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So, is new media only reinforcing old stereotypes?

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Its another conspiracy theory and fake photo shop image

RAF's helmets clearly have RAF written over it.





Indian Terrorist Army/puppet force hiding behind UN blue Helmets to kill Kashmiris.

:tdown: this also shows that how much the force is cunning.

By using UN helmets the occupying invader Indian terrorist army is trying to fool the world as if UN has permitted the killings of Kashmiris

There is no such a thing as Indian Terrorist Army. If you want to generalize the Indian Army for the despicable actions of a very few, we can apply the same yardstick to many aspects which YOU hold dear. Infact we have much more examples supported by irrefutable evidence to support our generalizations. Game for a mud racking slugfest? Didnt think so, so next time choose your words wisely.

Btw, for a member of your stature, one should have known the difference between the Indian Army and the Rapid Action Force of the CRPF.
"US" is a typo ... I thought given the context everyone is intelligent enough to infer it from the picture and topic!

Lame excuse? Last time I checked there are UN offices in J&K ...

For those who ask me to read the link posted ... sorry for my ignorance ... arabic/persian (as the google translator says) is not my forte :)

Regarding the killing of people ... if you look at the facts ... no of people who have succumbed to injuries are more ... I wonder if the separatists have a hand in that (I said I wonder ... because I acknowledge unlike few that there are certain facts that are not known to everyone)

And anyways ... I feel sorry for them ... they are just ruining their life .... India in no condition is going to let an integral part of it to be taken away! (Yes! it is an integral part ... all those reasonings you are going to come up would be conspiracy theories :pop:)

The Last time the world checked There is NO UN peacekeeping force in Occupied Jammu and Kashmir.

The UN offices are UN observers and NOT UN peace keeping force. And when was the last time these UN observer offices in IHK had handed over UN helmets to Indian terrorist army in the valley?

The rest of your post is same orange BS not worth replying
The economic downfall as a result of joining WOT is a convinient excuse paddled by Pakistani politicians. Also Pakistan's economy is still floundering despite rest of the world moving steadily out of the recession so the global phenomenon is yet another excuse to hide behind.

according to Moodys, the Pakistani economy is stable; though with recent floods it will have a detrimental impact.

this thread is about Kashmir, if you want to talk about economy then lets do it in the proper sub-forum. this is NOT the place.

Economy of a country, that too as large as Pakistan does not become so ill in a span of 1 year, unless the issues were pre existing. And its the result of favouring extremism till 2007 (if i take your comment on face value) that is visible today in terms of well entrenched terrorist support in heartlands of Pakistan.

you seem to keep repeating yourself over and over; and I already rubbished your claims. Then you go a step further and take what I said completely out of context; Just move on. :disagree:

Kashmir has simply become an excuse for Pakistan as the terrorists like LeT etc that used to be tools for promoting this insurgency in Kashmir earlier have become too large and strong for the Pakistani state to control completely now.

why would we need to support terrorists to help with our objectives in Kashmir. The Kashmiris are rightfully doing it on their own; they are standing up in defiance against the hindustany occupation (men, women, youth).

it's a purely Kashmiri phenomenon. You talk about ''extremism''

I think it's purely existentialism.

by the way, LeT doesn't even exist.

But even if I agree to what you say about getting pulled into WOT, there is a reason why Pakistan and not Iran or any other bordering states of Afghanistan got pulled into WOT with a threat of join us or face stone age. Something to ponder over. Isnt it?

interestingly enough, Iran and U.S. (initially) had many similar objectives in Afghanistan; too bad that U.S. chose to not make amends and keep considering Iran a foe. But the WoT is going quite poorly in my opinion, since the world isn't much safer than it was before --if anything, it is more dangerous and at more risk to ideological/political forms of terrorism.

U.S. had little leverage or ways to inflict pressure on Iran. That said, it seems many in Washington are now saying that Iran is providing support to taleban and Al Qaeda. Go figure.

Again -- irrelevant to this discussion.

And thanks for your expert comments on the level of my previous post. Neither needed nor relevant

Your post completely deviated from the topic at hand and provided little substance to this thread; therefore it can be disregarded completely.

But you are welcome.

Violent Start to Ramzan as 4 Killed in Kashmir​
SRINAGAR: Indian troops killed four Muslims in Kashmir in a violent start to the holy fasting month of Ramzan, officials said Sunday.

The two were shot dead at dawn in northern Kupwara district after they infiltrated into Indian-administered Kashmir from the Pakistani zone of the divided state, an Indian army spokesman said.

Two others were killed overnight in the same district during a fierce gun battle.

The army has foiled more than a dozen attempts by militants to infiltrate into Indian-administered Kashmir from the Pakistani zone since the start of August.

Police and paramilitary forces maintained a tight watch to prevent attacks on security targets as thousands of Muslims filled mosques for afternoon prayers.

Loudhailers relayed prayers to people who knelt in the street on rugs and prayer mats in the summer capital of Srinagar.

DAWN.COM | World | Violent start to Ramzan as four killed in Kashmir

Needless hoopla over a probably stupid bureaucratic mistake. As I mentioned in another thread, RAF is deployed for many UN ops abroad. These RAF units were probably freshly returned and were rushed straight into Kashmir without any replacement equipment issued. This is certainly plausible and our babus in Home Ministry (under which RAF falls) are certainly known to make worst mistakes than these. It was a simple mistake.

Anybody assuming different angles to the story needs to get their brains checked. India's official position doesnt warranty any UN or third-party intervention in Kashmir. So India couldnt be pulling a fast one here.
The Last time the world checked There is NO UN peacekeeping force in Occupied Jammu and Kashmir.

The UN offices are UN observers and NOT UN peace keeping force. And when was the last time these UN observer offices in IHK had handed over UN helmets to Indian terrorist army in the valley?

Stop making arguments if you don't know the facts

Saudi Gazette - Thousands protest at UN office in Kashmir

Its really sad to see how one can make statements without knowing facts.

Ya I know ... you would probably delete this post

Stop making arguments if you don't know the facts

Saudi Gazette - Thousands protest at UN office in Kashmir

Its really sad to see how one can make statements.

Knock Knock .. please wake up! :cheers:

You shuold read the topic and then say something...... its really sad to see you army using UN equipment to spread hated amoung people................. question your army first and then post such post here.....

:sniper::sniper::sniper::sniper: Indian Army all gone
UN helmets to Indian terrorist army in the valley?

There you go peddling your BS again.

Those UN helmets were worn by a few RAF personnel who infact number only 300 in the entire valley! RAF helmets are blue in color and in one of the pics one can see UN marking along with RAF markings on the helmets.
You shuold read the topic and then say something...... its really sad to see you army using UN equipment to spread hated amoung people................. question your army first and then post such post here.....

:sniper::sniper::sniper::sniper: Indian Army all gone

Indian Army? Show me where, or else those are just brain farts of yours.

Its RAF of the CRPF. Big difference. They number only 300 in the entire valley.
Indian Army? Show me where, or else those are just brain farts of yours.

Its RAF of the CRPF. Big difference. They number only 300 in the entire valley.

Well International media (BBC ) reported as Indian Army.....now i think its gone into your fat mind

i dont care its RAF or CRPF , they are killing innocent people in kashmire under UN equipment cover which is not liked by UN and India asked to stop using UN equipments in indian occupied kashmir
Needless hoopla over a probably stupid bureaucratic mistake. As I mentioned in another thread, RAF is deployed for many UN ops abroad. These RAF units were probably freshly returned and were rushed straight into Kashmir without any replacement equipment issued. This is certainly plausible and our babus in Home Ministry (under which RAF falls) are certainly known to make worst mistakes than these. It was a simple mistake.

Anybody assuming different angles to the story needs to get their brains checked. India's official position doesnt warranty any UN or third-party intervention in Kashmir. So India couldnt be pulling a fast one here.

This is not headach of UN or the world what mistake Indian babus commit.

The reality is that Indian terrorist force in Kashmir is using UN Helmet and that is a shame for India.

Kindly get some nice helmets for Indian army if you find time from buying costly weapons
how PATHETIC of the hindustanys....

and quite un-soldierlike behaviour i might add. Who from the higher-ups ordered them to impersonate UN peacekeepers?

is the army trying to distance itself from....itself as it struggles helplessly to quell weeks of civilian uprising?
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