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Kashmir - The Gift

How the blood of the Muslims can be so cheap while the glitter of economical gains can blind so much of the so called civilized world. Allah guide us to the past glory.
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Vur Mehmedim! vur ki; bahtım uyansın.
Tekbir sadaları, arşa dayansın,
Sen ki; çelikleşmiş imansın,
Vur Mehmedim!
Hak için, Allah için, Mazlumlardan yükselen o 'Ah' için.

Sen tarihsin, sen zafersin, sen bayraksın, sen vatansın
Vur Mehmedim! vurki; Dünya utansın.

Shoot Mehmed! Hit that my fate wakes up
Let your Tekbir reach the Arsh
You are the Iman solidified into steel
Strike Mehmed!
For Hak, for Allah, for that “Ah” coming out of the Mazlum

You are the history, you are the victory, you are the flag, you are homeland
Shoot Mehmed! Hit that the world gets ashamed.

*A Turkish soldier is affectionately called Mehmed/Mehmet
**These lines were penned by Seyfeddin KaraHocagil during the Cyprus Peace Ops


there is a promise in Quran, since we are not committed to our part, the promise is put on hold but will always be there, all depends upon us.
  • Long live Pakistan
  • and long live Pakistani soldier working under code-name: Nirandra Modi
This one person has destroyed a country sooner than a foreign military or militancy ever could. We respect Narendra Modi's contribution against our enemies.
Loved it!!!
The ending was fantastic. Well done
Yar the back ground sound of crickets while Trump speaking is just great....
You are genius..... Name background song....?
I did not edit this Video. I found it on the .net, as you may have noticed that its not from my YouTube Channel.

In regard to the song/music...


"The Gift" is a single from the 1993 album Full Moon, Dirty Hearts, by Australian rock band INXS.

The music video for "The Gift" dramatises issues ranging from war and terrorism to famine and pollution with the band appearing to crash through the TV screen in anger. The video was banned by MTV, owing to its use of Holocaust and Gulf War footage.

In an interview with the director, "The video uses harrowing visuals in order to portray man's ability to create havoc and destruction. The message behind the video is to show how as viewers, we have become accepting of, and increasingly apathetic to images of gross human suffering and violence."

@Hodor @HRK @Path-Finder @Aamir Hussain @StormBreaker @Khanivore @krash @graphican @Dil Pakistan
Hell will soon unleash on modi and india and that will be their gift !!!!!

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