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So, is new media only reinforcing old stereotypes?

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You have some valid points so we have.......
It has become boring now....
Kashmir problem and PDF got to stay........:whistle:
Gandhi, Nehru & Patel were 'imbeciles' by your logic then for struggling for independence from the British.

Big difference mate. Direction is what leaders give to a people. Their direction and leading by example achieved what an armed struggle could not. It even gave you guys a nation to call your own.

What direction do the Kashmiri youth have from their so called leaders? Stone pelting and riots? Enuff said.
I request all my Indian friends to stay away from this kinda flaming threads... Just once stop replying..and you will see the result.
you've just gotten luckier then we have.
Wrong assumption. We got good leaders, always had, will always have. And leaders are a reflection of the society/people they represent. Prove me wrong, if you can.
Did you guys have the Soviets knocking on your back door, and a unstable neighbor like Afghanistan? Yeah, I thought so. You guys can't control your country better then we can, you've just gotten luckier then we have.

Naa we have China knocking on our back door ..we had unstable Pakistan on our East a while ago..now its west ..problem you have started to face in last couple of years..we have been facing them for last 30 yrs.
Contrary to what you want to believe, Kashmir is and will remain an integral part of India.

Btw, Pakistan on one hand wants right of self determination to Kashmiris. Fair enough. But why is Pakistan poking its nose in what is truly India's internal affairs? Isnt that none of Pakistan's business?

On the other hand isnt Pakistan's description of the area as a disputed territory an implicit acknowledgement of Pakistan's desire to covet the piece of prime real estate? Isnt that gluttony on Pakistan's part? Pakistan cannot even control all the territories it claims and yet covets Kashmir which it can never control, given India being right next door!!

What is it that Pakistan wants exactly, and why? After 60 plus years, isnt it about time that one atleast learns to manage one's own affairs and house?

---------- Post added at 08:40 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:39 PM ----------

Seriously, cant you recognize your own country's flag? What a shame!

Now open ur eyes.......


Also chk out the Kashmiri leader posters behind the protesters :sniper:
I request all my Indian friends to stay away from this kinda flaming threads... Just once stop replying..and you will see the result.

U r steeping behind coz u cant defend the crimnal acts of ur terrorist Indian Arm troops
Azad Kashmir, Gilgit, Baltistan is our.....n peace is there

But Jammu n Kashmir is not urs....
U cant go there.......if u will try to go bullits and stones will welcome u from the people of Kashmir...

Look at closely, Jammu n Kashmir is the part of Pakistan by all means ......we already have Azad Kashmir, Gilgit , Baltistan, Karakoram Range ..etc

Inshallah we wil get back our remaining land (J&K)

Yeah.. Yeah.. Yeah.. Whatever floats your boat

You guys have been trying for last 63 years.. Our successful demonstration on how this is done in 1971 also didnt help. but good. keep trying...we dont even have to hit back.. You are doing it to yourself. Karan praaji's Monkey trap article sums it all.

Headline from Todays Paper

They dont need money, they dont need jobs, they dont need any thing except AZADI (freedom)


Wake up from your wet dream, google isnt that difficult to use.

Turkey, Saudi Arabia, China and UN have offical support for Pakistani stand on Kashmir. :flame:

If u are talking about friends of Pakistan then they would agree in words with you, but is there anybody out there to do something about it?? i mean anything not just militarily but diplomatically??

Kashmiri college girls confront Indian police who charged at them with batons during a protest over the alleged rape and murder of two Muslim women in Srinagar. Residents say the two women, aged 17 and 22, were abducted, raped and killed by security forces May 29 in Shopian town, south of Srinagar, after their bodies were found in a stream.

Shame on Indian troops....

It is a fact that the light skin, attractive female Kashmiri is kidnapped, raped and executed routinely by these black foreign animals. Rape is such a huge figure in Indian Raped Kashmir that it leaves any decent person stunned and in awe of Indian brutality. This is why the world claims no side when their soldiers get shot at in open in Jammu & Kashmir. Pakistan political and military establishment need to grow a pair and realize this. Just look at that fat gutted pig in the pic above to understand where I am coming from. The sooner we realize the rape of our sisters and understand that those African looking thugs are foreign occupiers brutalizing innocents in disputed territory, the sooner Kashmir problem might be solved. All we are busy doing is pandering to what the Indians want to hear and not making a definitive stand on the issue politically or militarily. Hiring some C-grade Jamati soldier is not enough for this issue.
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