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So, is new media only reinforcing old stereotypes?

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Pakistan already lost a lot of its territory in 1971, we are not willing to lose an inch more. Besides Azad Kashmir is very important to Pakistan strategically, it connects Pakistan to China. We will never give up that part of Kashmir.

I actually admire your audacity.

So Pakistan is the only intelligent nation around and Indians are a bunch of fools to give our kashmir.

Independent kashmir ..anyone.??

If only India Occupied Kashmir becomes independent that can also be a problem for Pakistan especially in Azad Kashmir. Also I doubt that neighbouring nuclear powers will let India Occupied Kashmir stay an independent sovereign country.

Dont worry..as a friendly neighbour we will not create that difficult situation for you.I guess you know what I mean. ;)

We should let the people of Kashmir decide that in a referendum that was promised to them by the world in 1948.

Five lines before you were saying that "we will not give an inch of our Kashmir" and now "Kashmiris should decide ". I guess :hang2:

According to UN resoultions, theres only 2 choices for Kashmiris, either be part of Pakistan or India. No independent option was passed in the United Nations and Pakistan will never agree on an independent option sorry.

Now again self-contradicting yourself by saying Pakistan will not allow the wish of the Kashmiris (plebiscite) to happen. :lol:OMG you are hilarious

If you are a Muslim Kashmiri you should want to be with Muslim majority Pakistan. Notice Hindus want to be India, sad that some Kashmiri Muslims want to divide the Ummah even more than it already is.

So where did the Right of Self-Determination go now.?? To the trash eh?
The UN resolutions are still valid today. UN status of Kashmir still stands today. Kashmir is a disputed territory between Pakistan and India.

Omar: I don't dispute this. You just can't put your head on the sand. It is good on paper. Who is giving a crap about the 1948 UN resolution today? No one.
I did elaborate in the original post. You have failed miserably to bring the true aspirations of Kashmir people to the world. What is the situation today? India is getting away with all the crap they are doing there or done in the past. And Pakistan is voiceless. Your ad hoc statements on Kashmir to US or UN has become complete waste.Be honest to yourself. Is there anyone listening to you? Wake up change your strategy. It may be too late now

How is Pakistan being voiceless.

Whenever a Pakistani politician is invited to other countries or speaks in media, most of the time he/she is talking about human rights violations in India Occupied Kashmir and trying to persuade the world for help in resolving the Kashmir issue, more than flood victims and damages by the floods in most of the country.

What more do you expect Pakistan to do?
Don't talk rubbish. Your country tried its very best to incite the Khalistan movement. The movement died out nearly 20 years back and no one even remembers the movement now, and the only loser was Pakistan.

it still exists, a group member was arrested in Canada a while back.
How will the world know what an average Kashmiri wants?

The only way to find out is through the UN referendum.

Are you Kashmiri? Or are you a non-kashmiri pretending to know what Kashmiri people want?

You may not like the fact. But Kashmirs don't want to be part of India or Pakistan either
How is Pakistan being voiceless.

Whenever a Pakistani politician is invited to other countries or speaks in media, most of teh time he/she is talking about human rights violations in India Occupied Kashmir, more than flood victims and damages by the floods in most of the country.

What more do you expect Pakistan to do?

Action speaks louder than words. Read my OP. How your actions are hurting you.

You can shout everyday about Kashmir. And your FM ands PM are probably doing that. And answer my question: How many countries respond positively to your requests? None. They also say - go back and talk to India. They all believe the Indian version of terrorism in Kashmir
To your initial suggestion that Pakistan screwed up Kashmir's cause, I agree and disagree. Then there would be no Kashmir's cause. Without Pakistan, India would have noone to point fingers at after the uprising and would have been forced to reconcile with the state governemtn and society. May with a permanent article370 Kashmiris would have been satisfied, had Indian media highlighted the HR violations of army and made the rest of India's civil society known about them. Or India would atleasst make it appear so by bringing ssome popular leader onto the stage and promising to Kashmiris complete pre-1953 autonomy. Some things just didnot come in time for India-Kashmir relationship.

Pre military operation and the mistreatment of kashmiri state governments by the centre, most advocates of Kashmir azadi were the advocates of muslim brotherhood who wanted J&K to join Pak. There were not many people in favor of an independent state outside India. Just because there was no precedent. All the states joined either India or Pakistan. There was no definition of 'India' for quite sometime among different states. States like Indian J&K, Tamilnadu all were at the same stage of accepting the idea of being part of India. There were seccesionist movements even in these so called 'mainstream Indian states' for quite sometime, into the late 70s even later in Punjab. Not many Kashmiris knew what difference the UNSC resolution made in their case. At about the same time J&K's government was dismissed, Andhra Pradesh's government was also dismissed, many political parties suffered. And that was party time for the marginalised separatists and Pakistani leadership. There if they had not interfered, and if Indian government had acknowledged the Kashmiri wounds there would be no Kashmiri movement now.

But yes, the last two decades of violence and radical Islamisation of Kashmir has been Pakistan's gift. So in conclusion, for reminding Kashmiris of their special status constantly and for alienating them from India, Pakistan deserves the credit till before Kargil. Post uprising and pre-kargil was when Kashmir's case was the strongest. Then Pakistan ****** on Kashmiri dreams with Kargil. This part, I agree with you. Pakistan comes with this heavy baggage of extremism and says 'We support Kashmiri cause. Kashmiris are dying to join Pakistan' and the Kashmiri sympathizers slip away one after the other.
I did elaborate in the original post. You have failed miserably to bring the true aspirations of Kashmir people to the world. What is the situation today? India is getting away with all the crap they are doing there or done in the past. And Pakistan is voiceless. Your ad hoc statements on Kashmir to US or UN has become complete waste.Be honest to yourself. Is there anyone listening to you? Wake up change your strategy. It may be too late now

actually we were doing it for 60 yrs, and we were very focused before musharraf, till then, no NO US help???

now USA is ignoring to stand for cause for now, tnx to pakistan frndship hand, actually u r betraying big tym

More than any one in the forum, I believe Kashmirs are suppressed by Indians. and they need independence. But why is Pakistan not able to deliver this message effectively to their allies? Forget others, let us at least look at their close friend US. Are you able to sell the idea to them? No

So mere talking alone is not going to solve the problem. Is there a creditability issue?

How is Pakistan being voiceless.

Whenever a Pakistani politician is invited to other countries or speaks in media, most of the time he/she is talking about human rights violations in India Occupied Kashmir and trying to persuade the world for help in resolving the Kashmir issue, more than flood victims and damages by the floods in most of the country.

What more do you expect Pakistan to do?
I see only two rigid views on the forum - Indian wants Kashmir to be the part of India and Pakistan demanding that they need Kashmir. Both don't give a squat about what the average Kashmiri wants. Talk about selfishness

Actually, there can be no "Independent Kashmir". Pakistan will never let go it's side of Kashmir because of "strategic interests" just like Pakistan wants Taliban in Afghanistan, irrespective of what Afghans want.

Kashmir as a nation can exist, but it wont be a successful nation. From the Indian Kashmiris that I have interacted with, they want to be with India and want a progressive, stable state just like other Indian states.

Pakistan relies on loans and aid to keep it's own economy afloat, after absorbing Kashmir it will be a tough struggle to remain stable.

Conclusion : Declaring LOC as official border is the best option for Pakistan. Waiting is the best option for India.

Also, the "Crimes" you emphasize on. More people have been killed in Karachi in 4 days than Kashmir in months.
You may not like the fact. But Kashmirs don't want to be part of India or Pakistan either

Pakistan has done a lot for Kashmiris, like it or not.

We have lost soldiers for Kashmir.

During the Kashmir earthquake in 2005, help for Kashmirs came from all parts of Pakistan. Ask Kashmiris in Azad Kashmir.

Whenever we get a chance to go to international forums or our politicians go meet other leaders we always raise our voices about Kashmir. Whenever we join an organization we always raise our voices about Kashmir.

Dont dare put Pakistan in the same category as india when it comes to Kashmir. india wants to hide Kashmir from the world and continue murdering and raping unarmed Kashmiris in India Occupied Kashmir and bring their hindu settler to settle in Kashmir like zionists in Palestine.
So that is the process you described. I don't deny your sacrifices. But would you care to look at the RESULT now? Do you see any tangible results in Pakistan's favor internationality as a result of your sacrifice?

or Has these sacrifices have been off-set by your own foolish makings in the past? Think about it

Pakistan has done a lot for Kashmiris, like it or not.

We have lost soldiers for Kashmir.

During the Kashmir earthquake in 2005, help for Kashmirs came from all parts of Pakistan. Ask Kashmiris in Azad Kashmir.

Whenever we get a chance to go to international forums or our politicians go meet other leaders we always raise our voices about Kashmir. Whenever we join an organization we always raise our voices about Kashmir.

Dont dare put Pakistan in the same category as india when it comes to Kashmir. india wants to hide Kashmir from the world and continue murdering and raping unarmed Kashmiris in India Occupied Kashmir and bring their hindu settler to settle in Kashmir like zionists in Palestine.
Pakistan has done a lot for Kashmiris, like it or not.
We have lost soldiers for Kashmir.
You think the lives of Indian soldiers not valuable for us. If you claim you have done a lot for the Pakistani Kashmiris, why haven't they been given representation in the govt?

During the Kashmir earthquake in 2005, help for Kashmirs came from all parts of Pakistan. Ask Kashmiris in Azad Kashmir.
Then explain me this article:
Quake anniversary marked by shutterdown, protests in AJK

A crippling shutterdown strike was observed in the Azad Jammu and Kashmir (AJK) capital on the fifth anniversary of 2005 earthquake on Friday, with people from different walks of life, including those with disabilities, staging rallies and demonstrations to condemn alleged delay in reconstruction, embezzlement of funds meant for the purpose and apathy of the authorities towards their plight.
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