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So, is new media only reinforcing old stereotypes?

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Remove him and give J&K an Azad Kashmir like governance system with its own parliament and everything and Indian military can go patrol the LoC to make sure Pakistan does not come in.

That will be a win-win and perhaps will also see participation from separatists in the elections for the new Azad government.

They have their state assembly.. Thats the parliament body a state has..

Agree on the army piece, but I dont think Army is deployed in the urban centers at this time.
Those Idiots and Institutions responsible for this mess have to pay for this, I dont see why tax payers money has be to used.

Make Hurriyat conferece pay for all the costs of destruction and for the relief services.
Why are the Idiots taking children into demonstrations and when they know very well that those demonstrations can get out of hand with all the voilcence by the disruptive forces Hurriyat and their paid henchmen.
childrens r used as an weapon.they know it will increase anger
They have their state assembly.. Thats the parliament body a state has..

Agree on the army piece, but I dont think Army is deployed in the urban centers at this time.
There is heavy armed presence of various groups, from police to CRPF to Rapid Action force and even special forces - army is deployed as well. Remember the parade army did as a show of force 2 weeks back?

A bullet is a bullet and a gun is a gun - Curfew hasn't been relented for 8 straight days now. Omar sending in trucks for 'relief' over the 'strain' he himself has imposed upon the Kashmiris is no big thing. After 8 days people would be running low on supplies.

Shoot to kill orders are on, can you imagine the mental toll this takes upon a person living in Kashmir. Kashmiris are modern - non tribal, highly urbanized and education and economic prosperity seeking people, and secularized Muslims. This act of defiance comes after years and years of conflict and abuse at the hands of the security forces its not in their culture or tradition.

Omar Abdullah has to go - and the tie up with the Indian union has to be loose with its own governance, with a connected defence/economic system. The escalation of protests would end and so would the need to deploy heavy forces on Kashmir's streets.
There is heavy armed presence of various groups, from police to CRPF to Rapid Action force and even special forces - army is deployed as well. Remember the parade army did as a show of force 2 weeks back?

A bullet is a bullet and a gun is a gun - Curfew hasn't been relented for 8 straight days now. Omar sending in trucks for 'relief' over the 'strain' he himself has imposed upon the Kashmiris is no big thing. After 8 days people would be running low on supplies.

Shoot to kill orders are on, can you imagine the mental toll this takes upon a person living in Kashmir. Kashmiris are modern - non tribal, highly urbanized and education and economic prosperity seeking people, and secularized Muslims. This act of defiance comes after years and years of conflict and abuse at the hands of the security forces its not in their culture or tradition.

Omar Abdullah has to go - and the tie up with the Indian union has to be loose with its own governance, with a connected defence/economic system. The escalation of protests would end and so would the need to deploy heavy forces on Kashmir's streets.

this is wat govt needs to do is to deploy more army there and remove the 370
^ Lack of experiance. Farooq Abdullah has now stepped in.. Let Asim ji have his moments of glee for now.. ;).

On the other hand, expensive (lives wise) but much needed wake up call for GOI. Expect to see a bunch of progressive steps in next few weeks. Big announcement expected on tuesday
This is not true:

Farooq Abdullah says speculation about his return as J&K CM baseless | NetIndian | India News | Latest News from India | Breaking News from India | Latest Headlines
who implemented this f******** Article 370
It will be the final nail in the coffin if you make it look like you're going to send in other Indians to take over Kashmir from Kashmiris now. The demand for Azadi would then be unstoppable.

Don't make the same mistake that Nehru did with Pakistan. Grant them the total autonomy they seek, now or lose everything later.
It will be the final nail in the coffin if you make it look like you're going to send in other Indians to take over Kashmir from Kashmiris now. The demand for Azadi would then be unstoppable.

Don't make the same mistake that Nehru did with Pakistan. Grant them the total autonomy they seek, now or lose everything later.

Thanks we will keep that in mind.

Crush the terrorists and their supporters whatever it takes.
Omar Abdullah is the front target for all the issues in Kashmir. He tried to offer a job to the woman's family in compensation, she got pissed and grabbed him by the collar!

Omar Abdullah ran for cover afterwards - a very symbolic sight of Indian government running away from Kashmiris.

Well if that version is true; what does it suggest? That she faced no consequences for the supposed action hardly shows the image you want to portray - a police state intent on violence. Can someone do the same to your army officials & hope to survive?

Remove him and give J&K an Azad Kashmir like governance system with its own parliament and everything and Indian military can go patrol the LoC to make sure Pakistan does not come in.

That will be a win-win and perhaps will also see participation from separatists in the elections for the new Azad government.

Silly idea. It's not that easy to remove elected representatives from their positions. There will, in due course be another election and the people can decide. If he & his government are removed now, then it's going to be direct rule from New Delhi by the Home ministry & nothing else.
Why are the Idiots taking children into demonstrations and when they know very well that those demonstrations can get out of hand with all the voilcence by the disruptive forces Hurriyat and their paid henchmen.
A nine year old boy was killed who simply was going to the local shop for some supplies. He wasn't even shot, he was beaten to death by Indian security forces pounding on him.

Mothers of India ought do not need to cry for Kashmir they need to discipline their children, the Indian soldiers.
Remove him and give J&K an Azad Kashmir like governance system with its own parliament and everything and Indian military can go patrol the LoC to make sure Pakistan does not come in.

That will be a win-win and perhaps will also see participation from separatists in the elections for the new Azad government.

Its not about removing him. He has been there only for a littel more than a year. Being CM of Jammu-Kashmir is probably one of the most difficult jobs in south asia if not the world.

You have the entrenched security establishment and the ever present militants. Just last year in December Fazl Haq Qureshi, Mirwaiz Umar's rep was involved in quiet dialouge with Delhi was shot in the head. Its not like the militants have gone away you know.

Then you have the sepratists who take on everysingle issue to give it an anti-India bent. From the HR violations to provision of govt. jobs to bollywood movies and music or even attempts like Free all India tours to young schoolchildren. And its no secret that they havevastamountfunding coming through foreignchannels.
On the other side you have a very vituperative opposition in the form of PDP whichdoes not leaveany stone untuned to pull of the pants of the Omar Abdulla govt.

Then you have the regional aspirations of Jammu and Ladakh which includes about 50% of the states population including many muslim majority districts which are mainly pro-Indian but complain that they don't get as much as developmental aid just because they are pro-Indian while the valley gets much more.

There is already a functioning assembly in J&K much before Pakistani Kashmir side and there has been no bifurcation or trifurcation of the J&K state like Gilgit Baltistan in Pakistan.

An in 2008, sepratists did take part in elections, mostly as independants. Some won, some lost. That is why there was a 68% vote turnout. Sajjad Lone even fought in the National elections for MP seat.

But demilitariastion and justice is a must. HR violations, particularly those that are clearcut like the Pathribal case or the recent Machil fake encouter case should be punished.

The main reason for the anger is the HR violations and thathas to be addressed before anything else IMO.
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It will be the final nail in the coffin if you make it look like you're going to send in other Indians to take over Kashmir from Kashmiris now. The demand for Azadi would then be unstoppable.

Don't make the same mistake that Nehru did with Pakistan. Grant them the total autonomy they seek, now or lose everything later.

it does not mean that whole india will be flooded there.it is just to clear the understanding.

india will never give any freedom or such like things,territory cant be compromised.whole india is linked with this.
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