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So, is new media only reinforcing old stereotypes?

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u wont have to wait that much long .... just as long till sm muhammad bin qwasim or mehmood ghaznavi invades .:argh:

Man, you guys are real delusional. Who the **** mehmood ghaznavi is to invade us. Is he some mythical person from your 3500 year old quran? If so, spare us of your delusional beliefs.
The fire and rage doesn't seem to be going out anytime soon. If anything, it will only simmer and I doubt it will be totally extinguished.

A question to fellow Indian members: Is there a realisation (or acceptance) on your part that the majority of The Valley doesn't want to be part of India? I'm not talking about Kashmir, as I understand this rage isn't concentrated in Leh, Jammu or Ladakh.

Would like your views on this. Thanks.
Having a ruptured lung does not mean the kid is dead.....where did I specifically say that he was killed by your Security forces.....my point to Pashwa was that your Security forces our using excessive force.

You can't answer so you are going around in a circle....first you said that I showed Pashwa a photo...which was a lie conducted by you.......Second I gave you the link.........now you are telling me its fake........then you bodly said that your security forces were not using live bulllets.....I gave you three articles.....you it was you who was lying to your fellow countrymen and It was you who had an imagination not me.
Also you never answred my question on barbasism by these Kashmiri's on Hindu brothers.

Not once have I involved religion into this discussion.....I am not even saying that Kashmir should be Independent just because it has a Muslim Majority....however from your response you seem to dislike Muslim's.....and you seem to regard them different. However why don't you show me some of the articles.......and if it is true in what you say....then it is wrong.......but you must accept that your goveremnt has done wrong in how it has conducted its operation in dispersing the crowd.
why Pakistani think that by publishing fake indian govt failure news and videos they can disturbed Indian govt. but reality is that Indians are not caring about fake news. some Pakistani are more interested in indian problem rather than caring about own big problems.
Terrorism and Exodus (1985-1995)

In late 1989 and early 1990, when the Kashmiri Muslims raised the banner of rebellion against Indian Government, the Kashmiri Pandit minority was targeted by Islamic fundamentalists and socially persecuted by a significant proportion of the Kashmiri Muslim population. This forced almost all of the remaining Kashmiri Pandit families to suddenly leave the Valley. These families intended to return to the Valley after restoration of normalcy. However, the socio-political situation in Kashmir continues to be volatile, with the displaced Kashmiri Pandits beginning to lose their cultural identity. The US Department of State reports that, according to the Indian National Human Rights Commission, the Kashmiri Pandit population in Jammu and Kashmir dropped from 15 percent in 1941 to 1 percent as of 2001.[10][11]. Kashmiri Pandit refugees living in camps near the North Indian cities of Jammu and Delhi have come up with the demand for a Panun Kashmir, a territory where they can reside without fear of persecution or human rights violations. A MORI survey found that within the Kashmir Valley, 92% respondents opposed the state of Kashmir being divided on the basis of religion or ethnicity.[12] Due to the violent Islamic insurgency, 209 [13] Kashmiri Pandits have been murdered, 400,000 displaced. fundamentalists.[14] This was condemned and labeled as ethnic cleansing in a 2006 resolution passed by the United States Congress.[15] In 2009 Oregon Legislative Assembly passed a resolution to recognize 14 September 2007, as Martyrs Day to acknowledge ethnic cleansing and campaigns of terror inflicted on non-Muslim minorities of Jammu and Kashmir by terrorists seeking to establish an Islamic state.[16] According to the CIA about 300,000 Kashmir Hindus (Pandits) from the Indian Administered Kashmir Valley are residing in the Jammu region of the state of Jammu and Kashmir (particularly in the refugee camps at Udhampur and Jammu), and another 100,000in Delhi, in refugee camps established by the Indian Government and the UN.[17] The ethnic cleansing of Kashmiri Pandits continues, with anti-Hindu threats made to them by terrorists as recently as 2009[18]

Currently, the National Capital Region of Delhi, including Delhi, Faridabad, Ghaziabad, NOIDA, and Gurgaon, is the settlement with the largest population of Kashmiri Pandits in the world.

Kashmiri Pandit - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Not once have I involved religion into this discussion.....I am not even saying that Kashmir should be Independent just because it has a Muslim Majority....however from your response you seem to dislike Muslim's.....and you seem to regard them different. However why don't you show me some of the articles.......and if it is true in what you say....then it is wrong.......but you must accept that your goveremnt has done wrong in how it has conducted its operation in dispersing the crowd.

Greenstar almost every discussion in this forum is about Kashmiris muslims only..there people dont care about what happened to Hindus there..they are the one suffered mostly there and almost all are thrown away from the home state and living like aliens in other states..and as for government has done wrong..i agree that goverment should have given CRPF and local police better crowd management training but you see we are not as devaloped as European and US forces..our police tried to disperse a violent protest and things get out of hand..and when mobs turned violent and destroying public property they have to use lethal force to disperse the mob..as I said this is used in different part of the world..
Okay fair enough the article...says that Kashmir's have targeted Hindues.......but that does not excuse....what your goverment has done during the protests conducted in the past week.
Kashmir protests: Indian police in Kashmir don't get a break
Kashmir protest crackdowns have brought youths to the streets to pelt Indian security forces with rocks. The police, meanwhile, are working 17-hour shifts as they grudgingly grapple with 'a political problem.'

By Ben Arnoldy, Staff writer / August 5, 2010

Srinagar, India
Behind "Aidl" and his comrades in the Central Reserve Police Forces (CRPF) stands a home with broken windows and pockmarked plaster from hundreds of pelted stones. He points to it when asked if he's had many stones thrown at him while patrolling this increasingly restive downtown capital of Indian-controlled Kashmir in the disputed Himalayan region.

In the past few months, thousands of boys and young men have taken to pelting Indian security forces and police with rocks, with increasing regularity. They are protesting the stifling of peaceful protest, and decades of Indian control over the region. Meanwhile, Indian police say they can't get a break.

Syed Ali Shah Gilani, a Kashmiri separatist figure with some clout among the teenage rock throwers, appealed Wednesday for protests to remain peaceful.

"You won't find one of us who hasn't been hit by a stone and injured in some way," says Aidl, who was afraid to give his name.

To break up crowds, the paramilitary CRPF wield bamboo sticks, stones, tear gas, and rifles. The police have only a handful of tasers. "At times there are thousands of people coming after just a few of us. So then we have to use [batons] and stones to push them back," he says.

And sometimes, security forces say, they have no choice but to use deadly force. But casualties have been disproportionate; Since late Wednesday, two more people died of gunfire from paramilitary forces, bringing the total number of civilians killed since June 11 to 48, compared with no police deaths. According to the Associated Press, one of the civilians shot Wednesday had been shouting at security forces, the other was killed by a stray bullet while at home.

The security crackdown has exhausted police and paramilitaries. Most days this summer CRPF men and police serve 16- to 17-hour shifts.

The long hours may help explain the excessive police responses to protests and provocative stone throwing at homes and modifications of "Go India Go" street graffiti to "Good, India, Good."

Police leaders, none of whom could go on record, express frustration that they are being relied on solely to solve what they say is ultimately a political problem. "Our job is only to keep dealing with the situation but there is no solution coming," says local cop Aijaz Ahmed.

Kashmir protests: Indian police in Kashmir don't get a break - CSMonitor.com
Okay fair enough the article...says that Kashmir's have targeted Hindues.......but that does not excuse....what your goverment has done during the protests conducted in the past week.

Replied you above
India is coping Israel in every department

You are making those innocent people copying Palestinians to show that they are the victims..its like catching the fish with out wetting the hand..some sympathy you guys got for them :disagree:
Greenstar almost every discussion in this forum is about Kashmiris muslims only..there people dont care about what happened to Hindus there

Ah but I never said that Kashmir should be Independent because it has more Muslims......what other people say is there own opinion. Like I said that is very unfournate and sad in what has happened to these Kashmiri Hindues...but essentially this is still your goveremnts fault......they have clearly not tackled the core issues that have caused this tension in the first place.....if you spent Billions on educating the people of Kashmir to live in harmony with one another...instead of buying expensive weapons.....maybe this would not have happpened...clearly the goverement has failed in this regard. But like I said I feel sorry for these Hindues.

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