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So, is new media only reinforcing old stereotypes?

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own away from the home state and living like aliens in other states..and as for government has done wrong..i agree that goverment should have given CRPF and local police better crowd management training but you see we are not as devaloped as European and US forces.

India is spend 30 billion dollars a year on defence....Am I correct.....if so buying Water gun tanks and non lethal weapons, should be easily purchased. Your goveremnt has failed in this regard.....because you know seiko that Kashmir has been a problem for a long time.....so isn't wise to spend money on something that is needed urgently to prevents deaths of civilians.....because essentialy your Paramilitary force is creating another generation of hatred towards India, andcycle continues.
Ah but I never said that Kashmir should be Independent because it has more Muslims......what other people say is there own opinion. Like I said that is very unfournate and sad in what has happened to these Kashmiri Hindues...but essentially this is still your goveremnts fault......they have clearly not tackled the core issues that have caused this tension in the first place.....if you spent Billions on educating the people of Kashmir to live in harmony with one another...instead of buying expensive weapons.....maybe this would not have happpened...clearly the goverement has failed in this regard. But like I said I feel sorry for these Hindues.

Education is handled by state government..Central government has nothing to do with it other than supporting state governments..and also if you notice the situation in South India muslim community dont give much importance to education ,things have been changing now but most of the people do not want to go to school or colleges for education and didnt allow their children especially girls to education..these people can be easily brainwashed in the name of religion and create anarchy in a state..Government cant force each and every one to educate themselves ...
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India is spend 30 billion dollars a year on defence....Am I correct.....if so buying Water gun tanks and non lethal weapons, should be easily purchased. Your goveremnt has failed in this regard.....because you know seiko that Kashmir has been a problem for a long time.....so isn't wise to spend money on something that is needed urgently to prevents deaths of civilians.....because essentialy your Paramilitary force is creating another generation of hatred towards India, andcycle continues.

Dude you are not getting it..Education and Law and order is handled by State government..there is nothing Central government can do about it rather than assisting them..defence is done Central government and mind you its not only Kashmir where we have to deploy our forces and Pakistan is not the only enemy we got..

Yes we have to do something about it and as said by many members here discard article 370 and bring investments in to the valley..with most people getting jobs and look foreward for a better future this will end..as they said Empty mind is devlis workshop..let them engaged in some thing and they will have a better future..
Government cant force each and every one to educate themselves ...

Yes it can...they are just too lazy......in some western countries...parents who don't send there children to school get a heavy fine.
The state goverment and the central goverment combined......equals Indian Goverment....am I correct......if so it is still there duty to buy none lethal weapons to disperse crowd control.
Yes it can...they are just too lazy......in some western countries...parents who don't send there children to school get a heavy fine.

dude dont compare rich western countries to then newly independent two third of the people who are below poverty line India..Government had other priorities like eradication of poverty and diseases in our country and being a new nation we had our set of problems..but now lot has changed ..right for education bill has been passed by the government and education is free..Here is a thread opened by me and some of the posts posted by boo is enlightening ..


and also mate there is no comparison between European countries and India..we have different culture and back grounds..France and India are secular nations but we dont ban women from wearing Burqua..its not possible here..hope you get my point :cheers:
But if you know that Kashmir is a volitile area.....then isn't more wise to spend more money there. I understand that India is not as fully developed as other western countries......but still the opportunity cost arises.....which is if you neglect this area, then you will have more problems.
The state goverment and the central goverment combined......equals Indian Goverment....am I correct......if so it is still there duty to buy none lethal weapons to disperse crowd control.

Its up to the state government which weapons they need to use for crowd control..and it was a government elected by Kashmiri people..Central government has limited role in law and order situation in states
Its up to the state government which weapons they need to use for crowd control.

Oh that means that the state goverment has failed then in this regard.....it does not matter whether the people voted fot that state goverment...it still failed in its duty to protect citizen......45 people are dead...all because of bad management by the State goverment in not alllocating funds to non lethal weapons.
The state goverment and the central goverment combined......equals Indian Goverment....am I correct......if so it is still there duty to buy none lethal weapons to disperse crowd control.

Yes. So is eradication of poverty, provision of clean water to 100% population and so on. So may be this expense (for non lethal law enforcement for 100% of India) is lower in the list of priorities. Is it misplaced in the list, may be/may be not.. but thats not the topic here.

A specific event can not be a reason to trash a list of priorities. Revisit, sure.. Discard, definitely not.

Take an example.. Due to floods in Pakistan, there is a huge crisis and Pakistan is having to go and ask for monetary assistence from a lot of countries. Now, the fact Pakistan needs aid to counter this calamity can not be used to question the money Pakistan is spending in buying weapons or its investment in Afghanistan due to regional power games.

So, lets not beat around the bush.. Could the casualties be reduced from what we saw to quell the violence.. Yes.. But then there is a way to improve anything.. For now, this will have to do...
Oh that means that the state goverment has failed then in this regard.....it does not matter whether the people voted fot that state goverment...it still failed in its duty to protect citizen......45 people are dead...all because of bad management by the State goverment in not alllocating funds to non lethal weapons.

Yup.. And people will vote it out in the next elections.. Thats how democracy works.. Not by giving away parts of the country...
A specific event can not be a reason to trash a list of priorities. Revisit, sure.. Discard, definitely not.

But Karan this has happened in the past....protest in Kashmir is not exactly a new thing is it....so when will Kashmir which is a major issue will get any priorities.
Take an example.. Due to floods in Pakistan, there is a huge crisis and Pakistan is having to go and ask for monetary assistence from a lot of countries.

Pakistan does not have an option..simply because it has no money....however the same can't be said about India........from my prospective it is a huge failure....at least the floods in Pakistan is a one off disaster.....there hasnn't been worse floods seen since the last 100 years.....so it was unexpected.....however India has known the on going problem in Kashmir since 1989....yet it has continued to fail in this regard.
But Karan this has happened in the past....protest in Kashmir is not exactly a new thing is it....so when will Kashmir which is a major issue will get any priorities.

Look at it this way.. In absence of this action, which everyone is going crazy over, the violence could have escalated resulting in targeting of specific community as well like it happened in the past resulting in much wider loss of life and property. The fact that Kashmir has a high priority is the reason why there are Law enforcement forces on standby 24x7 that were able to prevent the same.

Because its Kashmir, there is so much talk about it due to political angles, but anywhere in south asia, riots spanning 50 days and only resulting in 40 or so deaths is unbelievably mild. A good example is Karachi where 90 people have died in 4 days of rioting.

Sad but true...

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