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So, is new media only reinforcing old stereotypes?

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So say the pro-India groups... But the rest of them clearly said they want Azadi for all Kashmiris. Pandits don't come because they don't want to come to Kashmir any more. They can come and vote for India in the plebiscite.

Plebiscite is the only way to know for sure who is with who and only India is afraid of plebiscite.

Azadi has different connotations…is it Azadi from HR violation? Or is it Azadi from the poverty and hunger? Or is it Azadi from something else?

As for plebiscite, this is not going to cut ice and it is a lost cause. Have not you observed your own government not demanding plebiscite? Have not you made any attempt to understand your government position?
Another youth dies, curfew in Srinagar - Hindustan Times

Indians are purposely targeting the very young in hopes that parents would back off.

Not really nobody is targeting nobody these young men are fed up of lack of economic opportunities and frustrated with restricted freedom and underdevelopment.

so casualties are due to collateral damage on police firing to control rioting stone pelting mobs.

My heart felt condolences to the families who have lost there dear ones to somebody's play of politics. :frown:
Another youth dies, curfew in Srinagar - Hindustan Times

Indians are purposely targeting the very young in hopes that parents would back off.

No its not the case ..here is an extract from the link one you gave to us..

The protesters wanted to exploit the situation in Jammu & Kashmir. They put the women and young boys in front of the demonstrations so that thesecurity forces don't hit back hard

Female Protesters in J&K put Security Forces in Fix

You can imagine what kind of assholes will put women and children infront and attack hiding behind them :disagree:
Kashmir protest reaches social networks
IANS, Aug 6, 2010, 11.50am IST

SRINAGAR: The streets of Kashmir Valley are not the only places burning with angry protests over the civilian killings. The rage has also spilled over into the virtual world where youngsters are venting their pent up sentiments.

Youngsters aged 15-25 are using their personal or community internet pages to express their anger against what they see as human rights abuses. Social networking sites like Facebook, Orkut, YouTube and many such web platforms have turned into a new battleground for the angry young generation of the valley.

With nearly 50 people dying in less than seven weeks - most of them in firing by security forces - many such voices are proliferating on the internet.

"I Protest", a community page created by an unknown user, has over 2,500 members -- Kashmiris as well as non-Kashmiris. It is described as "a campaign for international awareness against human rights abuse in Indian Kashmir.”

The page says, "I protest for being treated as a commodity, for being a slave in the dawn of the 21st century; I protest to be killed for protesting against abuse and basic human rights."

A user status on the "I Protest" page reads, "This brutal government has failed to communicate with people and done nothing to stop this unabated genocide. The government which came to power with high hopes has no right to be there, sadly lost its support & confidence. Shame on them."

A similar page, "I protest against the atrocities on Kashmiris,” has over 2,100 members. "Kashmir Dispatch" that serves more like a news portal giving one line updates about the current situation, protests and news photographs has over 5,000 members.

The virtual protesters have not spared Chief Minister Omar Abdullah. A page, "We hate Omar Abdullah...A politically immature person!," has nearly 1,500 members.

Zahra IV, a user, poses a rhyme of a question for the chief minister on the site. "What do you feel when you see young boys dying on the street? Who do you pray for at night before you go to sleep? What do you feel when you look in the mirror? Are you proud? How do you sleep while the rest of us cry? How do you dream when a mother has no chance to say goodbye (to her son)? How do you walk with your head held high? Can you even look me in the eye? And tell me why?"

The virtual rebellion of angry Kashmiris is also directed at Hurriyat separatist leaders like Syed Ali Shah Geelani, Mirwaiz Omar Farooq and others for their "failure to deliver”

"Internet is an important tool. The youth of Kashmir are expressing dissent through all the means and tools at their disposal," said Zamir Tajammul Qadri, 22, who uses an iPhone to update his status throughout the day.

"The young generation of online rebels should be an eye-opener for the tech-savvy young chief minister. He should be, and I am sure he is, reading all this. He was supposed to connect with the constituency of youngsters and this shows he has failed utterly," Qadri said.

While the online protests have been peaceful, on the streets the story has been different. The unrest shows no signs of relent, authorities have clamped down on stone-pelting protestors, arresting dozens and putting the entire valley under curfew.
Despite restrictions and shoot-at-sight orders, men, women and children have been taking to the streets. Kashmir, where a bloody 20-year-old separatist war had shown signs of abating only last year, is on the edge once again.

Kashmir protest reaches social networks - Social Media - Tech - The Times of India

Kashmiri mourners carry a coffin containing the body of Mohammad Rafiq Bangroo, a Kashmiri youth, during his funeral in Srinagar June 20, 2010. A Kashmiri, Javid Ahmad Malla, was killed and six others injured in Srinagar on Sunday when Indian government forces fired bullets at thousands of angry demonstrators protesting over the killing of Bangroo by police, witnesses said. The violent protests broke out in Kashmir's summer capital during the funeral procession of 24-year-old Bangroo, who died on in a hospital late on Saturday, days after being injured in a beating allegedly by paramilitary forces.
One can also imagine what kind of an asshole will kill 9 year old kid. :angry:

Ejaz (not you :tongue:) pointed out in another thread that the kid was died in the stampade between protesters and police..what was the kid doing in the protest mate?whose fault is that??anyway an Inquiry has been ordered and wait for the resuly till then dont belive the nonsense you media said about police out batton inside the throat of a nine year old..:hitwall:

Women cry during the funeral of Mohammad Rafiq Bangroo, a Kashmiri youth, in Srinagar June 20, 2010. A Kashmiri, Javid Ahmad Malla, was killed and six others injured in Srinagar on Sunday when Indian government forces fired bullets at thousands of angry demonstrators protesting over the killing of Bangroo by police, witnesses said. The violent protests broke out in Kashmir's summer capital during the funeral procession of 24-year-old Bangroo, who died on in a hospital late on Saturday, days after being injured in a beating allegedly by paramilitary forces.
Curfew reimposed in Kashmir after protester's death

SRINAGAR: Police and paramilitary forces on Monday reimposed a curfew in Srinagar after the overnight death of a protester.

Shops and businesses had opened on Sunday for the first time in two weeks after the Kashmir valley was brought to a standstill by violent protests and the deaths of scores of civilians.

The territory has been rocked by unrest since a teenage student was killed by a police tear-gas shell on June 11.

About 50 people have been killed as the security forces regularly opened fire to control the angry separatist demonstrations triggered by each fatality.

Some 33 people —many of them young men or teenagers —have died in the last ten days, the deadliest phase of violence for two years.

“We had to reimpose the curfew to prevent protests after the death of a protester,” a police officer said, asking not to be named.

He said the victim, a Srinagar resident, was injured last week during clashes and died in a hospital late Sunday.
Ejaz (not you :tongue:) pointed out in another thread that the kid was died in the stampade between protesters and police..what was the kid doing in the protest mate?whose fault is that??anyway an Inquiry has been ordered and wait for the resuly till then dont belive the nonsense you media said about police out batton inside the throat of a nine year old..:hitwall:

That same Mr. Ejaz even made out a UN resolution where by India had been assured a lot before UN plebescite. When challenged that no such UN resolution exists he stated that assurances were given to India. So he does come out with lots of things normally imaginary. :disagree:
One can also imagine what kind of an asshole will kill 9 year old kid. :angry:

Yeh and the terrorist Indian army @$$ holes think that a 9 year old kid is frustrated due unemployment and not due to Indian terrorism in Kashmir
That same Mr. Ejaz even made out a UN resolution where by India had been assured a lot before UN plebescite. When challenged that no such UN resolution exists he stated that assurances were given to India. So he does come out with lots of things normally imaginary. :disagree:

I meant about the Ejaz R the poster here :) ..here is the link posted by Ejaz R

Kashmir Images :: Details
An eight-year-old boy, Sameer Ahmed Rah, who was injured during a clash between protesters and security forces in Batamaloo area succumbed to his injuries in a Srinagar hospital. While residents alleged Sameer was beaten by police, police said he was injured in the stampede when security forces took action against the protesters. Meanwhile, the violence in the valley showed no signs of abating as an angry mob burned down the police station in Rajpora.
There is no justification to kill a nine year old, the Kashmiris want the Indian rule from Kashmir to end. Sooner or later, every household in Kashmir will start fighting the Indian security forces.
To reach what...Salvation?..:)
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