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Kashmiri Pandit body demands restoration of Article 370

Look through the history of Supreme Court judgements and you will get the answer. Do you want references?

Article 370 cannot have been abrogated legally. Declaring its abrogation null and void takes just that amount of time for the justices to forget that they can be blackmailed by sexual harrassment charges that mysteriously vanish into thin air once they start behaving themselves, or that they can be rewarded with a wholly undeserved Rajya Sabha seat at the end of their compliant tenure.

Is that feeling was same when a son of former Chief minister (Belongs to congress party) made Chief Justice of India.

Hint - That was a same fellow you are discussing in your post.
Is that feeling was same when a son of former Chief minister (Belongs to congress party) made Chief Justice of India.

The same.

I hate the Congress.

I hate the mess that Tarun Gogoi (hint: the father) made in Assam.
Fanciful thoughts. What stopped Ludhiana or Patna or Bhuj or Kurnool from becoming a smaller version of Bangalore or Mumbai?
Tourism potential for one, that is probably the big one.

and as a whole it is completely supremely underdeveloped in every aspect. Neglected for far too long, good they're doing something about it now but it'll be a long game. Give it a couple decades..

security first, and then let the money flow in and let them prosper and shine.
When did you last meet one? Where?

Don't make up sob stories that do not represent what they want. Stick to Delhi and the problems of rioting and minority oppression in Delhi.
believe me sir
i have seen by my own eyes in my own apartment complexes in ghaziabad UP, many girls of hardly ten years old begging for chanda for their refugee camps established in tis hazari maidan in delhi . their ladies used to come up to ghaziabad offices for contribution from govt officers which is bordering town of delhi and UP.
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Tourism potential for one, that is probably the big one.

and as a whole it is completely supremely underdeveloped in every aspect. Neglected for far too long, good they're doing something about it now but it'll be a long game. Give it a couple decades..

security first, and then let the money flow in and let them prosper and shine.

I do not know which city and state you live in India, but J&K already was far more developed and ranked higher on all socio-economic indicators than the rest of India.

All you are doing here is repeating the sales pitch put forth by the corridors of power. Look at your own city/state. What stopped it from realizing its potential? As I said, fanciful thoughts that have no relation to reality.
So can I manage my own responses to your hyper-patriotism, where you speak rubbish with little or no knowledge about a badly-handled situation relating to 7 million Indian citizens.

If you spread damaging misinformation, I have a perfect right as an Indian to dispel these and to bring out the truth.

Yes you can try to ravish (ohh rubbish) any thing. But that can not change the reality on ground.
Those 7 million are a part of 1.3 billion, and as I said I have every right to decide faith of my country as an Individual.

Because a part of India is under threat of unconstitutional violence. Should not EVERY Indian care?

This is only your thinking, not declared unconstitutional by any constitutional body of my country.
I cant agree , have you seen the condition of Leh , Nubra the kind of worse situation they are living in ..... Whole state budget was literally sucked by Jammu and Kashmir regions
I do not know which city and state you live in India, but J&K already was far more developed and ranked higher on all socio-economic indicators than the rest of India.

All you are doing here is repeating the sales pitch put forth by the corridors of power. Look at your own city/state. What stopped it from realizing its potential? As I said, fanciful thoughts that have no relation to reality.
@Joe Shearer ; @xeuss ; @Crixus

I don't know much about internal arrangements and politics in Jammu & Kashmir. However, I do know that their autonomous status was enshrined in the constitution.

If so, there must have been a very strong historical, cultural, political and strategic reason(s) for it.
Indian political leaders since 1947 (or even before) up till recently had a very deep understanding of the issues that could emanate from their actions.

Events since August 2019, as they have unfolded, are a testament to their acumen.
Coming from a little brown indian that’s been reincarnated after a nan like you - it’s a bit rich.
You want Kashmir? Ask the Kashmiri who they want to be a part of India - I would have no issue - problem is we both know in your tiny heart - you wouldn’t have the balls because you know what the people of the soil would decide.
Now my little brown friend have the balls to tell me who you was before you got banned? Come on be a man?

Brown Indian? Your fellow country man uses Indian identity to hide real one. Ask them about it.
Why would I ask any individual if he/she want to live in India or not. J&K belongs to us and will remain with us.
If you have capacity that take it back, and as I know you can't.
I do not know which city and state you live in India, but J&K already was far more developed and ranked higher on all socio-economic indicators than the rest of India.

All you are doing here is repeating the sales pitch put forth by the corridors of power. Look at your own city/state. What stopped it from realizing its potential? As I said, fanciful thoughts that have no relation to reality.
Was there ever truly going to be a plebiscite there, spl after both sides got the bomb ?

what is your solution, how would you have done it if you were PM or in power ?

the status quo was helping nobody, and hurting the Kashmiris (on our side) the most.

the regulatory legal hurdles being removed now, much of them.. we can have some forward movement now.

hoping for good things.

how would you have handled it ?

what good was the status quo ?
Its all political some shops were running under the article 370 which includes both Hindus and Muslims of J&K state which are now closed so its just a pain ....... local people have nothing to do with that .
Its just a ugly face of Indian politics
@Joe Shearer ; @xeuss ; @Crixus

I don't know much about internal arrangements and politics in Jammu & Kashmir. However, I do know that their autonomous status was enshrined in the constitution.

If so, there must have been a very strong historical, cultural, political and strategic reason(s) for it.
Indian political leaders since 1947 (or even before) up till recently had a very deep understanding of the issues that could emanate from their actions.

Events since August 2019, as they have unfolded, are a testament to their acumen.
Look through the history of Supreme Court judgements and you will get the answer. Do you want references?

Article 370 cannot have been abrogated legally. Declaring its abrogation null and void takes just that amount of time for the justices to forget that they can be blackmailed by sexual harrassment charges that mysteriously vanish into thin air once they start behaving themselves, or that they can be rewarded with a wholly undeserved Rajya Sabha seat at the end of their compliant tenure.

The transition in your post of Supreme courts character from its Supreme judiciary to corrupt entity is your imagination taking over logic.
It's rather more complex than that. Although I used essentially the same words as you sans the profundities, that 1.3 includes the people of Kashmir who gave themselves a constitution that performed (under the Indian constitution, without either violating each other) perfectly peacefully, before the BJP brought a meat cleaver to the cataract surgery table.

Absolutely - 100% true. Well said.

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