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Kashmir - Past & Present, How our Forefathers Sacrificed so much against India

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what you said is very sane. But the fact remains that taking control of kashmir without military action is not possible. And to assume that India with a larger and more powerful military would be willing to let go a part of our country is simply a fantasy.

Since 62 years u couldnt control kashmir even by killing a hundred thousand people.What makes u think the FREEDOM FIGHTERS and world will quit?
Since 62 years u couldnt control kashmir even by killing a hundred thousand people.What makes u think the FREEDOM FIGHTERS and world will quit?

World doesnt buy your arguement and hence no one except the vested interest of Pakistan (and its allies) harps on this issue. Really dont care.. Keep hoping for a change in the future but the reality of today is that J&K is a part of India. go figure...
World doesnt buy your arguement and hence no one except the vested interest of Pakistan (and its allies) harps on this issue. Really dont care.. Keep hoping for a change in the future but the reality of today is that J&K is a part of India. go figure...
As once signature says dont argue with an idiot he drags you down to his level and beats u with his experience.
So i stick to it sorry jagnitath and kar.
That is because Pakistanis are waking up to the truth!

Secular apologetics like Hassan Nisar do NOT represent the views of the majority of Pakistanis. They operate against the national interest of the Islamic state, and will be opposed fiercly by Pakistani patriots and nationalists!

Hassan Nisar is a liar, while Zaid Hamid speaks the truth!

Ya right! like Ajmal Kasab is Amar Singh, a Sikh!!! Zaid hamid is a proven straight faced liar. He's just inciting gullible idiots by saying what the gullible idiots want to hear.

Secondly, the 100000 killed by indian army is another pakistani propoganda for the gullible idiots. since most of the world is not gullible idiots, you can keep screaming and we'll watch with great amusement at your frustration :lol::lol::lol:
Ya right! like Ajmal Kasab is Amar Singh, a Sikh!!! Zaid hamid is a proven straight faced liar. He's just inciting gullible idiots by saying what the gullible idiots want to hear.

Secondly, the 100000 killed by indian army is another pakistani propoganda for the gullible idiots. since most of the world is not gullible idiots, you can keep screaming and we'll watch with great amusement at your frustration :lol::lol::lol:

All ur post is utter BULLSHYT but ill answer about murdered kashmiris.
If i prove that more then 90000 kashmiris have died whould u leave indian nationality?THE BIGGEST CHELLENGE IF YOU DONT WANNA ACCEPT I ASK IDIOTS LIKE YOU TO SHUT UP AND ATLEAST RESPECT THE DEAD.
About gulliable idiots the biggest GULLIABLE IDIOT country i find is bordering with us who cant see the truth.
All ur post is utter BULLSHYT but ill answer about murdered kashmiris.
If i prove that more then 90000 kashmiris have died whould u leave indian nationality?THE BIGGEST CHELLENGE IF YOU DONT WANNA ACCEPT I ASK IDIOTS LIKE YOU TO SHUT UP AND ATLEAST RESPECT THE DEAD.
About gulliable idiots the biggest GULLIABLE IDIOT country i find is bordering with us who cant see the truth.

No chum, first you prove that Ajmal Kasab is Amar Singh, so that we can know the credibility of that angry nut in red hat.

THEN we can even begin to talk about the 90000 people killed in kashmir by pakistan trained terrorists. Shame on you for the bloodshed, shame on you for using your own population as cannon fodder and shame on you for failing miserably at your evil plans :disagree::disagree::disagree:

And before telling me to respect the dead, think of that when you support that red hat idiot who made fun of our dead in mumbai attack, practice what you preach :lol::lol::lol:
All ur post is utter BULLSHYT but ill answer about murdered kashmiris.
If i prove that more then 90000 kashmiris have died whould u leave indian nationality?THE BIGGEST CHELLENGE IF YOU DONT WANNA ACCEPT I ASK IDIOTS LIKE YOU TO SHUT UP AND ATLEAST RESPECT THE DEAD.
About gulliable idiots the biggest GULLIABLE IDIOT country i find is bordering with us who cant see the truth.

A lot of those were killed by the foreign terrorists sent in by external forces into Kashmir to wage a proxy war. Also the number of 90k includes civilians, sec forces and terrorists
World doesnt buy your arguement and hence no one except the vested interest of Pakistan (and its allies) harps on this issue. Really dont care.. Keep hoping for a change in the future but the reality of today is that J&K is a part of India. go figure...

lol, You people claim to be the "worlds biggest democracy", but yet you won't allow Kashmiris choose if they want to be a part of Pakistan or india and instead you use brute forces through 700,000 troops to oppress the innocent people?
You are ridiculous!

Islam came through love and peace, and Hinduism came through violence!

My forefathers have been Muslim since before the time of the Prophet Adam (A) so don't come up with such nonsense.

Muslim saints like Khwaja Moinuddin Chisti (r), Ala Hazrat (r), and many, many more spread Islam through love and truth.

Pakistan has the second largest Muslim population after Indonesia, and we are an Islamic state, unlike India.

Kashmiris are Pakistanis, not Indians, and have always been so (Kashmiris have always held pro-Pakistan rallies within IOK, but NEVER a pro-Indian one, and in Azad Kashmir the Kashmiris there would die for Pakistan).

Watch the video, and here is a very conservative estimate of what the barbaric Indian's did against our innocent Kashmiri brothers/sisters.

Muslim holocaust and genocide rememberance day July 15

Facts can't be false. Lol... What I said was all true, your Indian propaganda wont change a thing!

Pakistan came into existance only sixty years ago.
Half pakistan is already gone in making Bangladesh nation.
So stop making stupid emotional statements which has no basis.

And one more thing,some pakistani claim that they are less of indian origin ,but share more blood ties with Arab,Afghan,Turk and moghul etc (which is false in any case).Where as most Kashmiris muslim are 100% descendants of hindu Kashmiri pandits.They even share their last names like Butt,Lone,Motto with their local kashmiri pandits brother.If Kashmiri pandits are among most patrotic india who gave leaders like Nehru,his daugther Indira Gandhi ,how can anyone in his right mind question the historical ties of Kashmiri muslim with india??
I think Mr Hamid is getting under your shirt and annoying you. First and foremost the people of kashmir should be given their rights to decide their own future regardless of India or Pakistan.
People of Kashmire should decide with vote , where they want to live in - its not a hard topic - that its made out to be

After all was it not india and pakistan who peacefully got their independence from british under same rule so why can't Kashmiri ppl decide their fate -

With UN supervision and slow transition 50-90 years, I am sure that both Indian/Pakistan ppl can still visit Kashmir as a symbol that units countries not the opposite way
Since 62 years u couldnt control kashmir even by killing a hundred thousand people.What makes u think the FREEDOM FIGHTERS and world will quit?

Do not worry sir, India is slowly but surely getting a grip on things. North East is by and large secured. Naxalites are being tackled and Kashmir too has largely been contanined. No where in India do we have SWAT of Waziristan type of ops. So its our land, we will secure it. 60 yrs are but a flash in history of nations. Have patience!!!! We will get there.
lol, You people claim to be the "worlds biggest democracy", but yet you won't allow Kashmiris choose if they want to be a part of Pakistan or india and instead you use brute forces through 700,000 troops to oppress the innocent people?

Our troops are there to protect the innocent and kill the not so innocent and they are doing a great job. The democratic kashmiris get to vote and become part of the democratic process and run their own government.

The only people who have been denied their democratic rights are the Hindu Pundits who have been kicked out of the valley by the terrorists in the name of 'freedom', yes they have freed the valley of Hindus, well done religious supremacists, your intolerance has no bounds, but so does our patience :whistle:
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