They will have a future when they can live out of the shadow of 500,000 soldiers enforcing Indian occupation of the region.
They will have a future when they are allowed to determine their destiny through a plebiscite and promised them by India and the UN.
Lets do it.
This resolution was in the form of an assurance provided to India before the main U.N. Resolution of August 13, 1948, was to be implemented. The Resolution on Assurance said:-
1. Responsibility for the security of J&K rests with Government of India.
2. The sovereignty of the J&K Government over the entire territory of the State shall not be brought under question.
3. There shall be no recognition of the so-called Azad (Free) Kashmir Government.
4. The territory occupied by Pakistan shall not be consolidated to the disadvantage of the State of J&K.
5. The administration of the evacuated areas in the North shall revert to the Government of J&K and its defence to the Government of India, who will, if necessary, maintain garrison for preventing the incursion oftribesmen and for guarding main trade routes.
6. Pakistan shall be excluded from all affairs of J&K in particular in the plebiscite, of one should be held.
7. If a plebiscite is found to be impossible for technical or practical reasons, the Commission will consider other methods of determining fair and equitable conditions for ensuring a free expression of peoples will.
8. Plebescite proposal shall not be binding upon India if Pakistan does not implement Part I and II of the resolution of 13th August, 1948.
(The resolution had called upon Pakistan to withdraw troops from occupied Kashmir)