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So, is new media only reinforcing old stereotypes?

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Actually its the 2nd time Pakistan screwed the pooch on Kashmir. The 1st was in 1947 when it sent in its Army irregulars in the guise of Tribal forces (non state actors). It was a bit of insecurity that casued this and allowed the Indian military to intervene of Maharaj of Kashmir's request. Else if that event hadnt happened, Maharaja was bound to give in to the demand of its muslim population to acceed to Pakistan.

Well.. Its history but I feel that Pakistan's Kashmir policy has been pretty flawed from Day 1. They rightly say that making decisions around something you are sentimentally involved with is never a wise move..

The Hindu Maharaja of Kashmir was not going to hand over Kashmir to Pakistan even if Kashmir had a Muslim majority population and was attached to Pakistan geographically.

The British Mountbatten awarded Ferozepur and Gurdaspur ( Muslim majority districts in Punjab that borders Pakistan today) to India. According to the Partition plan, Muslim majority areas of Punjab were to go to Pakistan. Gurdaspur was a gateway to Kashmir thats why Mountbatten awarded Gudaspur to India because of Kashmir. He then became India's first Governor General.
Kashmir freedom movement is a classic text book case of self determination movement, that it had all the potential elements to achieve independence. Congrats to Pakistan for successfully screwing this genuine movement. Let me explain, how not only Pakistan dropped the cake, but let Indian take the cake.

In 80's and 90's, most countries in the world viewed Kashmiris with sympathy and support. It was an excellent opportunity since the movement had the following ingredients

1) Most Kashmiris (even today) don't want to be with India. They are more aligned with Pakistan culturally and want to be an independent nation. (Even if Kashmir is a Independence nation, it would have been a great success for Pakistan)

Independent nation of Kashmir is not in Pakistan's interest.

Kashmiri Muslims should favor Pakistan 100% like Kashmiri Hindus favor India or else this freedom movement will not work.

UN resolutions gives Kashmiris only two options: chose Pakistan or chose India.
The British Mountbatten awarded Ferozepur and Gurdaspur ( Muslim majority districts in Punjab that borders Pakistan today) to India. According to the Partition plan, Muslim majority areas of Punjab were to go to Pakistan. Gurdaspur was a gateway to Kashmir thats why Mountbatten awarded Gudaspur to India because of Kashmir. He then became India's first Governor General.

yes this is the actually all game
it was already planned
another point about the OP is that it completely comes from a marketing point of view - as if to say the advertising campaign was not successful enough - of counter productive - gee what a way to look at human rights!!!!!!!!

unfortunately the ground reality and prevailing geo-political situation was far too volatile to appeal to the western masses in the way they like to see a story!!!

pakistan can hardly influence the western media and if the suffering is real why does it need to?
Independent Kashmir achieved with Pakistan support can be a great achievement for Pakistan and a strategic asset in the long run

Kashmir accession to Pakistan is a pipe dream. It ain't going to happen. So instead focus on something that is feasible

1948 UN resolution means squat today. if US and EU supports, there is a great probability for Independent Kashmir. It needs some difficult decisions on Pakistan side, but it is feasible.

Independent nation of Kashmir is not in Pakistan's interest.

Kashmiri Muslims should favor Pakistan 100% like Kashmiri Hindus favor India or else this freedom movement will not work.

UN resolutions gives Kashmiris only two options: chose Pakistan or chose India.
So, I want to hear your "solution" - out with it. Why wait for the replies to come pouring in? Let us dissect your "solution" in addition to your "problem statement".
Is there anything wrong she said? Why are you guys being so upset.... someone has the courage to speak the truth.
Independent Kashmir achieved with Pakistan support can be a great achievement for Pakistan and a strategic asset in the long run.

Pakistan already lost a lot of its territory in 1971, we are not willing to lose an inch more. Besides Azad Kashmir is very important to Pakistan strategically, it connects Pakistan to China. We will never give up that part of Kashmir.

If only India Occupied Kashmir becomes independent that can also be a problem for Pakistan especially in Azad Kashmir. Also I doubt that neighbouring nuclear powers will let India Occupied Kashmir stay an independent sovereign country.

Kashmir accession to Pakistan is a pipe dream. It ain't going to happen. So instead focus on something that is feasible.

We should let the people of Kashmir decide that in a referendum that was promised to them by the world in 1948.

1948 UN resolution means squat today. if US and EU supports, there is a great probability for Independent Kashmir. It needs to some difficult decisions on Pakistan side, but it is feasible.

According to UN resoultions, theres only 2 choices for Kashmiris, either be part of Pakistan or India. No independent option was passed in the United Nations and Pakistan will never agree on an independent option sorry.

If you are a Muslim Kashmiri you should want to be with Muslim majority Pakistan. Notice Hindus want to be India, sad that some Kashmiri Muslims want to divide the Ummah even more than it already is.
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I oppose your take on things that Kashmir would have had independence had Pakistan not interfered. Had Pakistan not stepped up to Azad Kashmir, Kahmir would not be free. The people would still be oppressed. Look at Punjab the Sikhs in Punjab had no external support, they were alone, the separatist groups were not able to do much because they really had no resources, and so many Punajbis just left Indian Punjab, because no one was supporting them. The Sikhs were severely victimized, had Pakistan not stood up for the people of Kashmir they would have witnessed a worse fate than the Punjabi Sikhs due to hostilities created towards Muslims during the mass migration.
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