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So, is new media only reinforcing old stereotypes?

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yes thats what indian army is capable of .....they are saying mismanged functioning where as i am saying that this is done on purpose....may be tomorrow in this mismangement they will use chines or USA equipments.

Atleast use your own identity........

Maybe they know no one in Kashmir is afraid of indian army now..... thats why they are using UN equipment now hahahha
What Chinese equipments do we use?
and i hope you didn't mean those 3rd grade toys and tee shirts!:cheesy::rofl::rofl:
every Kashmiri is with Pakistan..... :pakistan:

Kashmir is a part of Pakistan :pdf::pakistan:

cut the crap

you are talking about Kashmir first ask from Baluchistan

they are fighting tere freedom war more then40 years

if you ask them then you will know Baluchistan is not part of Pakistan
What is stoping india from holding the presbitile we promised to u.n decades ago?Can some indian members explain?
Indians are actually allowing there pics to be taken by media, Isn't thats enough to prove that we are not here to hide. It's not like CCP clown chasing you around every corner to prevent you from taking pictures.

Police intimidating Facebook users in Kashmir: rights group - Yahoo! News

SRINAGAR (AFP) – A leading rights group in Indian Kashmir said Tuesday Facebook users were being intimidated by police for uploading images of ongoing deadly protests in the Himalayan region.

Over the past six weeks the Muslim-majority Kashmir valley has been in the grip of regular anti-India demonstrations.

Young Kashmiris have been uploading photos and videos on social networking site Facebook and video-sharing sites like YouTube.

The region's leading rights group, Coalition of Civil Society, said some Facebook users had been asked to report to police stations as a consequence.

"It is intimidation, nothing else," said Khurram Parvez, co-ordinator of Coalition of Civil Society. "The protests by Kashmiri youth even on virtual spaces like Facebook are not being tolerated, not to speak of the fate meted out to the protesters on the streets of Kashmir," Parvez told AFP.

"The democratic space for dissent in Kashmir is choked," he said.


India is wary of new technology and its ability to foment protests, as was most recently shown during demonstrations in Iran last June.

Footage of a young woman, Neda Agha-Soltan, being shot dead was put on YouTube which quickly turned her into a powerful and poignant symbol of the opposition movement.

Last month India banned phone users from sending SMS text messages in troubled Kashmir amid fears they were being used to mobilise protests and public opinion.

What is stoping india from holding the presbitile we promised to u.n decades ago?Can some indian members explain?

India and Pakistan didn't agree to certain terms of plebiscite in 1948. Both were reluctant to demilitarize J&K as a pre-requisite of plebiscite. It is much more complex but that's the simple answer I can give.
Let the people of kashmir speak for them sleves don't speak for them let them decide there way ahead no matter what it is let people in peace and let live for GOD's sake.
What is stoping india from holding the presbitile we promised to u.n decades ago?Can some indian members explain?

well can you tell me what is definition of human

if i am not wrong human is an social animal and if you cant live with other human happy then you are just animal

we are giving our best from 47 but sky has limit do you know how much loss we are facing in India

in bihar up,uk mans are dying and you are saying for Pakistan

we also facing flood in Himalaya leh

no more we can
Let the people of kashmir speak for them sleves don't speak for them let them decide there way ahead no matter what it is let people in peace and let live for GOD's sake.

Only Kashmir valley districts in India want independence according to chatham house survey. But India is not willing to give independence because it is legally acceded to India. All Kashmiris can ask for, just like other Indians, is better jobs, education and opportunities. It has been always up to Kashmiris to live in peace but unfortunately some separatists instigated by Pakistani backing want to keep this issue on boil forever but the support across the world is dwindling for Kashmir cause as espoused by Pakistan. Sooner or later this issue will subside and people will move on with opening up of new opportunities due to the rise of Indian economy.
I expected it all along.
In order to solve an issue one has to look and move in right direction, timing is also important, otherwise all efforts, resources and energies are misdericted and wasted.

It is natural, those who are in streets taking bullets on their chests have lost every hope, they are brains who grew up in oppression, they have collected hate every day they were stripped searched and humiliated alongside their families.

Indian occupied Kashmir is a just an open air jail, with a difference where prisoners had to pay tax to the state to get their children shoot dead.

Palestine and Israel conflict is a similar example. only difference world (controlled) media is hiding the 60 years plight of Kashmiris more religously than any thing else?

Is UN blind? or is it hijacked?
2. It also busted the denial of Indians on this same thread that NO it was all lie there is NO UN helmet worn by Indian force in IOK.
Show me one post by my compatriots where anyone denied UN markings were used by RAF personnel. Nobody is denying that fact. It was a logistic mistake by RAF personnel and is being rectified, I believe.
Altered ?? where is Altered image?? YOU yourself posted the pic which clearly shows Indian personnel are wearing UN Helmets and a Pakistani member have posted another pic which clearly shows some other equipment also used by your occupying force in IOK with clear marking of UN.
An altered image is the cropped image of the original I posted. That cropped image (altered image) shows just one RAF trooper with UN markings on his headgear ignoring the fact that rest of the troops have RAF markings on theirs. Now why would anyone want to do that? Falsification of data? Hell yeah, we know how all does that and for what purposes.

Enuf said.
Kashmir is disputed teritory officialy declared by UN since long ago.
India is not adhering to UN resolutions of allowing Kashmiris right of self determination.
It is moral duty of whole world to encourage Indians respect international laws.
Show me one post by my compatriots where anyone denied UN markings were used by RAF personnel. Nobody is denying that fact....
Jo hukam ho meray kakaa
Just stop stripping urself naked by insisting on what's false...

Not a single helmet with UN markings on it. Can someone upload a pic of Indian RAF with UN helmet markings on it in Kashmir or STFU
Second case of denial Look at him laughing his inner fears off...

Its another conspiracy theory and fake photo shop image
Thrird case of denial
US peace keeping force is still present in Kashmir (I think so!) May be the picture belongs to them.

Anyways, everyone knows that Indian army/CPRF is stationed in Kashmir... whats the need for wearing UN equipment?

And regarding India using UN equipment?
They might be Indian forces with UN, I don't think Indian army or infact any country's army is short of equipment!
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Indian Terrorist Army/puppet force hiding behind UN blue Helmets to kill Kashmiris.

:tdown: this also shows that how much the force is cunning.

By using UN helmets the occupying invader Indian terrorist army is trying to fool the world as if UN has permitted the killings of Kashmiris

First of all Rapid Action Force is not Indian Army. It is specialised riot control police force.
Second.......Talk to your parents and they will tell you that they gone through all the passions you are going through now.
Lastly...if you talk to your parants and your grand parents moer than spending your timem in this forum, they willl tell you to conecentarte on what you have and will warn you that the consequence will be that you may end up getting sliced again. ......history..recent history.
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