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So, is new media only reinforcing old stereotypes?

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If you are so rigid on that, what makes you think that India will give their piece of Kashmir? Be pragmatic. Currently you are swimming against the tide and Indians are in a comfortable position. It need sacrifices to achieve Kashmir freedom

Pakistan already lost a lot of its territory in 1971, we are not willing to lose an inch more. Besides Azad Kashmir is very important to Pakistan strategically, it connects Pakistan to China. We will never give up that part of Kashmir.
Had Pakistan not stepped up the Azad Kashmir would not free. The people would still be oppressed. I oppose you take on things that Kashmir would have had independence. Look at Punjab the Sikhs in Punjab had not external support, they were alone, the separatist groups were not to do much because this really had no resources, and so many Punajbis just left Indian Punjab, because no one was supporting them. The Sikhs were severely victimized, had Pakistan not stood up for the people of Kashmir they would have witnessed a worse fate than the Punjabi Sikhs due to hostilities created towards Muslims during mass migration.

Don't talk rubbish. Your country tried its very best to incite the Khalistan movement. The movement died out nearly 20 years back and no one even remembers the movement now, and the only loser was Pakistan.
In my opinion, the fact that she is tolerated and allowed to voice her opinions however bad they may sound to us makes our country great.

Of course ,a credit to India who can tolerate a person like her......but as far as she is concerned she must be the most shameless Indian ever....even American Bobby Fisher said he wanted to see " America wiped off the map " after he had fled to Iceland....this person is shamelessly denigrating the nation ..in New Delhi and we are apathetically watching......a shoe thrown at her would have made more sense than at Geelani imho....:angry::angry::angry::angry::angry:
The situation in Azad Kashmir is not ideal either. Most Kashmirs want neither india or Pakistan. They are fed up with Indian treatment and with the betrayal of their cause by Pakistan.

I oppose your take on things that Kashmir would have had independence had Pakistan not interfered. Had Pakistan not stepped up to Azad Kashmir, Kahmir would not be free. The people would still be oppressed. Look at Punjab the Sikhs in Punjab had no external support, they were alone, the separatist groups were not able to do much because they really had no resources, and so many Punajbis just left Indian Punjab, because no one was supporting them. The Sikhs were severely victimized, had Pakistan not stood up for the people of Kashmir they would have witnessed a worse fate than the Punjabi Sikhs due to hostilities created towards Muslims during the mass migration.
The situation in Azad Kashmir is not ideal either. Most Kashmirs want neither india or Pakistan. They are fed up with Indian treatment and with the betrayal of their cause by Pakistan.

yet if they were given the choice - that elusive dream of real democracy to choose their own fate...........
If you are so rigid on that, what makes you think that India will give their piece of Kashmir? Be pragmatic. Currently you are swimming against the tide and Indians are in a comfortable position. It need sacrifices to achieve Kashmir freedom

Pakistan is committed to the UN resoultions of having a fair plebiscite in all parts of Kashmir and Kashmiris decide if they either want to be part of Pakistan or be part of India.

I'm not rigid, I'm just a patriotic Pakistan who loves to think about Pakistan's interests, its a hobby for me :azn:

Are you Kashmiri Muslim?
The situation in Azad Kashmir is not ideal either. Most Kashmirs want neither india or Pakistan. They are fed up with Indian treatment and with the betrayal of their cause by Pakistan.


Have you even read the articles from Kashmir War section of this forum.

Even when Pakistan is going through its worst crisis, Pakistanis are making noise so the whole world knows whats going on in India Occupied Kashmir. Pakistan's foreign minister just went to the U.S. and gave a talk on Kashmir.

If it wasn't for Pakistanis, no one in the world would even know what Kashmir is.
@Hawkish: Pakistan's position on Kashmir is that they want self-determination for Kashmiris, by which they mean implementing the UN Security Council resolution which means either India or Pakistan. They want 'freedom' for Kashmiris- a limited option freedom by which they mean joining Pakistan. :rofl:
This will never change, It is as difficult if not more than that of asking Indians to forget Kashmir. It is simple psychology.

The muslim brotherhood conundrum is just for feel-good sake of common Pakistani claim.

You are right about the possible solution but wrong in assuming that Pakistan will give up Kashmir just like that.

All three parties in the dispute have their own versions of pipe-dreams. Pakistan: that all Kashmiris want to join them. Kashmiris: An independent nation free from Indo-Pak politics. India: They basically set aside their dream of regaining PAK and Gilgit-Baltistan in the interest of their economic growth.

Pakistan and Kashmiris should understand that status-quo is most convenient for India if not comfortable with the regular protests. They should get as much as they can get from India. There is nothing that can force India to simply handover Kashmir to Pakistan or let it declare independence. So the best thing is to talk in terms of autonomy and soft borders.

Anything else will make Pakistan loose the principal in the long term-- Their economy gets weakened and there are enough people in J&K who have higher priority of unity of the state with autonomy in either country than that state joining X or Y. If it were not for the nuclear deterrence, there would have been another likely course for the future. India forcing itself upon PAK and G&B. It is to attract this unity gumbal also into his camp that Geelani calls for entire state of J&K to be joining Pakistan(including Jammu and Ladakh). We all know that this does not even qualify as a pipe-dream. :lol:

So you give your opinions of a possible solution.

We should let the people of Kashmir decide that in a referendum that was promised to them by the world in 1948:rofl:.
by Omar

This is the joke I was talking about. Pakistan wants referendum promised to kashmiris in 1948. Not an all option granted one which they need now.
The last word: India will give up Kashmir only when the Indian public sentiment overwhelmingly favours giving it up. And as of now, the Indian public sentiment is completely against giving it up. No Indian government worth its salt will give it up till domestic Indian sentiment changes. And no one else can get India to part with it unless India desires to do so voluntarily.

So Mr.Hawkish, all this talk is futile - unless you've got some other "solution" in mind.
This is the joke I was talking about. Pakistan wants referendum promised to kashmiris in 1948. Not an all option granted one which they need now.

The UN resolutions are still valid today. UN status of Kashmir still stands today. Kashmir is a disputed territory between Pakistan and India.
The situation in Azad Kashmir is not ideal either. Most Kashmirs want neither india or Pakistan. They are fed up with Indian treatment and with the betrayal of their cause by Pakistan.

can u elaborate plzz???, how we betrayed their cause??, look at the official stance of pak and bharat..

btw one question, if US can liberate kosovo, east taimur, and as it claims bosnia, then why not kashmir, pak is the most so called allied 'frnd' of US dear frnd
I'm not rigid, I'm just a patriotic Pakistan who loves to think about Pakistan's interests, its a hobby for me :azn:

Are you Kashmiri Muslim?

Glad you asked that question. Is there any one in India or Pakistan thinking what the average Kashmiri Joe on the street wants? Neither India nor Pakistan. True democracy is listening to the people's needs

I see only two rigid views on the forum - Indian wants Kashmir to be the part of India and Pakistan demanding that they need Kashmir. Both don't give a squat about what the average Kashmiri wants. Talk about selfishness
I did elaborate in the original post. You have failed miserably to bring the true aspirations of Kashmir people to the world. What is the situation today? India is getting away with all the crap they are doing there or done in the past. And Pakistan is voiceless. Your ad hoc statements on Kashmir to US or UN has become complete waste.Be honest to yourself. Is there anyone listening to you? Wake up change your strategy. It may be too late now

can u elaborate plzz???, how we betrayed their cause??, look at the official stance of pak and bharat..

btw one question, if US can liberate kosovo, east taimur, and as it claims bosnia, then why not kashmir, pak is the most so called allied 'frnd' of US dear frnd
Glad you asked that question. Is there any one in India or Pakistan thinking what the average Kashmiri Joe on the street wants? Neither India nor Pakistan. True democracy is listening to the people's needs

I see only two rigid views on the forum - Indian wants Kashmir to be the part of India and Pakistan demanding that they need Kashmir. Both don't give a squat about what the average Kashmiri wants. Talk about selfishness

How will the world know what an average Kashmiri wants?

The only way to find out is through the UN referendum.

Are you Kashmiri? Or are you a non-kashmiri pretending to know what Kashmiri people want?
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