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So, is new media only reinforcing old stereotypes?

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If its integral part of inddia? then why r u talking with Pakistan? hahhahahah

We are not talking to pakistan on Kashmir.

When it comes to Kashmir, Pakistan it talking, we are only listening and ignoring.:P

We spent 63 years like this and are willing to spend as many more as needed.
BJP asks PMO to clarify Padgaonkar’s Pakistan comment

The BJP on Sunday slammed Dileep Padgaonkar, head of the interlocutors’ panel for Jammu and Kashmir, for his comment that Pakistan has to be involved for a permanent solution of the Kashmir issue and demanded that the PMO explain if this was part of the brief to the team.

Mr. Padgaonkar on his part stuck to his remark and maintained that what he had said regarding Pakistan was “obvious” and there was nothing new. The three-member panel is on its first visit to the Kashmir Valley after it was set up 10 days back.

The journalist also said a dialogue with Pakistan is “as necessary” as the dialogue with the people of Jammu and Kashmir to resolve the Kashmir issue which is a “bilateral dispute going on since 1947-48.”

The BJP said the comments sounded as if the panel was rationalising Pakistan’s stand on its “unfinished agenda” on Kashmir and that it was “arguing” from the Hurriyat angle in this matter.

“The BJP demands that the Prime Minister’s Office (PMO) immediately clarify if this was part of the brief given to the interlocutors,” party spokesperson Nirmala Sitharaman said in New Delhi.

She expressed the fear that the comments by Mr. Padgaonkar even before it could start its assignment “is unnecessarily internationalising the process.” “What was the Pakistan dimension that the interlocutor was referring to? Is this part of the brief given or has he stepped beyond its (the panel’s) brief?” she questioned.

Mr. Padgaonkar had said on Saturday that the panel is in Jammu and Kashmir to look for a permanent solution to the Kashmir dispute but a permanent solution is not possible without the involvement of Pakistan.

Mr. Padgaonkar told PTI in Srinagar on Sunday that the panel had not been given any brief by the government and pointed to Home Minister P. Chidambaram’s statement that there are no red lines.

“What I have said with regard to Pakistan is the obvious. I have not said anything that has not been said before.

“I have not exceeded my brief as we did not get any brief. The Home Minister has said there are no red lines or boundaries. We know what we are doing,” Mr. Pandgaonkar said.

He recalled that Parliament had also passed a resolution on Jammu and Kashmir, asking Pakistan to vacate those areas which it has occupied. “This shows that there is a Pakistan dimension to these issues,” he said.

Ms. Sitharaman said “The comments sound as if they are rationalising Pakistan’s stand on its unfinished agenda on Kashmir. Furthermore, it seems as if the panel is arguing from the Hurriyat angle in this matter.”

Asked whether the party would seek recall of the panel, the BJP spokesperson said, “At this stage we want the Prime Minister to say whether this was (the statements) part of their brief.”

Mr. Padgaonkar, however, said Pakistan had been involved in the Kashmir issue since 1947 and the Indian government had recently stated it was “ready to walk more than half the distance” to settle all matters with Pakistan.

He said the usage of words to describe the problem in the state was not as important as to find a way out.

“We have to put the terrible situation that the state has suffered during the past 63 years behind us and the only way to do that is through a sustained dialogue, which can lead to a comprehensive solution,” he said.

The Hindu : News / National : BJP asks PMO to clarify Padgaonkar’s Pakistan comment
BJP is not a party to this issue why they jump up and down like apes
BJP is not a party to this issue why they jump up and down like apes

BJP is not in power this time!! BUT BJP is the only opposition party in front of congress and they got every right to ask the ruling party and what they are doing in this period of governance..!
Indian army kills 3 militants near line of control in Indian-controlled Kashmir

Indian army troopers Saturday claimed to have foiled an infiltration bid by killing three militants on Line-of-Control (LoC) during a gunfight in Indian-controlled Kashmir, Indian defense officials said.

The gunfight broke out early Saturday morning in the frontier Uri sector, close to LoC in Baramulla district, around 115 km northwest of Srinagar, the summer capital of Indian-controlled Kashmir.

"We have been able to thwart an infiltration bid in Uri sector. Three militants were gunned down during a gunfight after our alert troops in area observed suspicious movement early this morning. The troopers asked the intruders to surrender but they defied the warnings. The gunfight is going on," said Lt. Col. J. S. Brar, Indian army spokesman based in Srinagar.

The troops have cordoned off the entire area and search operation is underway.

Further details about the gunfight are not immediately available.

On Thursday, three militants were killed during a fierce daylong gunfight with Indian army on the outskirts of Srinagar city. The police said the militants were planning to carry out a suicide attack on army installations in the city.

The past two weeks have seen a surge in gunfights in the region.

According to Indian Army figures, over 100 militants have been killed in various operations in Indian-controlled Kashmir this year while attempting to infiltrate into this country from across the border.

Source: Xinhua


Some one is really desperate to cross into J&K before the snow sets in.Looks like more action is set to ensue in the following days.:sniper:

Good news. 3 more bite the dust.
It is inevitable that these T******** have been accounted for. Some more guests of the low-cost Bullet Airlines sent to paradise for their date with 72 virgins.
:thinktank:congrats to the brave soldiers who :sniper:fixed the dates of these ppl with devils in hell:chilli:
Xeric..you are getting tiresome with your outlandish assertions. Pakistan is indeed in a terrible shape. Instead of focusing on eliminating the scourge called terrorism, it has created several of them because of poorly regulated schools and entry/exit procedures. In Mumbai attacks, a Jewish center was attacked and foreigners were deliberately targeted. Is this the Kashmir strategy - to go kill foreigners? Then, I am all the more against Kashmiri nonsense then. You dont see Tibetans going around killing people to make a point, do you? Yet Tibetans have a far higher traction when it comes to getting the message across than the Kashmiris ever have.

You are dumber than i thought!


i today bet here that you DO NOT know a tosh about the word terrorism (the literal and philosophical meaning to be precise). Why, i'll come to this later.

As per indian claim the Mumbai attack was orchestrated by LeT (an outfit whose mission is to liberate Kashmir from the indian atrocities). Now is it that difficult for a buffoon to understand this simple phenomenon?

Terrorism is vague and at the same time very very specific. Vague in a sense that i dont understand why would National Liberation Front (FLN) target its own people in order to liberate Algeria, nor would i understand why would 'Muslim' Talibans target Muslims in/outside Pakistan?

But then i think a bit (this bit was small, very small) and know that FLN killed Algerians in the name of terrorism because in the words of Roger Trinquier; The goal of terrorism is control of the populace, and (means of) terrorism is a particularly appropriate weapon, since it aims directly at the inhabitant. In the street, at work, at home, the citizen lives continually under the threat of violent death. In the presence of this permanent danger surrounding him, he has the depressing feeling of being an isolated and defenceless target. The fact that public authority and the police are no longer capable of ensuring his security adds to his distress. He loses confidence in the state whose inherent mission it is to guarantee his safety. He is more and more drawn to the side f terrorists, who alone are able to protect him.

The intended objective, which is to cause the population to vacillate is thus attained. What characterizes modern terrorism, and makes for its basic strength, is the slaughter of generally defenceless persons.'

Do you actually think AQ is against the American population? Or is the American policman attitude that AQ is concerned about? Now as we all know it is the latter, then why would AQ bring down the Twin Towers and not take on the US military headon?

But then you know what, imbeciles might have difficulty understanding certain simple equations of life!

Also we also dont know that thickheaded Muslims (most of whom form the backbone of terrorists) consider Jews as their primary enemy.

Also we dont know that one of the aim of terrorism is to bring the 'cause' into international limelight. Now how to do so - the more the damage, massacre, pain and outcry (kill a Jew or Yank and you get all of these, the most!!) the more the projection. Now if i remember reading my American Field Manual on Terrorism correctly, i did read somewhere in the book that terrorists do seek PUBLICITY and what any media does after an attack is indeed 'beneficial' to a terrorists' cause. But then we dont know that, do we!!


Solve the Kashmir Issue and not only you'll put a stop to acts like mumbai attack but would also bring peace to the entire region - that's a guarantee!

N.B. May these would also help:

Lebanonwire.com | India, Pakistan: Islamabad's Kashmiri Militant Strategy


etc, etc

P.S. More Shutup Calls would be provided on request :)
You are dumber than i thought!


i today bet here that you DO NOT know a tosh about the word terrorism (the literal and philosophical meaning to be precise). Why, i'll come to this later.

As per indian claim the Mumbai attack was orchestrated by LeT (an outfit whose mission is to liberate Kashmir from the indian atrocities). Now is it that difficult for a buffoon to understand this simple phenomenon?

Terrorism is vague and at the same time very very specific. Vague in a sense that i dont understand why would National Liberation Front (FLN) target its own people in order to liberate Algeria, nor would i understand why would 'Muslim' Talibans target Muslims in/outside Pakistan?

But then i think a bit (this bit was small, very small) and know that FLN killed Algerians in the name of terrorism because in the words of Roger Trinquier; The goal of terrorism is control of the populace, and (means of) terrorism is a particularly appropriate weapon, since it aims directly at the inhabitant. In the street, at work, at home, the citizen lives continually under the threat of violent death. In the presence of this permanent danger surrounding him, he has the depressing feeling of being an isolated and defenceless target. The fact that public authority and the police are no longer capable of ensuring his security adds to his distress. He loses confidence in the state whose inherent mission it is to guarantee his safety. He is more and more drawn to the side f terrorists, who alone are able to protect him.

The intended objective, which is to cause the population to vacillate is thus attained. What characterizes modern terrorism, and makes for its basic strength, is the slaughter of generally defenceless persons.'

Do you actually think AQ is against the American population? Or is the American policman attitude that AQ is concerned about? Now as we all know it is the latter, then why would AQ bring down the Twin Towers and not take on the US military headon?

But then you know what, imbeciles might have difficulty understanding certain simple equations of life!

Also we also dont know that thickheaded Muslims (most of whom form the backbone of terrorists) consider Jews as their primary enemy.

Also we dont know that one of the aim of terrorism is to bring the 'cause' into international limelight. Now how to do so - the more the damage, massacre, pain and outcry (kill a Jew or Yank and you get all of these, the most!!) the more the projection. Now if i remember reading my American Field Manual on Terrorism correctly, i did read somewhere in the book that terrorists do seek PUBLICITY and what any media does after an attack is indeed 'beneficial' to a terrorists' cause. But then we dont know that, do we!!


Solve the Kashmir Issue and not only you'll put a stop to acts like mumbai attack but would also bring peace to the entire region - that's a guarantee!

N.B. May these would also help:

Lebanonwire.com | India, Pakistan: Islamabad's Kashmiri Militant Strategy


etc, etc

P.S. More Shutup Calls would be provided on request :)
Solve the Kashmir Issue and not only you'll put a stop to acts like mumbai attack but would also bring peace to the entire region - that's a guarantee!

A couple of thousand blood traitors don't represent the entire state's population and will be treated as terrorists. Is this by chance a disguised threat? Because simply put, there's no "kashmir issue". It is unilaterally a part of India and keeping the ethnic cleansing of 80s in mind, we can at the most accept the separatists to repatriate into your country as Pakistani citizens. They have all the freedom to cancel their Indian citizenship and move into Pakistan anytime they want. But the land stays a part of our country including the claim for rest of Kashmir state.

If necessary, disproportionate use of force will be used to achieve this against separatists and their backers. The road to peace starts from your side of the border. You could keep continuing this "Kashmir issue" game and we could get invovled in many more issues that are similarly threatening your integrity without even having to send a single soldier across the border.

But we don't want to get down and dirty. Our government even accepted LOC as international border for your sake, but you want the entire state which we cannot give---ever in either peace or in war.

So it is all upto GOP to think what option it wants to use especially at such a fragile time.
BJP is the TTP equivalent of India which likes to keep religious check on everything..soo much about secular india!
the only solution of kashmir is to accept loc as international border
FYI Well Mr. Dilip Padgaonkar was Editor of orange newspaper TOI for a very long time so in my opinion he shouldn't be trusted iwth his views regarding Kashmir i think BJP has a point
My words exactly. Kashmir issue is entirely Indian and BJP is very rightfully irked as am I. When Pakistan doesn't involve India in their internal matters, why do Indian apologists always try to carry our that extra card of attention-seeking diplomacy? This is nothing short of treachery and misuse of democratic freedoms.
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