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So, is new media only reinforcing old stereotypes?

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Innocent Kashmirie needs guns & weapons to crush these terrorists troops

hmmm.....You seem to have waken from cold. Between 93-99 there was enough guns provided by there moral supporters. It did zilch. Try again if you want. Result will be same.
Brother, if India entered into dialogue with Mirwaiz and co, and firm guarantees were made from the Indian side on autonomy. Total and absolute, with a drawdown of military forces, repeal of things like AFSPA, the Seperatists were invited to be part of the state Govt and even accepted, how would you feel?
No guarentee was made of autonomy infact it wasnot even part of indian PMs speech. What was offered was autonomy within indian constitution subject to political consensus in India .There was
No talk of revoking AFSPA , No withdrawal of Armed forces .The least Indian PM could have done and that have might have struck cord here in valley was release of thousands of Political prisoners languishing in Jails across India some of them less than 16 years old . In my locality only some more than dozen guys have been booked under AFSPA in past two months of protests .
No guarentee was made of autonomy infact it wasnot even part of indian PMs speech. What was offered was autonomy within indian constitution subject to political consensus in India .There was
No talk of revoking AFSPA , No withdrawal of Armed forces .The least Indian PM could have done and that have might have struck cord here in valley was release of thousands of Political prisoners languishing in Jails across India some of them less than 16 years old . In my locality only some more than dozen guys have been booked under AFSPA in past two months of protests .

Obviously even if Autonomy under Indian Constitution is provided..Armed Forces will withdraw from the Civilian areas.... but will man the borders.. and all the political prisoners will freed.. now the ball is in your court either be with us and prosper or keep fighting us and remain miserable.
Right, yet another morally bankrupt Indian - 'India will kill you, rape your women, occupy your lands and subjugate you, but India will not allow you to exercise the right to self determination that was promised you by the Governor General of India on Accession, and promised to you and again accepted by India in the United Nations Security Council Resolutions - all in the name of 'nationalism'.

In terms of a people with a mindset of hatred, bigotry and support for State Sponsored Terrorism and oppression of the rights of millions, Indians like you have no equal.

morally bankrupt..?? fine...i accept that..

With all due respect.since ur speaking abt morals...where did the morals go and hide wen Chinese massacred Tibetans and Uighurs...and ur own army does regularly in Balochistan..?

Yes I can hear u furiously typing the words "disputed territory" ..but morals dont require a rubber stamp saying "disputed' from UN...they need only a consciense.

So please stop this "moral advise" to us..look inside ur own home and apply ur morals first there and then come to us.
Wake up from your wet dream, google isnt that difficult to use.

Turkey, Saudi Arabia, China and UN have offical support for Pakistani stand on Kashmir. :flame:

Oh sir....please come out of ur dream and show me the links where Turkey or KSA or even China have condemned India for the ongoing violence.

Wake up...The world doesnt utter the K-word anymore.

All they want is the D-word (dollars) from India.
It is a fact that the light skin, attractive female Kashmiri is kidnapped, raped and executed routinely by these black foreign animals. Rape is such a huge figure in Indian Raped Kashmir that it leaves any decent person stunned and in awe of Indian brutality. This is why the world claims no side when their soldiers get shot at in open in Jammu & Kashmir. Pakistan political and military establishment need to grow a pair and realize this. Just look at that fat gutted pig in the pic above to understand where I am coming from. The sooner we realize the rape of our sisters and understand that those African looking thugs are foreign occupiers brutalizing innocents in disputed territory, the sooner Kashmir problem might be solved. All we are busy doing is pandering to what the Indians want to hear and not making a definitive stand on the issue politically or militarily. Hiring some C-grade Jamati soldier is not enough for this issue.

Why dont u do something instead whining on an online forum ..?

Oh yeah i got it...u cant do anything other than whining.

And mind ur language ..I can post plenty of pictures of Pakistanis looking the same as the bolded parts above.
I too support the Kashmiri's demand on this one..

Why should an international that too a largely impotent organisation be allowed to come inbetween the internal affairs of India.

Withdraw the helmets ASAP.
The Kashmiri and Palestinian causes are the only ones in which the demands of the parties opposed to the occupying force have international legitimacy through UNSC resolutions.

Sir why should the right of the local population for self-determination be decided on the whim and fancy of the UN..?

Are the other people any less than the others just because the UN didn give legitimacy to them..? Is this some kind of American visa which is granted or rejected according to one's convinience.

Morals dont require UN stamps..If u support one group's right to self determination support all others...
India asked to stop using UN helmets in IHK

SRINAGAR: The UN has asked Indian forces cracking down on protests in violence-plagued Indian-held Kashmir (IHK) to stop wearing the distinctive powder-blue helmets of the UN peacekeeping force, a UN official said on Wednesday.

About 300 members of the paramilitary Rapid Action Force have been deployed in IHK since last week to help quell nearly two months of civil unrest that has reportedly killed more than 50 protesters and bystanders. Dozens of members of the force, armed with automatic rifles and dressed in full riot gear, have used UN-marked blue helmets and shields as they faced off against the protesters in the streets of Srinagar, the region’s main city. While the bulk of their duties consists of marching down streets in a show of strength, they have also taken part in baton charges and fired tear gas into the crowds.

Their use of UN equipment has perplexed many Kashmiris, who wondered why UN troops had taken a side in the conflict and were assisting Indian forces. “We’ve already informed the authorities about this problem,” said an officer at the UN Military Observer Group in India and Pakistan who spoke on condition of anonymity because he was not authorised to talk to the media. “The authorities have promised to solve this situation,” he said. ap

Daily Times - Leading News Resource of Pakistan


How will this get pinned on the 'Pakistan origin' UN spokesperson Haq I wonder ...
On the contrary this shows, the maximum amount of criticism UN is willing to do..looks like India and the rest of the world is on the same page.
As expected.. Mirwaiz's response is on the line after all he has taken proper cross-border training.. How can we expect him not to follow his bosses?

Regarding PDP's Mehbooba Mufti's comments.. I remember she is the same for which so much of ransom given in early 90s to save her from terrorist. Talking against same governement.. huh hypocrite.

@topic: autonomy is nothing new to J&K it was there till 1960 when this has been revoked. Even if this one is given and accepted nothing is going to be changed. PM already promised few NE states to give autonomy. These autonomus regions would be same as China's TAR and XAR this is also cleared.
This was simply a diplomatic move and best for valley but f they are not agreeing then let it be..
Kashmir separatists reject Singh’s autonomy offer

Wednesday, 11 Aug, 2010

“Our struggle is not for restoration of autonomy. It is to seek our right to self-determination,” Mirwaiz Umar Farooq said.

SRINAGAR: Separatist leaders in Indian-administered Kashmir dismissed Wednesday overtures from Prime Minister Manmohan Singh about political autonomy in the region following months of anti-India unrest.

Appealing to Kashmiri Muslims to “give peace a chance”, Singh had said Tuesday that his government would consider any consensus proposal for autonomy as long as it remained “within the ambit” of the constitution.

He also announced the creation of a panel of experts that would draw up a “jobs plan” for Indian-administered Kashmir where rampant unemployment — especially among young people — has fuelled resentment against Indian rule.

But senior Kashmir separatists rejected Singh's initiative.

“Our fight is for independence, not autonomy,” Javed Mir, a former militant commander turned separatist politician, told AFP.

“We will continue our fight for our goal through peaceful protests,” said Mir, who had been among the first Kashmiris to take up arms in 1989 when frustration against Indian rule boiled over into a full-blown insurgency.

Under the terms of its accession to India in 1947— after independence from Britain and the sub-continent's division — Kashmir was granted a relatively high degree of autonomy, excluding areas like defence and foreign affairs.

But those powers have been eroded over the years, and renewed promises of greater autonomy gain little traction in separatist circles.

“Our struggle is not for restoration of autonomy. It is to seek our right to self-determination,” Mirwaiz Umar Farooq, an influential moderate separatist, told AFP.

“We should be allowed to decide whether we want to remain with India, accede to Pakistan or carve out an independent state,” he said.

Kashmir is divided between India and Pakistan, which both claim the region in full and have fought two wars over their territorial dispute.

The Kashmir legislative assembly in 2000 passed a resolution favouring full restoration of the state's autonomy, but it was rejected by the then Hindu-nationalist government in New Delhi.

Autonomy is the main demand of the ruling National Conference, the state's biggest pro-India political party.

DAWN.COM | World | Kashmir separatists reject Singh?s autonomy offer

our government not run by those terrorist separatists
government is able to do what they want they dnt need any ones advive btw autonomy not gonna givin to J&K any how
Why dont u do something instead whining on an online forum ..?

Oh yeah i got it...u cant do anything other than whining.

And mind ur language ..I can post plenty of pictures of Pakistanis looking the same as the bolded parts above.

Come on bro its their helplessness which makes them to spell out all these righteous anger statements. Let them atleast enjoy this. :D
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