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Another youth dies, curfew in Srinagar - Hindustan Times

The toll in the ongoing cycle of violence in the Kashmir Valley rose to 50 with another youth succumbing to injuries sustained in firing by security forces, police said on Monday as curfew was imposed in Srinagar to contain tensions. “Fida Nabi Lone, 20, who had been injured in Shalteng outskirts of Srinagar city last week, when a violent mob defied curfew and attacked security forces, died in hospital during the night (Sunday)," a police officer said in Srinagar.

With the youth's death, the total number of civilians killed in security force firing since June 11 has gone up to 50, 33 of them in violent clashes in the Valley since July 30 while 17 other protesters died between June 11 to July 29.

“Curfew has been imposed in Srinagar city to prevent violence. Restrictions have also been imposed in the south Kashmir towns of Anantnag, Pulwama, Kakpora and Kulgam while there are no restrictions in Shopian town.

“There are no restrictions in the north Kashmir towns of Sopore, Baramulla, Handwara and Kupwara,” the officer said.

Hardline separatist leader Syed Ali Geelani has called for protests and shutdown in the Valley on Monday as part of his group's 'Quit Kashmir' campaign.

The latest resistance calendar issued by Geelani's group had asked people to resume normal activities Sunday and buy essentials to sustain another spell of protests and shutdowns called during this week by the group.

The Kashmir Valley has been on the boil for more than 50 days due to violent protests against civilians being killed in firing by security forces.

Indians are purposely targeting the very young in hopes that parents would back off.
Feel cheated by govt inaction: Kashmiris at protest

Kashmiris gathered at the Jantar Mantar on Sunday evening to protest against the civilian killings in the Valley over the last few months.

Children, men and women across all age groups squatted on the sidewalks taking turns to voice their concerns over the microphone while others held up posters and banners.

Even as the protest was about to start, some of them clashed with a group of Kashmiri Pandits who were also protesting at the spot. The police intervened and the Kashmiri Pandit protesters were led away.

Irfan Rashid, a Delhi-based businessman, said: “So far we constantly trusted the government and hoped our leaders will take decisive action. But over generations we have been neglected and now even the educated Kashmiri community is being fooled into believing that the government will do something to put an end to the violence... Be it the Shopian rape case or the Sopore and Baramulla killings, the government has never bothered to come and check on the innocents who are suffering there. We feel cheated and there is a limit to our suffering.”

Another protester Saba said: “I don’t want to recount my bad experiences because they are bitter and many. The only wish I want to make is even though our generation could not witness the Kashmir that was called a ‘Paradise on Earth’, at least our children should be able to see the glory of Kashmir as our grandparents saw.”

The banners and posters painted a grim picture as they listed the death toll and number of rape cases over the last few months. The protesters demanded that the killings should stop and be investigated and the Valley be declared a no weapon zone. They also wanted the troops pulled out of civilian areas and Section 144 of the AFSPA withdrawn.
Jantar Mantar protests in HC court - Hindustan Times

Is the ban on holding of protests at Parliament Street and Jantar Mantar illegal? The Delhi High Court has decided to examine this issue. The court on Monday issued notice to Centre and Delhi Government on a public interest litigation challenging the prohibitory orders and continuous imposition of

section 144 Criminal Procedure Code (ban on unlawful assembly) in these areas since four years. They have to to file their replies by August 25.
A Bench of Chief Justice Dipak Misra and Justice Manmohan was hearing a PIL filed by Banoo Bee, an activist associated with an organisation working for victims of the Bhopal gas tragedy.

She approached the court after the police refused to allow her to hold a protest march in support of victims of the gas tragedy in July.

Advocate Prashant Bhushan, appearing for her, contended that the police have been invoking section 144 (unlawful assembly) for many years in perpetuity which is illegal.

"Right to protest is a fundamental right and it cannot be banned. At the most, there can be some reasonable restrictions on holding protest. New Delhi, being the centre of power, is the most appropriate place to hold protest and the government cannot put a blanket ban on it," the advocate said in its petition.

They are also demanding a designated area where protests can be held unhindered. Section 144 of the CrPC empowers a Magistrate to issue prohibitory order to prevent breach of peace.
Voices of strife-torn Kashmir echo in Delhi - Delhi - City - The Times of India

NEW DELHI: A protest at Jantar Mantar on the violence in Kashmir took an ugly turn when Muslims from the state and Kashmiri Pandits exchanged heated words and one group charged at the other accusing them of "anti-national" activities. It took prompt police action to prevent the situation from turning any worse. More than 25 Kashmiri Pandits were detained.

Earlier, the two groups refused to sit with each other even though they had assembled for a common cause. Both groups addressed the urgent need for peace in Kashmir and bemoaned the number of deaths in the last few weeks. While the Kashmiri Pandits expressed the loss of identity and representation afforded to them, the Kashmiri Muslims expressed pain and regret over the number of lives lost in `mindless firing' at civilian protests. The Muslim group kept urging the Pandits to sit together but the latter refused.

"Deshdrohi jaao,'' came the cry from the group of Kashmiri Pandit protesters. They claimed the `other' group was separatist and they did not care for the "azadi'' that they were demanding.

Said activist Aditya Raj Kaul, "A small section of Kashmiri Muslims want a separate nation. They are using women and young children in this movement, and want Kashmir to be a mess. They want the administration to fail, the infrastructure to fall apart and create total chaos and make it an international issue. Peace cannot be achieved with separatists on the table. Bring in the Sikhs, the Gujjars, Shias, Dogras, Buddhists, Pandits and let all of us decide what Kashmir wants. Theirs is not a secular movement."

Meanwhile, Kashmiri Muslims claimed that they wanted to include all Kashmiris in the struggle. Said activist Ishfaq, "They are our brothers. We want a peaceful Kashmir and the atrocities that the Indian Armed Forces are committing against innocent civilians must be stopped. We are crying, but nobody is looking.''
Dal Khalsa joins protest at Jantar Mantar in Delhi to highlight plight of Kashmiri people @ www.punjabnewsline.com

CHANDIGARH: To highlight the dismal plight of Kashmiris and protest against the unabated killings across the valley since June 11, the Dal Khalsa participated in a sit-in organized by Kashmiris of Delhi at Jantar Mantar this evening.

Informing the media persons on phone, Dal Khalsa leader Kanwar Pal Singh said it’s the spirited protest in which hundreds of Kashmiris including students, professionals and businessmen assembled at Jantar Mantar carrying placards reading “stop crimes against humanity and UN to break its stoic silence on Kashmir”. Photographs of human rights violations were put on display in large numbers. They also kept blood drenched school bags to make the denizens of Delhi aware about the school children being killed by trigger happy policemen and troopers.

Hailing the spirit and steadfastness of Kashmiri youth who were sacrificing their lives while facing the state repression in the valley since last 2 months, the Dal Khalsa spokesperson Kanwarpal Singh they were moved by the sufferings of the Kashmiri people that were striving for their rights and freedom. “By facing the bullets and batons of security forces with brave hearts, the Kashmiris have shown to the world that they prefer death to slavery".

Angry young Kashmiri protesters mostly studying in various educational institutions raised the most popular slogan in the Valley “Hum Kya Chathe Azadi (We want freedom),” in the heart of New Delhi. They sang songs and poems to pay respect to those who have been killed. Both boys and girls in an emotive chord lambasted the Indian civil society for keeping “mum” on the killings of Kashmiris.

A girl speaker castigated the advice of Home Minister to Kashmiri parents for keeping their wards inside the houses. She reminded P Chidambaram that security forces in the valley had picked up large number of youth from their houses in the past and killed them in fake-encounters.

Accusing the Indian government for using excessive force in Kashmir, the organizer of the event Prof S A R Geelani said security forces were firing indiscriminately on Kashmiri protestors and beating them to silence their voices.

Satnam Singh another Dal Khalsa leader was more vocal. While addressing the gathering he praised the leadership of Hurriyat chief Syed Ali Shah Geelani and echoed his call to keep the on-going protests peaceful and non-violent. Dr Manjinder Singh expressed solidarity with the people of Kashmir and with the families of victims of state repression.

Members of Democratic Students Union, All India students Association, Communist Party of India (Marxist-Leninist), Peoples Union for Civil Liberties, Peoples Union For Democratic Rights, Naga Peoples Movement for Human Rights and Resistance Media also participated in the sit-in.

The tempers ran high when a handful of Kashmiri Pandits arrived at venue and started condemning the pro-freedom leaders. Although police force present there in large numbers prevented them in coming close to the venue, the organizers requested them to join the sit-in to protest the innocent killings. Prof Geelani said “you are also our brothers, come on the stage and not fall in the trap of agencies who intend to divide us”.
Khalsa's have joined in. Either India gives in to Kashmir now, or else the freedom movements would converge on New Delhi from Kashmir to Assam/Nagaland.
So you see how this is going? Residents of different Indian states and communities protesting against usage of extreme force against residents of another Indian state by the Police. Exactly what you are tom toming as a victory is what will make this a victory for India and its Kashmiri citizens, but not for Pakistan. :cheers:
Inshallah... Kashmir will meet its destiny... Freedom from the terrorist state of hindu india. It is also heartening to see the Dal Khalsa joining in protest. The Sikhs have a score to settle as well, the desecration of the Golden Temple by the indian army.
So you see how this is going? Residents of different Indian states and communities protesting against usage of extreme force against residents of another Indian state by the Police. Exactly what you are tom toming as a victory is what will make this a victory for India and its Kashmiri citizens, but not for Pakistan. :cheers:
That's a strawman.

That is a put your face under the blanket attitude and deny the obvious.

They are attacking the symbols of India hood, and most groups in India are seeing it as such but are unable to contain them in any other way than to use more violence against them, which further fuels their desire to break free.

They have reached New Delhi, and its the best move. More and more Kashmiris should focus on New Delhi for their protests.
Dear asim how come u don't post anything abt Karachi where more than 90 people have been killed or abt the floods. are u only interested in kashmir???
Geelani's protest calendar is the best move for a sustained protest, he should keep launching these calendars with updates now and then. The result was, that yesterday when the curfew was up, Kashmiris started stockpiling food and supplies for protests later on.

Indian immediately imposed more curfews to block the stockpiling effort. This thing has gone out of India's control, for Pakistan we just need to cheer the Kashmiris on.
That's a strawman.

That is a put your face under the blanket attitude and deny the obvious.

They are attacking the symbols of India hood, and most groups in India are seeing it as such but are unable to contain them in any other way than to use more violence against them, which further fuels their desire to break free.

They have reached New Delhi, and its the best move. More and more Kashmiris should focus on New Delhi for their protests.

Lets see. I dont believe that. The fact other groups in India are showing solidarity with Kashmiris against the use of force by the state govt, which is elected by these very people, demonstrates that there is no discrimination against Kashmiri people and projects the image of oneness. The Azadi crap will soon moderate itself into prevention of use of force by Law enforcement bodies. Some amount of heal talk by Farooq / Omar with a fast tracked investigation into the original death by a tear gas shell will temper it down soon enough.

About reaching Delhi, its not a restricted area and any Indian citizen who can afford a train ticket can reach Delhi the day he/she wants.

btw, did you call Kashmiri Pandits as other groups (other than Kashmiri groups). Do I sense a bit of religious undercurrents seeping in?
So how can I ask u that question please??? Sorry for being off topic. If I post 10 different articles abt something happening in Pakistan when there is a riot and biggest natural disaster in the history of my country wouldn't u be asking me the same??
Geelani's protest calendar is the best move for a sustained protest, he should keep launching these calendars with updates now and then. The result was, that yesterday when the curfew was up, Kashmiris started stockpiling food and supplies for protests later on.

Indian immediately imposed more curfews to block the stockpiling effort. This thing has gone out of India's control, for Pakistan we just need to cheer the Kashmiris on.

I don't think there was any curfew yesterday in Kashmir. And Gilani tried this calander thing in mid july too. Did not work. He is simply trying to regain relevance, the separatists have losts over last few years..
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