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So, is new media only reinforcing old stereotypes?

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Can you please elaborate to justify your statement ?

I don't see any voice in this forum in support of what a true Kashmiri wants. Both India and Pakistan simply wants the Kashmir to themselves. That is selfish. I support their views which is truly they want to be an independent nation. This is a fact.

Give the three options to them. They will choose to be independent. they hate India and frustrated with Pakistan.
So that is the process you described. I don't deny your sacrifices. But would you care to look at the RESULT now? Do you see any tangible results in Pakistan's favor internationality as a result of your sacrifice?

or Has these sacrifices have been off-set by your own foolish makings in the past? Think about it

What do you think Pakistan should do to bring a RESULT into the Kashmir cause?
I don't see any voice in this forum in support of what a true Kashmiri wants. Both India and Pakistan simply wants the Kashmir to themselves. That is selfish. I support their views which is truly they want to be an independent nation. This is a fact.

Give the three options to them. They will choose to be independent. they hate India and frustrated with Pakistan.

First, I want to know what you understand by 'Kashmir'. If you are talking about the princely state of Jammu and Kashmir, I hope you know that 40% of the population is Buddhist/Hindu who want to remain with India. Even Muslims in Kargil and other regions (not part of valley) want to remain with India (look it up).

Just mentioned it in case you didn't know.
I don't see any voice in this forum in support of what a true Kashmiri wants. Both India and Pakistan simply wants the Kashmir to themselves. That is selfish. I support their views which is truly they want to be an independent nation. This is a fact.

Give the three options to them. They will choose to be independent. they hate India and frustrated with Pakistan.

That is not what I asked you. What I wanted you to elaborate is what makes you believe, more than anyone else on the forum, that Kashmiris are suppressed by India ? Why dont you go to Indian Kashmir yourself and check it out ?

Also #42 pretty much sums up everything. The title of the thread is an apt conclusion to it. There will never be an independent kashmir even if India agrees to it.

Lastly, what's your view on Aksai Chin ?
What do you mean by freedom? What will Kashmir get if it becomes free which it cannot get by staying with India. Please answer this question, about military presense in civilian areas, if there is peace they will be removed.

Considering there is no military in civilian area, please list down what additional Kashmiri's will get by being free that they cannot get know. I just want to understand this point.

They have their own government even now.
Kashmir is more protected from migrants then any other country in the world. There is no other place in this earth where outseiders cannot buy land. Not that I have heard off.
So what extactly will Kashmiri's get by being free?
What do you think Pakistan should do to bring a RESULT into the Kashmir cause?

Ok; First you have the support of China. That is great, but you need three more key players on your side. - US, UK and EU. It is a difficult process and you can get them on your side if you give them what they want. Forget France, Australia, Germany etc. They will fall in place if the big three are in your net

Unlike India, all the three are business like; That means you can negotiate with them. I don't think you need a lesson on how to negotiate. You are doing excellent job with us. So give them what they want and you will get what you want. As simple as that. I believe you hold several trump cards - Afgan Victory, Mulla, OBL etc. Use this trump card wisely

For US:

Give the victory in Afghan to US. There is nothing that will make us happy as emerging victorious from Afgan. Also give'em laden, Mulla and other top guns in Taliban. Ask for their support in Kashmir. I bet you will have a positive outcome. ISI and Pakistan Army can do this if they have the political will.

Similar approach to UK and EU. Prove to them that you got rid of safe havens. Trust me they will switch sides.

India is aspiring to be a super power. They need nuclear Fuel, UN membership and wants to be recognized as a power by all the top 5. We can leverage this to address Kashmir issue

This is difficult, but possible. You need Political will to implement this tough decisions. But the good news is that majority of Pakistani citizens and the Press will back you in this project

Forget Indian noise about Kashmir being integral part etc... We know how to get them by their balls.

Are you ready?
What do you mean by freedom? What will Kashmir get if it becomes free which it cannot get by staying with India. Please answer this question, about military presense in civilian areas, if there is peace they will be removed.

Considering there is no military in civilian area, please list down what additional Kashmiri's will get by being free that they cannot get know. I just want to understand this point.

They have their own government even now.
Kashmir is more protected from migrants then any other country in the world. There is no other place in this earth where outseiders cannot buy land. Not that I have heard off.
So what extactly will Kashmiri's get by being free?

Nothing. Some other Indian state will become the next Kashmir, when Kashmiris realize that the grapes were indeed sour.
Nothing. Some other Indian state will become the next Kashmir, when Kashmiris realize that the grapes were indeed sour.

I know this very well, people shouting for freedom does not even know what it means.
Do you guys believe that Kashmir is normal now? Look at the protest and violence that is happening. can an Indian Prime minister visit Kashmir without the ARMY presence for a week and return?

What do you mean by freedom? What will Kashmir get if it becomes free which it cannot get by staying with India. Please answer this question, about military presense in civilian areas, if there is peace they will be removed.

Considering there is no military in civilian area, please list down what additional Kashmiri's will get by being free that they cannot get know. I just want to understand this point.

They have their own government even now.
Kashmir is more protected from migrants then any other country in the world. There is no other place in this earth where outseiders cannot buy land. Not that I have heard off.
So what extactly will Kashmiri's get by being free?
Do you guys believe that Kashmir is normal now? Look at the protest and violence that is happening. can an Indian Prime minister visit Kashmir without the ARMY presence for a week and return?

Read my post again.
I found this thing today.
In 1952 the elected and overwhelmingly Muslim Constituent Assembly of Jammu and Kashmir, led by the popular Sheikh Mohammed Abdullah, voted in favor of confirming accession to India. Thereafter, India regarded this vote as an adequate expression of popular will and demurred on holding a plebiscite

Now if elected government of Kashmir passed this in assembly, was their any protest against it? If not then is it not true that Kashmiri accepted it.
Ok; First you have the support of China. That is great, but you need three more key players on your side. - US, UK and EU. It is a difficult process and you can get them on your side if you give them what they want. Forget France, Australia, Germany etc. They will fall in place if the big three are in your net

Unlike India, all the three are business like; That means you can negotiate with them. I don't think you need a lesson on how to negotiate. You are doing excellent job with us. So give them what they want and you will get what you want. As simple as that. I believe you hold several trump cards - Afgan Victory, Mulla, OBL etc. Use this trump card wisely

For US:

Give the victory in Afghan to US. There is nothing that will make us happy as emerging victorious from Afgan. Also give'em laden, Mulla and other top guns in Taliban. Ask for their support in Kashmir. I bet you will have a positive outcome. ISI and Pakistan Army can do this if they have the political will.

Similar approach to UK and EU. Prove to them that you got rid of safe havens. Trust me they will switch sides.

India is aspiring to be a super power. They need nuclear Fuel, UN membership and wants to be recognized as a power by all the top 5. We can leverage this to address Kashmir issue

This is difficult, but possible. You need Political will to implement this tough decisions. But the good news is that majority of Pakistani citizens and the Press will back you in this project

Forget Indian noise about Kashmir being integral part etc... We know how to get them by their balls.

Are you ready?

If only Pakistan's leaders were as wise as you, they would lose everything they have left lol.

If they do what you've stated :

1) Pakistan loses influence in Afghanistan.
2) USA emerges victorious, packs up WOT, no longer needs Pakistan as much as now.
3) Gives away everything it has except the Atom Bomb, for a possible opinion gain in the Kashmir cause.
4) Using full force against the Taliban, LeT, etc, Pakistan will invite upon itself more violence than ever before.
5) While all this is happening, India could be a much bigger economic powerhouse, having much more importance to the Business oriented nations. Favoring Pakistan would mean loss of valuable trade with India.
6) Wrong doings of half a century cannot be erased in a decade.
7) As India develops, I mean, really develops..and Pakistan gets more prone to a collapse, I doubt if any thoughtful Kashmiri would wish to join Pakistan.
Do you guys believe that Kashmir is normal now? Look at the protest and violence that is happening. can an Indian Prime minister visit Kashmir without the ARMY presence for a week and return?

Doubtful. Not because the local populace is a threat to him, but because the ISI sponsored agents would be under incredible pressure toharm him. The protest and violence is a small portion of the big picture. The protesters who are an extremely small part are making things worse for the entire population. If India is so bad, why dont other Indian states demand freedom ?

Do you even know the significance of the name, "Kashmir" ?
This article pathetically fails at what ever it is trying to express.
The world opnion hasnt changed by any means and the millitant propoganda is largely indian. Either the millitants are too smart able to profiltrate in a small chunk of land having more soldiers than civilians or the 700 thousand indian army in IOK is the world most incompetent force!
For its stake on Kashmir
1) India has intrument of accession
2) India has the resolution passed by government of Kashmir, headed by Muslim of valley that it agree's to accession with India (1953).

What does Pakistan have to keep its land of Azad Kashmir?
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