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So, is new media only reinforcing old stereotypes?

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^^ In things like terrorism when most of the perpetrators are sitting across the border, there's little the govt. can do.
Kashmir exposure (or the lack of) today is not because of India's good deeds in Kashmir but due to Pakistan playing the spoiler role. I believe this can reversed, if Pakistanis changes their course. the question is: Will they? They have some key trump cards which India does not have.

India's upper hand today is because support from the big guys. If this support is negotiable, India will dance to the tune.

Let me say is: For US, everything is available on the table for negotiation. We don't rule out anything and we know what string to pull to move India in the right direction

When India was sitting in the Soviet camp and Pakistan was getting up all cozy with USA during the Cold War days. When Pakistan helped discard SU from Afghanistan. Even during these days USA was not able to do squat against India in terms of Kashmir.

What makes you think US can do anything now? What are these so called strings you're talking about?

As India grows Economically and Militarily, US would become more and more reluctant to go against India. Even now you can see the effects when US told Pakistan it will not mediate.
Terrorists massacre of Pandits in the name of freedom movement...

Massacres perpetrated by freedom fighters.

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Gilgit Baltistan, has been transformed into an amazing piece of land by none other than, Sir Agha Khan.

There are no issues with education or infrastructure.

This is typical delusional Indian rant.

You really have to go to Gilgit and see what i am talking about.
It is a sad thing for the 23 Hindus to be killed, but it is nothing as compared to the 120,000 plus muslims that have been killed in Kashmir since the 1990s.

120,000 killed where did ou get that figure from, official sources put total killings at ~70,000, composed of hindu muslim and a large portion of terrorists.

23 Hindus seems nothing much to you? Take a look at only the major incidents against Pandits.

Major terrorist attacks on Hindus in Jammu and Kashmir from July 23, 1997
Date Year Fatalities
Mangnar / Poonch 12-Jul 2006 4
Mountain hamlets of Kulhand . 1-May 2006 22
Lalon Galla, a high-altitude meadow 1-May 2006 13
Banganga, two kilometers from Katra, on way to the Vaishno Devi shrine. 21-Jul 2003 7
Nandimarg, Pulwama district 23-Mar 2003 24
Rai Sehot, Rajouri district 25-Feb 2003 4
Raghunath and Panjbakhtar temples, Jammu 24-Nov 2002 13
Thanamandi, Rajouri 9-Sep 2002 5
Maalbani, Udhampur district 30-Aug 2002 3
Thanamandi and Manjakote, Rajouri 23-Aug 2002 10
Pahalgam 6-Aug 2002 8
Anantnag 30-Jul 2002 2
Qasimnagar, Jammu 13-Jul 2002 28
Dodasanbain, Rajouri 8-Jul 2002 5
Nunwan Base Camp near Pahalgam, 6-Jul 2002 9
Kaluchak, Jammu 14-May 2002 30
Behota, Doda district 3-May 2002 5
Nagri Dudah, Doda 10-Apr 2002 5
Dandat, Udhampur 8-Apr 2002 8
Mangota, Rajouri 4-Mar 2002 4
Bambal, Rajouri 16-Feb 2002 8
Maligaom, Doda 6-Jan 2002 3
Luru Doda -do- -do- 3
Mangal Top, Poonch district 31-Dec 2001 6
Sadda Kamthal, Rajouri 29-Dec 2001 3
Banihal, Doda 22-Aug 2001 5
Moran Katnaz, Udhampur 30-Nov 2001 7
Dhansali Dhar, Doda 9-Nov 2001 2
Bilawar, Kathua 25-Sep 2001 2
Kinara, Rajouri 30-Aug 2001 7
Dundai, Poonch 27-Aug 2001 2
Dhar Sareri, Rajouri 24-Aug 2001 2
Thandi Bihak, Udhampur district 14-Aug 2001 5
Jammu railway station 7-Aug 2001 13 (7 Hindus)
Saroot Dhar area, Doda 3-Aug 2001 13
Sheshnag, Anantnag 22-Jul 2001 13
Chiragi, Doda 22-Jul 2001 8
Tagdoo-Chattra, Doda 22-Jul 2001 5
Kishtwar, Doda 15-May 2001 11
Pathimal, Doda 24-Nov 2000 5
Sherbibi, Doda 22-Nov 2000 4
Indh, Udhampur 19-Aug 2000 4
Pahalgam August 1-2 2000 23
Kadran, Qazigund August 1-2 2000 20
Sandoo, Anantnag August 1-2 2000 7
Kiyar, Doda August 1-2 2000 8
Kunda, Doda August 1-2 2000 12
Jammu-Srinagar 28-Feb 2000 4
Harni, Poonch 27-Feb 2000 5
Liyotta, Doda 19-Jul 1999 15
Ari village, Poonch 1-Jul 1999 9
Sarandu, Anantnag 29-Jun 1999 15
Bariyana, Udhampur 20-Feb 1999 9
Mora Putta, Rajouri 20-Feb 1999 4
Bela Tilala, Rajouri 20-Feb 1999 7
Hama and Saranwar, Kishtwar 28-Jul 1998 15
Banihal, Doda 19-Jun 1998 26
Parankote, Udhampur 18-Apr 1998 26
Wandhama, Ganderbal, Srinagar 26-Jan 1998 23
Sawari, Rajouri 23-Jul 1997 8
^^^ Thats heartening to hear.

So when are you guys giving them azadi?
An Indian inter-ministerial group India is considering restrictive measures against Chinese companies working in projects in Pakistan occupied Kashmir (***). The measures may include their debarment from all projects and other forms of business in India.

The companies are mainly in power telecom, railway, roads and urban infrastructure projects in ***.

Specific measures will be decided by the group headed by national security advisor M K Narayanan and finance secretary Ashok Chawla.

A senior security official admitted that the measures aimed to pressure the Chinese government to be more sensitive to India’s concerns on Kashmir.

Thirteen Chinese companies, some of which are government owned, operating in *** are under watch. They include Gezhouba Water & Power Company, China National Machinery & Equipment Import & Export Corporation, China Three Gorges Project Corporation, Sinohydro Corporation, China Road & Bridge Corporation, Dongfang Electric Corporation, China International Water & Electricity Corporation, China Telecom and Huawei Technologies (HT).

Many of these are already under the Indian intelligence scanner for their alleged links with the Chinese military establishment.

If India does impose the bar, half of the companies will be impacted. Many of the companies are already in India, bidding for and/or working on various projects. The security official said the measures might be necessary as diplomatic protests had not worked.

India had earlier protested against Chinese companies working on projects in ***. In October prime minister Manmohan Singh voiced concerns at projects aimed at upgrading or establishing direct road and rail links between China and Pakistan through disputed territory.

China rejected the protests, saying the companies’ participation in power, urban infrastructure and telecom projects was “commercial in nature”.

Financial Chronicle e-mailed queries to both the Indian external affairs ministry and the Chinese embassy in New Delhi but got no reply from either.

What has caused special ire is Dongfang Electric Corporation’s involvement in a project to establish a rail link between Havelian and Kashgar through the Khunjerab pass along the Karakoram highway. The Research & Analysis Wing has the company on watch for alleged links with China’s People’s Liberation Army. In India the company either bidding or already executing eight hydroelectric and thermal power projects. It set up an India office in Kolkata in November last year.

China Telecom, a government-owned company, is executing an optic cable link between Khunjerab and Xinjiang in China. This company and Reliance Communications recently opened the first direct terrestrial optical cable link between India and China. It is also involved another similar project with Tata Telecom.

China Mobile, another state-owned company, is providing network coverage along the Karakoram highway and the northern parts of ***. It has 6.5 per cent market share in Pakistan. In India it has been in talks with several companies.

Huawei is also providing an optic link between Khunjerab and Xinjiang. It has an R&D centre in Bangalore. It has reportedly been blacklisted by BSNL “for not completing contractual obligations”. An e-mailed questionnaire sent to Huawei remained unanswered.
Lets not compare statistics here... they are after all someone's son, brother and parents and each life lost is priceless and not worthy of just a number in the statistics.

The number of Kashmiri pandits seems to be less because a majority are living outside of the valley... and primarily because they are never a part of the protests or stone pelting mobs. Most of the pandits killed are cold blooded murders, hence they cannot be compared in statistics with the kashmiri muslims in this argument.
For China, Indian Kashmir is disputed and Pakistani Kashmir is not. lol talk about hypocrisy!

On topic: The move is good for sending the signal to the Chinese but I doubt if it will be really effective. We should also keep in mind that we need Chinese investment in infrastructure projects such as roads and highways etc.
For China, Indian Kashmir is disputed and Pakistani Kashmir is not. lol talk about hypocrisy!

On topic: The move is good for sending the signal to the Chinese but I doubt if it will be really effective. We should also keep in mind that we need Chinese investment in infrastructure projects such as roads and highways etc.

Yes we need Chinese Investment...but more than that... China needs markets for its economic well being and growth. Markets such as India are few...there are many countries that can fill the shoes of China in investment in India; however the reverse is not true
All of Kashmir including P-O-K is legally a part of India. This has got nothing to do with China Pakistan relations. This is our way protesting to China...and it is a serious matter

Yes, according to Indian stance *** is part of India. But according to the 2 pending resolutions in the UN on Kashmir and 3 resolutions at the OIC, Kashmir is part of Pakistan and the Kashmiri people have a right of self determination.
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