurcated it into two Union Territories- Jammu & Kashmir and Ladakh.

"We demand immediate restoration of statehood and special status to Jammu and Kashmir. The Indian Constitution ensures the right to equality that extends to individuals, communities, religions, regions, and all social and political institutions. The right to equality ensures non-discrimination on the basis of religion, caste, region, or any other social and political sub-categories. Never before a state has been downgraded. This is not done in a democracy. One can't have a military solution to a political situation and can't go to war with their own people," said Satish Mahaldar, chairman of migrant Kashmiri Pandits' organisation called Reconciliation, Relief, and Rehabilitation in a statement on Monday.

The group has made an appeal to the Prime Minister, Home Minister and the government saying, "The people of Jammu and Kashmir were your own people, love them. As a good gesture, confer special status to Jammu and Kashmir. The representatives /parliamentarians are for the people, by the people and they need to understand the aspiration and the wishes of the people".

The statement added that the special provisions should be made to safeguard the interest and aspirations of the backward regions, to protect the cultural and economic interests of the people, safeguard the minorities and deal with the disturbed law and order in some parts of the state. The group has also pointed out that J&K wasn't the only state with special status with other states too enjoying special category status.

who are these pandits ? satish mahaldar where does he live ? does he live on roads of delhi with refugee kashmiri pandits who are forced to beg in delhi ?
Okay, please apply for valid Indian visa if want to travel J&K.

How is that relevant?

He talks about a violation of the constitution, you talk about his physical presence with the backing of a visa. How are those two connected?

Can you make your points in some less random way?
Kashmir belongs to Kashmiri not some dirty brown Indians that have managed to get an internet connection.
As a Kashmiri myself - I would like a vote by
Kashmiri residents to decide whether India Pakistan or complete independence is called for. Anyone that loves or has Kashmir in their hearts would not be afraid of what the choice would be made.
Dirty Indians that sit in Delhi that have never set foot on the soil should never have the right to even mention the word Kashmir
Lowest forms of human

I can understand your mental condition, your forces cant fight India for Kashmir.
Apply for valid Indian Visa if you want to visit J&K. Even you know that your unfulfilled dreams will remain same.
One basic question, If Supreme court did not rule about its validity yet does that mean its illegal?
And another important question, do you really believe they can nullify some thing like abrogation of Article 370?

Look through the history of Supreme Court judgements and you will get the answer. Do you want references?

Article 370 cannot have been abrogated legally. Declaring its abrogation null and void takes just that amount of time for the justices to forget that they can be blackmailed by sexual harrassment charges that mysteriously vanish into thin air once they start behaving themselves, or that they can be rewarded with a wholly undeserved Rajya Sabha seat at the end of their compliant tenure.
What jews did in 1948 .....
They were driven out by Pakistani-backed militants. What are Hindu Pandits suppose to do when the government doesn't do anything to protect them? They had no choice but to flee. And subsequent governments since then have paid nothing but lip service to Hindu Pandits, including Modi's.

It's high time Hindu Pandits be allowed to return to their ancestral homeland under the protection of the Indian military, if necessary. Modi and friends need to stop the chest-beating and get it done.
who are these pandits ? satish mahaldar where does he live ? does he live on roads of delhi with refugee kashmiri pandits who are forced to beg in delhi ?

When did you last meet one? Where?

<Edited. The member is genuinely talking about something that he has seen.>
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How is that relevant?

He talks about a violation of the constitution, you talk about his physical presence with the backing of a visa. How are those two connected?

Can you make your points in some less random way?

Its really funny to be frank, why do you even care. Why you are behaving like big uncle here? Did I even ask you for your advice.

I have my own way to love and respect for fellow Indians and its integrity. So I can manage my own reply in this forum.
??? Are you joking?

What stopped investment earlier?
security issues and related regulation hurdles.

this integration with the broader/universal Indian system system helps ease out at least some of it.

another small step in the right direction

Kashmiris will reap the benefits if things go to plan.
Do you think , this happened for the first time some time back the qualification to become a high court judg is just a blow job to Law minister .......
Look through the history of Supreme Court judgements and you will get the answer. Do you want references?

Article 370 cannot have been abrogated legally. Declaring its abrogation null and void takes just that amount of time for the justices to forget that they can be blackmailed by sexual harrassment charges that mysteriously vanish into thin air once they start behaving themselves, or that they can be rewarded with a wholly undeserved Rajya Sabha seat at the end of their compliant tenure.
Its really funny to be frank, why do you even care. Why you are behaving like big uncle here? Did I even ask you for your advice.

I have my own way to love and respect for fellow Indians and its integrity. So I can manage my own reply in this forum.

So can I manage my own responses to your hyper-patriotism, where you speak rubbish with little or no knowledge about a badly-handled situation relating to 7 million Indian citizens.

If you spread damaging misinformation, I have a perfect right as an Indian to dispel these and to bring out the truth.

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