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So, is new media only reinforcing old stereotypes?

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According to Indian Army figures, over 100 militants have been killed in various operations in Indian-controlled Kashmir this year while attempting to infiltrate into this country from across the border.

This has to be the shallowest depth of balatant lying from India government. The whole world knows innocent civilians were being killed..including a child. Ironically, India is not doing anything different in Kashmir than what Pakistan did in former East-Pakistan. The bengali trade minister should have had an overlook of history before sending gifts to retired indian general!
This has to be the shallowest depth of balatant lying from India government. The whole world knows innocent civilians were being killed..including a child. Ironically, India is not doing anything different in Kashmir than what Pakistan did in former East-Pakistan. The bengali trade minister should have had an overlook of history before sending gifts to retired indian general!

You're confusing deaths in protests with deaths in infiltration attempts.
My words exactly. Kashmir issue is entirely Indian and BJP is very rightfully irked as am I. When Pakistan doesn't involve India in their internal matters, why do Indian apologists always try to carry our that extra card of attention-seeking diplomacy? This is nothing short of treachery and misuse of democratic freedoms.

actually my remarks were bit sarcastic as people tend to bash what is written in TOI as jingoistic sometimes saffron news but very convinently cherry pick it when it suits there needs

WRT to BJP i will say its there birth right to speak abt any issue pertaining to India as its a nationalist party n i think Right of Expression has been streched too far this time around by people but i m proud that this country does have a high degree of tolerance
BJP is the TTP equivalent of India which likes to keep religious check on everything..soo much about secular india!

You yourself subscribe to ideology of BJP by living in Islamic Republic of Pakistan so If BJP is eqvivalent to taliban I think you are also Taliban:whistle:
It's like trying to hide a whole pumpkin in a plate of rice. Sure you can pretend not to see it.

Is it different from not being able to see your soldiers raping and plundering in Kashmir?

It's linked to Pakistan's lust for Indian territory. There were zero Kashmiris among the 10 gunmen.

It's linked to india's wet dream namely Akhand Bharat. There were zero Pakistanis among those killed by your soldiers on inside Kashmir, on the LoC and those who thrashed them with stones.

Ostensibly Pakistan pulled this terrorist stunt thinking that Indians will immediately run to the table for talks on Kashmir. This must pass for strategic thinking in Pakistan which kind of explains your overall general situation.


On one side you and your likes give ISI too much credit and on the other you consider us stupid. i mean we would kill indians under the sun and think that it would bring india on the table without thinking that india would come rushing like a mad dog onto our borders. i think we knew about this 'reflex-action' since Kargil.

It's guud. Consider us nerds when it suites you and goofs when it dont. i know the world leaders all are kindergartens now a days.

Possibly its the cold weather ! LOL

I dryly stated how the Pakistani threat is not credible anymore since your country is now featuring on the top 10 list of failed states. It's essentially circling the drain. Like I said, some schadenfreude for Indians, vindication of our position even.

Point being, we are in a position of strength and are consolidating our gains every day. Each day that Pakistan is NOT able to do something on it's Kashmir claim is one *more* day India gets stronger. Perhaps there was an inflexion point sometime in the early 90's. Pakistan missed that bus. Sorry.
See, i dont know why did the 'we-would-have-tea-at-Lhr-Gym' syndrome vanished as quickly as it had aroused. i dont know why Op Prakram was sent back to the same hole through which it took birth. i dont know where did the 5K targets vaporized the day after they were conceived. i dont know why the IBGs are STILL poised against our borders. i dont know how Cold Start struck Gen Deepak.

i mean i dont know who the fcuk are you educating here!

Let me know if you need help re-arranging the deck chairs on the Titanic.


BTW, may be i should also post you a few more links telling us that Kashmir was the reason behind mumbai.

Also if we go by your (il)logic of number count of terrorists' creed then we should also take into consideration that almost all of the hijackers were Arabic but then we dont see the US attacking SA. None of the soldiers fighting the Talibans INSIDE Afgh is a Pakistani, still we see them doing deeds on our side of the border.

And wait, it was you who 'informed' us that it was LeT behind the attacks, last time i checked LeT was a militant group active INSIDE Kashmir fighting occupational forces for the CAUSE of Kashmir. i mean man, atleast you could have chosen a different terrorist group to scapegoat mumbai!
A couple of thousand blood traitors don't represent the entire state's population and will be treated as terrorists. Is this by chance a disguised threat? Because simply put, there's no "kashmir issue". It is unilaterally a part of India and keeping the ethnic cleansing of 80s in mind, we can at the most accept the separatists to repatriate into your country as Pakistani citizens. They have all the freedom to cancel their Indian citizenship and move into Pakistan anytime they want. But the land stays a part of our country including the claim for rest of Kashmir state.

If necessary, disproportionate use of force will be used to achieve this against separatists and their backers. The road to peace starts from your side of the border. You could keep continuing this "Kashmir issue" game and we could get invovled in many more issues that are similarly threatening your integrity without even having to send a single soldier across the border.

But we don't want to get down and dirty. Our government even accepted LOC as international border for your sake, but you want the entire state which we cannot give---ever in either peace or in war.

So it is all upto GOP to think what option it wants to use especially at such a fragile time.

Where was this gem hidden till now....?!!
times of India, so the real story is probably that they killed 6 innocent Muslim Kashmiris and are now calling them terrorists.

thats the age old trick of the Indian occupation forces
they have killed the villagers that they aprehended in the seach operations then dumped their dead bodies by the road sides declaring them mujahideen

a shameful practice that goes on unnoticed
A couple of thousand blood traitors don't represent the entire state's population and will be treated as terrorists. Is this by chance a disguised threat? .

you really need immediate medical help
being patriot is one thing but an outright moron to the Nth degree is something else
I am sorry, you really have raised the bar of the stubborn idiocy

you call this uprising of a couple of thousand tratiors?
do you have the count of how many people Indian army claims to has killed so far?
do you have the count of the independent NGOs and local hospitals too?
with your logic that insergency would have been queshed decades ago.

my oh my I never questioned the difference of opinion but you are something else anything but a sain person of a logical mind

i was trying to tell that people who use their brains do exist in india, but then you couldnt agree!

CORRECTION:i was trying to tell that people who use their brains the way we like do exist in india, but then you couldnt agree!

There you go! And I completely agree with you, people like Arundhati Roy are prime example.:cheers:

i was trying to tell that people who use their brains do exist in india, but then you couldnt agree!

And your definition of using brains is to agree to an enemy POV??

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