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Kashmir shuts on Manmohan's visit

Y should i Think it take us 100 year to attain Freedom from British ...... you have approx 35 year more to try Restore the Freedom as you say ???

thats enough time i think.
i hope isi gives them some hardcore equipment when our financial situation improves.

I will visit Free Balochistan as soon as it's liberated.

well good luck to you. just dont get kidnapped and get held for ransom lmao

There are nutjobs everywhere. Even in other states of India there are people who want their states to be independent. What matters is what majority think, and majority of Kashmiris want to be with India.

if majority of kashmiris want to be with india then let them vote for it.
Yestreday j!hadi killed security personal , Is it peace for J!hadis... Bloody Pigs..

i feel bad for the soldiers but what would you expect when occupying kashmiris against their will?
RAW will soon supply Baloch Freedom fighters with Kornet ATGM's and SA-24 Manpad's.

well our soldiers will get some good training killing bla then lol.
if india was capable of supplying balochistan that type of equipment it would do it by now with all the money they got.
you guys got less then a year left try your best.

Well Baloch Fighters will have many Pak Soldiers as POW's by then.

if you say so.
Kashmiris want to be a part of Pakistan even when all we have to offer is our guns, love and protection.

You can throw all your money at them but not everyone can be dazzled by bright lights and money.

There is no price on freedom.
oh well. there is only so much i can do.
the real players are in pakistan who i respect and salute for their efforts, my fellow countrymen, my brothers.

Then it is sad to hear that their effort is also going waste ... :lol:
Even we are not leaving.:)

Pakistani Soldiers are getting slaughtered like Pigs in Pashtun Tribal areas.

well we are in a war.
our soldiers die a warriors death while yours die a dogs death.

our soldiers are beasts and we love them and saluet them for everything they done for us.

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Well do u really think, independence can be achieved in few years, if so than ur wrong..But Kashmirs are on the course & sooner or later We will win our FREEDOM

Sooner or later , Jammu and Kashmir will always remain a part of India .
Then it is sad to hear that their effort is also going waste ... :lol:

well i dont care i will keep trying.
we pakistanis not quitters

If ISI had the balls to take Kashmir they would have done it in the 65 years they got.
But balless ISI failed miserably.

why are you reeating me for everything? come up with your own material.
i know you copy our songs but now our posts too? lol.

isi doesnt need to do much when the kashmiris themselves hate india.
Y should i Think it take us 100 year to attain Freedom from British ...... you have approx 35 year more to try Restore the Freedom as you say ???

Meanwhile it doesn't take that much year for us to make a Bangladesh ?

You should be thankful to those who helped stopped Armed struggle in Kashmir or else ur blown up Arsez would have been all over the place

Sooner or later , Jammy and Kashmir will always be part of India .

Kashmiris want to be a part of Pakistan even when all we have to offer is our guns, love and protection.

You can throw all your money at them but not everyone can be dazzled by bright lights and money.

There is no price on freedom.

i bet no indian is going to reply to this comment lol

Nice to know that you have visited P0K .

Then you willnot be able to visit it in this lifetime .

wel will see.
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