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So, is new media only reinforcing old stereotypes?

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You are dumber than i thought!


i today bet here that you DO NOT know a tosh about the word terrorism (the literal and philosophical meaning to be precise). Why, i'll come to this later.

As per indian claim the Mumbai attack was orchestrated by LeT (an outfit whose mission is to liberate Kashmir from the indian atrocities). Now is it that difficult for a buffoon to understand this simple phenomenon?

Terrorism is vague and at the same time very very specific. Vague in a sense that i dont understand why would National Liberation Front (FLN) target its own people in order to liberate Algeria, nor would i understand why would 'Muslim' Talibans target Muslims in/outside Pakistan?

But then i think a bit (this bit was small, very small) and know that FLN killed Algerians in the name of terrorism because in the words of Roger Trinquier; The goal of terrorism is control of the populace, and (means of) terrorism is a particularly appropriate weapon, since it aims directly at the inhabitant. In the street, at work, at home, the citizen lives continually under the threat of violent death. In the presence of this permanent danger surrounding him, he has the depressing feeling of being an isolated and defenceless target. The fact that public authority and the police are no longer capable of ensuring his security adds to his distress. He loses confidence in the state whose inherent mission it is to guarantee his safety. He is more and more drawn to the side f terrorists, who alone are able to protect him.

The intended objective, which is to cause the population to vacillate is thus attained. What characterizes modern terrorism, and makes for its basic strength, is the slaughter of generally defenceless persons.'

Do you actually think AQ is against the American population? Or is the American policman attitude that AQ is concerned about? Now as we all know it is the latter, then why would AQ bring down the Twin Towers and not take on the US military headon?

But then you know what, imbeciles might have difficulty understanding certain simple equations of life!

Also we also dont know that thickheaded Muslims (most of whom form the backbone of terrorists) consider Jews as their primary enemy.

Also we dont know that one of the aim of terrorism is to bring the 'cause' into international limelight. Now how to do so - the more the damage, massacre, pain and outcry (kill a Jew or Yank and you get all of these, the most!!) the more the projection. Now if i remember reading my American Field Manual on Terrorism correctly, i did read somewhere in the book that terrorists do seek PUBLICITY and what any media does after an attack is indeed 'beneficial' to a terrorists' cause. But then we dont know that, do we!!


Solve the Kashmir Issue and not only you'll put a stop to acts like mumbai attack but would also bring peace to the entire region - that's a guarantee!

N.B. May these would also help:

Lebanonwire.com | India, Pakistan: Islamabad's Kashmiri Militant Strategy


etc, etc

P.S. More Shutup Calls would be provided on request :)

Oh...really? That undermines the American government's constitutional obligation to protect us wherever we are. Well..if it is LeTs stated policy to achieve maximum publicity, in your words, by going after us or just using us a tool to achieve their aims, then it is time to work with Indians to get rid of this scourge. Perhaps, some of the drones need to be shifted over to Pakistan's eastern border? We are aware of why militants do what it is they do. But we refuse to be their publicity fodder and reserve all rights to blow them to oblivion and also set an example for anyone trying to do something akin to what has been done before. Seriously...your justification for terrorism is...extra terrestrial.

Yet for all you say, a non-violent Tibetan freedom cry has had more traction than the Kashmiri cause.

Do you actually expect India and the world (including US support) to solve the kashmiri problem because you have this tool of a group called LeT causing mayhem? Or, do you mean to say that killing people is the way to promote/advertise a cause?? Are these your opinions or are you just professing to explain why it is what is that terrorists do? Lets be clear here: you cannot make the world listen to guns: it is not going to happen. If you and the terrorists believe this, you are on the losing side.

America acting as the world's policeman is a nonsense generated by people who thought that America was behind some of the things happening around the world. America did not even want to be part of world wars, until it was dragged in by the freaking Japanese. America did not even step in to help the jews persecuted by the germans, until much later. Jewish folks are pissed off about this to even this day. In other wars, heavy lobbying by one party or the other is why America got dragged in. Coupled with misplaced ideals like helping out the oppressed has landed America in more soup than can be imagined. Terrorists use n number of causes to rationalize their insidious behavior. Are we going to sit around and rationalize them or make them vaporware is a question that can be easily answered?
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Kashmir has never been integral part of India: Arundhati Roy

Srinagar, October 24, 2010

Activist Arundhati Roy, who created a controversy the other day by questioning Jammu and Kashmir's accession to the Union, on Sunday harped on the same thing saying that the state was never an integral part of India. Roy was speaking at a seminar on the theme 'Wither Kashmir: Freedom or enslavement' organised by Coalition of Civil Societies (CCS) here.

"Kashmir has never been an integral part of India. It is an historical fact. Even the Indian Government has accepted this," the Booker Prize winner said.

Roy alleged that India became "colonizing power" soon after its independence from British rule.

Arundhati Roy shared the stage with Kashmiri separatist leader Syed Ali Shah Geelani at the convention on 'Azadi--The Only Way', among others in Delhi on Thursday.

Kashmir has never been integral part of India: Arundhati Roy - Hindustan Times
i read this an hour back and was expecting jana or socom to post it soon!!!
all i can say is (thanks to babu cheriyan's comment on HT)

The widows and children of soldiers who died to protect India's intergrity should answer her statement of sedition. These families stretch from Kerala to Kashmir who fought againt the invasion of theocratic ideas from Pakistan and Totalitarian from East. Let those people answer the leaglity of Indian Union.
"Even the Indian Government has accepted this"

Tells me the state of her knowledge. Henceforth is on my ignore list.
who is this arundhati roe? A loser activist who dosen't got recognised by anything and just wana get some cheap and easy popularity by giving these types of statment..!:tdown: let her bark ..! jaha 9 deshdrohi hai waha 1 aur sahi...! who gives damn to what this loser activist say..i know indians don't! may be ppl in our neighbourhood..! And even by that little popularity accros the border what will she acheive?:tdown:nothing...! kashmir is and kashmir will remain an integral part of india no matter wat these types of loser activist or sepretist or some internet worriers say..! let them thump there chest...!

just ignore:coffee:
Oh...really? That undermines the American government's constitutional obligation to protect us wherever we are. Well..if it is LeTs stated policy to achieve maximum publicity, in your words, by going after us or just using us a tool to achieve their aims, then it is time to work with Indians to get rid of this scourge. Perhaps, some of the drones need to be shifted over to Pakistan's eastern border? We are aware of why militants do what it is they do. But we refuse to be their publicity fodder and reserve all rights to blow them to oblivion and also set an example for anyone trying to do something akin to what has been done before. Seriously...your justification for terrorism is...extra terrestrial.

Like i said to me it seems as if i am talking to a school goer. i would reserve my arguments for someone who understands and appreciates military vacab. i wonder if your are toddler in defence related sites, then why join one?

BTW, i know that now you have resorted to trolling as you dont have much useful to add.
Yet for all you say, a non-violent Tibetan freedom cry has had more traction than the Kashmiri cause.
i never compared ANYTHING with Kashmir, yap with the one who took it up with you.

Do you actually expect India and the world (including US support) to solve the kashmiri problem because you have this tool of a group called LeT causing mayhem?

dont have this tool.

i never knew yanks have also gone so low that they would talk withour proof. Man, you people have gone down!

Or, do you mean to say that killing people is the way to promote/advertise a cause?? Are these your opinions or are you just professing to explain why it is what is that terrorists do? Lets be clear here: you cannot make the world listen to guns: it is not going to happen. If you and the terrorists believe this, you are on the losing side.

America acting as the world's policeman is a nonsense generated by people who thought that America was behind some of the things happening around the world. America did not even want to be part of world wars, until it was dragged in by the freaking Japanese. America did not even step in to help the jews persecuted by the germans, until much later. Jewish folks are pissed off about this to even this day. In other wars, heavy lobbying by one party or the other is why America got dragged in. Coupled with misplaced ideals like helping out the oppressed has landed America in more soup than can be imagined. Terrorists use n number of causes to rationalize their insidious behavior. Are we going to sit around and rationalize them or make them vaporware is a question that can be easily answered?

Without even reading your rant let me enlighten you that what i wrote in my previous post was an extract from a book namely "Modern Warfare - A French View of Counterinsurgency' written by Roger Trinquier a French Army officer during World War II, the First Indochina War and the Algerian War, serving mainly in airborne and Special forces units. He was also a Counter-insurgency theorist, mainly with his book “Modern Warfare”. Roger Trinquier - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia i read this book when i was in the US as it was taught to us as part of the (US Anti-Terror) curriculum.

Now i dont know whether a counter-terrorist expert who fought insurgency almost all of his service (and the very teaching or your OWN military) have more say here or the one who is Rolling-Balls (Oopppss Stones)... :rofl:
BJP is the TTP equivalent of India which likes to keep religious check on everything..soo much about secular india!

As i said earlier dont just speculate things by your brain..you ain't know anything about india and what you just say is only what you get from your media while living in "Islamic republic of pakistan"
Kashmir freedom movement is a classic text book case of self determination movement, that it had all the potential elements to achieve independence. Congrats to Pakistan for successfully screwing this genuine movement. Let me explain, how not only Pakistan dropped the cake, but let Indian take the cake.

In 80's and 90's, most countries in the world viewed Kashmiris with sympathy and support. It was an excellent opportunity since the movement had the following ingredients

1) Most Kashmiris (even today) don't want to be with India. They are more aligned with Pakistan culturally and want to be an independent nation. (Even if Kashmir is a Independence nation, it would have been a great success for Pakistan)

2) Indian Army killed, tortured/raped many in 90s and 2000. It happens today, but not to the depth happened 10 years ago.

3) More importantly, the option to discuss plebiscite was on the table at UN with active co-operation from other countries to Kashmir citizens. Now it has become a bi-lateral issue. No more multi-lateralism.

4) Most countries were neutral, but there is a clear tilt to the Kashmir cause. You can read this old declassified documents on this.

5) Curfews, press limitations, information blockage and violence was at peak during 1990s, and it was much easier to build the case for Kashmir secession from India due to human rights violations. It remains even today, but India has learned to mask this very wisely

What changed the scenario? (or how Pakistan screwed the cause?)

Pakistan literally created the impression that the problem in Kashmir is not indigenous, but created by militants crossing from their side. How did they do this?

1)Pakistan let Rogue elements in their country support Taliban that aided AQ who attacked US.
2)Misadventure called Kargil
3)Pakistani rouge elements involvement in 26/11 misadventure
4)Rouge elements involvement in numerous other terrorist attacks

To be fair, these rogues were just a fraction of the Pakistan population, but the majority was silent and was hijacked by this ideology groups. Thus allowing Indians to turn their critical problem successfully as a 'terrorist problem' after the 9/11 that changed the world. This is a great gift Pakistan gave to India.

Now the world sees this as the terrorist issue with very few takers of the Kashmir cause, the oldest movement in the world (50 years now?)
With their support of Taliban, most view them as not qualified to talk about human rights issues. UK, UK, EU are more for LOC as a border solution. Russia will support India. France and Germany following US/EU's LOC solution. China is a silent observer, only one on Pakistan's side. OIC support is as good as waste paper as they have no voice in the world and there are several who will flip sides with India.

Who are the silent sufferers? Kashmiris. Their only support, Pakistan is now not in a position to gather international support. Movement like timor got independence, but Kashmir issue is buried. Thank you guys for the wonderful job done.

Now, after y'all post replies here and prove the fact that I am a RAW agent (because I found fault with Pakistan) or ISI agent (because I don't believe in 'Kashmir is the integral part of India' crap) or the fact that I am a brown skin from Asia (since I took time to write this on a Pakistani forum), I will post a solution that you can use to get the world re-look at Kashmir seriously
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Like i said to me it seems as if i am talking to a school goer. i would reserve my arguments for someone who understands and appreciates military vacab. i wonder if your are toddler in defence related sites, then why join one?

BTW, i know that now you have resorted to trolling as you dont have much useful to add.

i never compared ANYTHING with Kashmir, yap with the one who took it up with you.

dont have this tool.

i never knew yanks have also gone so low that they would talk withour proof. Man, you people have gone down!

Without even reading your rant let me enlighten you that what i wrote in my previous post was an extract from a book namely "Modern Warfare - A French View of Counterinsurgency' written by Roger Trinquier a French Army officer during World War II, the First Indochina War and the Algerian War, serving mainly in airborne and Special forces units. He was also a Counter-insurgency theorist, mainly with his book “Modern Warfare”. Roger Trinquier - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia i read this book when i was in the US as it was taught to us as part of the (US Anti-Terror) curriculum.

Now i dont know whether a counter-terrorist expert who fought insurgency almost all of his service (and the very teaching or your OWN military) have more say here or the one who is Rolling-Balls (Oopppss Stones)... :rofl:

Sure, we know why terrorists do what it is they do. After all terrorism has followed humanity for millenia. Sure, we like to study their motives - maybe it is going to aid in our efforts to negotiate with them. I dont think we need a book to understand this. The patterns are clearly visible. The other side of the story does not seem to have been well researched - how far can a government can go in protecting its citizens from mischief makers. We want to know if it is acceptable to vaporize them instantly or should we accord them the privilege of appearing before a court system et al. Perhaps, the governments should make a PR argument by simply vaporizing these groups, so it sends a strong message to wannabes and future trouble makers? Or maybe the governments should work together and setup a global fund to eliminate terrorism wherever it and whatever guise it is? Why are we reading books on what terrorists mean and can do? Where are the theories about how governments can do unto them what they do unto us? Where are the experts here?
Actually its the 2nd time Pakistan screwed the pooch on Kashmir. The 1st was in 1947 when it sent in its Army irregulars in the guise of Tribal forces (non state actors). It was a bit of insecurity that casued this and allowed the Indian military to intervene of Maharaj of Kashmir's request. Else if that event hadnt happened, Maharaja was bound to give in to the demand of its muslim population to acceed to Pakistan.

Well.. Its history but I feel that Pakistan's Kashmir policy has been pretty flawed from Day 1. They rightly say that making decisions around something you are sentimentally involved with is never a wise move..
Sure, we know why terrorists do what it is they do. After all terrorism has followed humanity for millenia. Sure, we like to study their motives - maybe it is going to aid in our efforts to negotiate with them. I dont think we need a book to understand this. The patterns are clearly visible. The other side of the story does not seem to have been well researched - how far can a government can go in protecting its citizens from mischief makers. We want to know if it is acceptable to vaporize them instantly or should we accord them the privilege of appearing before a court system et al. Perhaps, the governments should make a PR argument by simply vaporizing these groups, so it sends a strong message to wannabes and future trouble makers? Or maybe the governments should work together and setup a global fund to eliminate terrorism wherever it and whatever guise it is? Why are we reading books on what terrorists mean and can do? Where are the theories about how governments can do unto them what they do unto us? Where are the experts here?

Eat what you spewed!!

i wish i could post something which the system dont allow me currently. Lucky you. :)
pakistan is hardly responsible for the coverage of kashmir.

but you are right - if the western media wanted to take an interest there is simply a shed load of human rights violations from the indian army to focus on.

thus its actually being "actively ignored" - the us and europe have no will or desire to fairly solve the kashmir cause - and pakistan never has had a mainstream voice vis a vis kashmir

that my friend is the real problem why no one knows about it

kashmir is and kashmir will reamin and intergral part of india no matter how much international attention it got or no matter how much pakistan support the sepratist..!

now its upto to pakistani people either stick to this kashmir issue and keep the relation with your neighbour like this forver...! or choose the path of devolopment for pakistan and move on..!

cause you aint gona get the kashmir thats for sure no matter how much internet worriers will jump:taz: to reply me..!! that will not change anything..!:coffee:
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