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So, is new media only reinforcing old stereotypes?

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I think autonomy is a fair deal. But no way we are going to re draw the physical boundary of kashmir. Pakistan is intrusted in water resource nothig else.
if not they would have supported the third option of independent kashmir in the UN.
Three militants killed in encounter in north Kashmir

Three militants were killed in an encounter with security forces in Bandipora district of north Kashmir this morning.

The gunbattle broke out in the forest area of Bandipora, 75 kms from Srinagar, when the militants opened fire on a search party of the security forces, a defence spokesman said.

He said three militants, who are yet to be identified, were killed in the gunbattle that was still going on when reports last came in.



The encounter is still going on..so expect some more good news from our side...
@robbie And so will Pakistan and Kashmiris!

majority kashmiris are with us so we will settle it peacefuly with kashmiris.And We succesfuly defended all the moves Of pakistan both militarily, through cross border terrorists and deploaticaly. So lets continue this for ever if you insist.
Fundamentally what the UN resolutions say is "Let the people decide on their own through a vote".

Only India rejects that, Pakistan and the Kashmiris are in agreement with it.
Fundamentally what the UN resolutions say is "Let the people decide on their own through a vote".

Only India rejects that, Pakistan and the Kashmiris are in agreement with it.
i request my fellow indians to post the UN resolution to the gentleman
Fundamentally what the UN resolutions say is "Let the people decide on their own through a vote".

Only India rejects that, Pakistan and the Kashmiris are in agreement with it.

Oh really! How goody two shoes are we? Then why doesn't Pakistan withdraw its forces to pre-48 lines? Why doesnt it unilaterally vacate Azad Kashmir (sic) and Gilgit-Baltistan?
The violent protests involving stone pelting and arson are the problem here. Peaceful protests have taken in many other places around Kashmir valley and Jammu even without loss of life. Out of the 50+ dead, atleast 5 were killed when protestors set fire to a police station that had explosives inside and it exploded. Another 50 year old woman died when a stone hit her directly in the chest even though she was not part of any protest. These type of protests can't be allowed.
But on the other hand peaceful protests should be allowed.

Here is an editorial from a leading English daily in Kashmir highlighting the contradictions between the aims and practice of the sepratists.

Kashmir Images :: Details
Any revolutionary force has two targets, moral as well as material. And as much as some would like to disagree, Kashmir is no exception to this general rule. While the structural violence woven into the political systems here has pushed the young protagonists to the top of the ‘anger mountain’ to shout ‘burn the system down’; those who, deliberately or by default, facilitated the adrenaline rush in their bloodstreams, seem plagued by a terrible sense of disorientation. They are hard at understanding

and articulating how to go about from here. All they are doing now is going with the wave and trying to somehow maintain some relevance for themselves and their politics. There are some who have silenced themselves after recoiling into their caves; others are firing paper missiles now and then to signal they are alive; and still others have taken recourse to feigning illness – they publicize doctors’ prescriptions to bail themselves out! (My comment: He referring to Yasim Malik and Geelani)This maze of contradictions emanating from the people at the so-called apex is so disconcerting that it is the cause and consequence of popular disillusionment and negativism with political leaders of both mainstream and separatist camps.
The other day members of Kashmir’s Bar Association were mad with rage because the High Court judge, who was scheduled to hear the habeas corpus petition of Bar president and general secretary, didn’t make it to the court. Reaching the court at 10am sharp, the Bar members including former president Zafar Shah, Zafar Qureshi, vice-president Ajaz Bedar and scores of others waited for the entire day for the said judge, but to their utmost dismay none of the justices of the High Court were visible. Exasperated over the “undesired absence” of the justices, the Bar ‘leaders’ later met the Chief Justice Aftab Ahmed Saikia, and expressed their disappointment at the absence of the appellate court judges. They told the Chief Justice that not only the cases of Bar president and general secretary were being affected but hundreds of other detainees languishing in jails under PSA were also suffering because of the justices’ absence. So true; but what about the thousands of other people seeking justice but whose cases are pending trail (adjudication) because the Bar Association has asked all lawyers not to attend courts until its leaders are freed? If Bar can’t bear delay of even a single day in the hearing of cases involving its president and general secretary, how could it justify its role in subverting thousands of other cases involving ordinary mortals? How can someone who seeks justice for itself justify its blocking of the same justice to others? Why this contradiction?
Indeed it is these contradictions and innate hypocrisies that are the cause of the popular negativism here. People have seen participatory democracy turn into its antithesis. The political panaceas of the past like the formation of the separatist alliance in All Parties Hurriyat Conference have become same old stuff under a different name. Given their anger, alienation and frustration, the Kashmir’s young, which are now the vanguard, have no illusions about the system, but given their age they have plenty of illusions about the way to change it. They are at cross-roads – it’s what they do and will do that will give meaning to their lives and to their people and the ‘nation’. But unfortunately, the search for ‘freedom’ does not seem to have any road or destination. It is here that a politically mature and tactically sound leadership could make the difference. But alas that too is missing. Wearing popular sufferings as a badge of achievement, those in the leadership roles here have become habitual of deceit. Instead of playing the game as it should be, they take pride in shouting ‘kill the umpire’. Those who are supposed to pass on the torch of experience and insights to the new generation are just not there even though they are physically very much in the think of things. So as the young look up at the society and the leaders around them, it is all, in their words “corrupt, materialistic, decadent, intellectually bankrupt, bourgeois in its values…” Is it any wonder that the entire leadership stands rejected in toto? Can anyone actually dare claim to be in command of the people and the situation right now?
We support Independence for Kashmir, only India is against it.
First of all freedom fighters are not terrorists by any chance
Today atleast 5 innocent people of kashmir who killed by indian army..... kashmir is burning...... freedom
Kashmir Valley calm, curfew lifted as Ramzan begins

Srinagar: After days of unrest and curfew, the situation in the Kashmir Valley was on Thursday calm with curfew being lifted from all the regions and a break in strikes called by separatists.

"The situation is peaceful throughout the Valley and curfew has been lifted from all parts," Inspector General Police (Kashmir Range) Farooq Ahmad said.

With the lifting of curfew coinciding with a separatists' announcement not to call for strike, shoppers flocked the markets and business establishments reopened in Srinagar city and other parts of the Valley.

Traffic snarls were seen at many places as people came out to stock supplies particularly in view of the holy month of Ramzan which commenced from Thursday.

Schools, colleges, banks and private offices reopened and public transport plied on the streets.

On August 10, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh had sought to calm tensions in the Valley by urging Kashmiris "to give peace a chance". He held out the possibility of greater autonomy and vowed to address rampant unemployment.

The Valley was rocked by violence following the death of a teenager on June 11 after allegedly being hit by a teargas shell at Gani stadium near Rajouri Kadal. After that street protests continued in the Valley which claimed 52 lives.
Interview Transcript – Syed Ali Shah Geelani

Fortress: Assalamo’ alaikum

Geelani Sb: Wa ‘alaikum Salaam wa rahmatullah

Fortress: Geelani sb, I am Tabish Qayyum from Fortress Magazine; we wanted to ask a few questions.

Geelani Sb: Tabish Qayyum … from which place?

Fortress: I am correspondent of Fortress Magazine, published monthly, from Karachi.

Geelani Sb: Karachi is it!! My heart bleeds for Karachi! How much pain and agony I am passing thorough! For avenging death of one person eighty human lives have been taken! Is this not reversion to the same pre Islamic jahiliyya?

Fortress: No doubt, you are hundred percent right

Geelani Sb: Is history not repeating itself? The age of pre Islamic ignorance has come again in a country that was founded in the name of Islam!

Geelani sb burst into tears …

Fortress: Geelani sb, we are witnessing a rebirth of the freedom struggle in Occupied Kashmir like of which was seen in 1989. The vigor and towards the movement amongst the youth and women is astonishing. With the rise in death toll the intensity of protests is also soaring. What has happened so special this time that after period of 20 years, Kashmiri youth, women and children have taken to the streets with such courage and passion.

Geelani Sb: That is the bounty of Allah on us. Allah has given us the strength to work towards this cause. Here in Srinagar we made contacts with the youth, we delivered speeches in mosques, and we tried to explain to the masses the repercussions of Indian slavery. We have introduced the slogan of “Freedom for the sake of Islam” in the masses. May Allah give us the strength to live up to our slogan grants us freedom, and we pray that He gives us the strength to establish the just and equitable system of Islam. Pakistan is identified in the world by means of its affiliation with Islam. And today it is facing destruction. It is punishment for not fulfilling the same obligation. They failed to establish the just Islamic order in Pakistan. They emulated the West and became their slaves; they whole heartedly embraced secularism and discarded Islam and eventually threw it out the window, hence this pre Islamic age of ignorance has to come haunt them again. Over here Alhamdolillah, it is only due to the grace of Allah that we have based our movement on Islam. We have rejected secular politics and have channelized our freedom struggle for the establishment of just Islamic order. This has appealed to the hearts and minds of our youth. That is why you see them on streets ready to embrace martyrdom. Alhamdolillah

Fortress: Recently, Chief Minister Umar Abdullah has labeled the current movement in Kashmir as being a ‘leaderless movement’, at this point in time what is the state of unity and level of involvement of the Hurriat Conference and the Kashmiri leadership in this movement.

Geelani Sb: It is absolute rubbish and propaganda used by the agents of the Indian government. It is not a ‘leaderless movement’; it is being lead by the APHC which in turn is under my leadership. The movement that you are witnessing right now was initiated in 2009 at the district level. The aim was to end the Indian occupation and we gave the slogan to ‘withdrawal of troops from Kashmir’. It was launched by our party, Tehreek e Hurriat, and our first political gathering was held in Shopian. At district level programs we used to come forth with two things, first we had to organize strikes at the district level and second organize big public gatherings and Alhamdolillah in we did all of this in nine districts in year 2009, and by the start of year 2010, only two districts we left. So at the start of 2010, we covered those two districts as well. This created awareness amongst the masses; we told the people that how under Indian military occupation nothing that belonged to us was secure. Be it our land, our forests, our culture, our civilization, our wealth, our life, our sanctity, our honor, every single thing of ours is threatened with the presence of Indian forces. So we must rise above all these subsidies and favors that are being offered to us. We must protect our civilization, our culture and the future of our new generation. So we must come forth with only one demand that there should be an end to Indian occupation of J&K.

Fortress: It has been alleged by India, that the idea, inception and command and control of this movement lay across the border i.e. Pakistan. What is the reality? They allege that Jihadi organizations are playing crucial role in orchestrating these protests.

Geelani Sb: Frankly speaking with no reservation, we had always wished that you cover our movement in its true perspective and present to the world accordingly, and that would have been a great favor upon us. Pakistan is engulfed in severe problems; we are very disturbed and sensitive to it. Millions of people have been affected with these floods and still the situation is out of control. Earlier the occurrence of tragic air plane crash and then above all killings in Karachi, we are conscious to all of this. In spite of this we ask you to pay head to the situation of Kashmir and ask your print and electronic media to dedicate resources to support the cause of the oppressed people of Kashmir. As for the allegations of involvement of Pakistan in this movement or any Jihadi organizations then these are all baseless, there is no gun or bullet or grenade in this movement. At most when the Indian forces beat the protesters on the street and fire shells at them, they respond with throwing stones at them. That is it. These protests are entirely peaceful and highly dignified. We have strike six days a week but we left Sunday open for the sake of public. I say with full confidence that there is not a single person who would say that he has been strained or he can’t buy this or that. We have given directives for opening Bait ul Maal in different areas. Alhamdolillah there are scores of Bait ul Maal. We bring relief goods, vegetables, food items and we distribute them in areas where they are required. Langaars have been setup in hospitals for the patients and their attendants. Alhamdolillah nobody starves over here and no patient is left out without medicine. People have great regard for their traditional values, no body needs to beg. We fully protect the non Muslim community present over here; they are living here without any fear. Representatives of pundits and Sikh community came to me yesterday, we told them that they are very dear to us; they are like organs of our body. We will protect them at all cost. Their wealth, honor, life, places of worship are secure. We have a very pleasant atmosphere over here, and we want to create an atmosphere of mercy, as laid down in Islam. And Allah is helping us.

Fortress: You have recently rejected talk offers, are the people of Kashmir with you on this?

Geelani Sb: Absolutely! Especially the youth and the educated segment of the society, after Allah SWT, we have full faith in their support.

Fortress: What recommendation would you like to give to Pakistan, how should it respond to this situation?

Geelani Sb: Pakistan should effectively employ all the diplomatic missions available at its disposal. It should avoid US pressure to engage in dialogue with India. The issue of Kashmir is not a border dispute between India and Pakistan, that they could bilaterally address it. It is an issue of right of self determination of a nation of 1 Curore 30 Lakhs. And on this basis, Pakistan and other countries should help us. Those who say that we want to help people of Kashmir and then ask Pakistan and India to enter into dialogue; I say that we will get nothing out of this. We got nothing out of it in the past 62 years and we would get nothing out of in the future. Because it is not a mere border dispute, if somebody wants to help then he should do so wholeheartedly by asking for right of self determination for the people of J&K as proscribed in the UN resolutions. India should fulfill the promises it made with regards to it. Yesterday Chadam Baram said in India parliament, that India had made promises with people of Kashmir and it is time for their fulfillment. This is what we are trying to remind to you. This is exactly what people of Kashmir and the youth of Kashmir have been saying all along. Then why are they being persecuted? It shows that there is inconsistency in your own statements. You say one thing in the parliament and on other hand you do the opposite and resort to use brute force in Kashmir. All the diplomatic missions should be engaged, that’s the first step. Secondly a special session of OIC should be convened and there not only should they pass a resolution, but they should also announce immediate boycott of India. India should be given ultimatum of fifteen days to take its troops out of Kashmir; otherwise OIC countries should impose economic sanctions on India. May Allah give the OIC countries courage to take this step. In fifteen days we would gain independence. And Pakistan should play a leading role in this. May this happen.

Fortress: Despite all the promises that India has made over the years, we have seen that it pays little head and has always resorted to use of brute force. For how long do you think Kashmiri youth would keep making sacrifices. Don’t you think that a point would come they would think of picking up gun in their struggle for freedom?

Geelani Sb: We have had an experience of armed struggle of about twenty years. We will inshAllah continue with our peaceful struggle. And Allah will help us. Pakistan’s role is to highlight the issue of Kashmir through diplomatic means. It should give maximum coverage to it.

Fortress: We assure you of our full support. We pray for the Kashmiri leadership, may Allah protect you.

Geelani Sb: I would like to add one thing and that is very important. The entire nation is united. Muslims of Jammu & Kashmir have gathered under united leadership. We have a very bitter experience of this. For sake of Allah you should support this leadership avoid causing any rupture in it.

Fortress: it is a very healthy development. JazakAllah

Geelani Sb: And please convey our hearty condolences and sympathies for the flood affectees. May Allah shower his mercy on Pakistan and alleviate the problems it has been facing.
@Karthic Sri

Had you diagnozed the problem right, you must had found its treatment in 60+ years. Situation in Kashmir is only worsening is indication whatever you imagine is their problem is factually not. Why is it so hard to understand Kashmir doesn't want to be part of India. Simple.

What I see is Problem is not out there in Kashmiris, they from the day one are determined and consistent in their demand. Problem is inside, inside the heart and mind of India who is not willing to hear and see what they say. You may even Identify and Identify that well that Kashmiris are not Indians but stake of India are probably too high that India is not ready to accept that. So reality is clear, its matter of accepting it or denying it. But once you identify the real centre of problem, you will move in a direction that will bring solution. Otherwise "barking at the wrong tree" doesn't help and that should have been clear by now.

Just one line (from one of my earlier post) to sum it up all:

Whether u like it or not A second partition based on religion is not happening in the subcontinent.Period.

If anybody is tired of being ruled by "infidels" they can very well pack their bags and migrate to the land of the pure.

But re-drawing maps ---> NO
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