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Kashmir: Declare Ahmadis non-Muslims: Grand Mufti

What we have here is the ugly side of the 1% claiming they speak for 1.6 billion muslims ( including Indian muslims). The only thing Kalu speaks for his dark side like his avatar name .
Indian Constitution does not allow mass killing of Muslims or does it? YET IT HAPPENS in our beloved India
Yep it does not and the perpetrators of these riots are punished acording to law.
I personaly prefer these religious bigots whether Hindu or Muslim should be shot dead such people have no right to be in the society.

Wat if tomorrow i form a new sect in Hinduism and start preaching Wat all Hinduism does not stand for WILL Indian Constitution AND its ppl support me?
Yep you will still be considered as a Hindu, what people mistake is that they think Hinduism is an organized religion but it is actually a collection of belief.Hinduism is not a religion but a way of life.
You will be surprised to know Atheism is one of the six school of thought's in Hinduism
Atheism in Hinduism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Epic Fail they are there to protect the so called worship house of the Ahmedies or wat ever u call them
it all started with these ppl trying to destribute papers regarding ISLAM ppl protested against this plz read or do i need to educate every one of u?
Yes people are allowed to protest in a peaceful manner but some have habit of looking at everything through the prism of religion which ends up in violence therefore the police protection .

Thank you for the advice and our house is India which is secular and democratic where belief of every individual is tolerated by law .
Only way ahmedis can save their identity in India is by becoming vote banks and bargaining with political parties.

It is not for the State but the community itself to deal with the "deviaters" as enjoined in The Holy Quo'ran. A good example is Afghanistan pre-1947. The Ulema had decided not to refer this issue to the Shah. Instead they selected a single day when all "deviaters" were eliminated in the kingdom and the tribal belt. The Holy Quo'ran,which a Muslim must follow to the letter, has given clear direction declaring that the life and property of "the one who has turned away" is to be forfeited.
What we have here is the ugly side of the 1% claiming they speak for 1.6 billion muslims ( including Indian muslims). The only thing Kalu speaks for his dark side like his avatar name .
Yeah and the irony is he likes to peddle around his theory

arey miah why do you think there so much division among humanity in the name of religion, race, language or even gender of a person. This is because man will always divide people who are different to them share different practice and beliefs since it is in human nature.

You speak of some sort of utopian dream of world unity but you yourself are dividing man on the basis of his belief.
First and most of any religion is to think & do good for others, and religions were formed for the same. If you try to divide people in the name of different Yard sticks , then you are not good believer, for God , he appreciates all people who do good for others and i am sure he will never accept a person in heaven, who try to divide people in the name of silly issues and try to destroy others in the name of the God
Keep crying for significance and acknowledgement when you will get neither.

The Bangladeshi quest for recognition is irritating and funny at the same time

And please stop obsessing about Bangladeshi significance or insignificance. It makes you look like a fool.
Why people dont understand that Islam is not their property. You must follow a certain set of principles to become a Muslim and if you dont then you are a non-Muslim. Ahmadis dont follow so they are non-Muslims

i think Islam also says wear Burqa and that protecting decency is a must? Can anyone throw light if what I am saying is right or wrong. Thanks. Is it a must to wear Burqa for a girl in presence of outside men?

second question

is it must for men to keep beard?

third question

I think muslims need to prayer 4 times a day? Is it a must as per Qoran? Is it Right?

I hope people here give true answers only as mentioned in Qoran line by line

I think the answers to all three above questions is yes (let me know if i am wrong. but please dont lie as I dont know and only u guys can tell) . So that means any girl not wearing Burga, any men not having beard and any muslim not parying 4 times is a Non Muslim coz they dont follow a certain set of principles to become muslim.

So 80-85% of all world muslim population should be declared as Non Muslim and be killed as religions extremists. (50-60% Pak population also which i believe is conservative estimate and there must be more then that not following above 3 points)

just my two cents coz there must be many many things said in Qoran that a muslim must not do. But many do so they all should be declared non muslim and killed by extremists!! That should include the PM and President of Pak and top govt officials of Saudi and Pak as many are known to drink.

and if this is followed i am sure 90% of muslims will be non muslims coz they wont be following or acting in one way or other as required by Qoran for a muslim. So they should all be declared non muslim.
Religion does not boundry related..... As a muslim if you will bow infront of anyone other than Allah you are doing shirk and you are not muslim..... You calling yourself muslim sure give the idea how minority view and religion are being manipulated and the basic spirit of Islam being torn... I dont want to go deep into this because my reply can hurt hindu religion followers and i am trying to avoid that.... And i expect the same.... If you dont know about religion Islam dont discuss it.....For the starters You are not a muslim if you dont believe and act as per first kalma

@ Austerlitz....

You are calling a religious belief "Bakwass"....


And you give the idea of how radicalized is Pakistan's society.

Bohras who celebrate SOME Hindu festivals which has no logical connection with religion and are more of a cultural thing are also considered as Muslims in India.

Okay then, since you're getting all technical.

The second kalma according to Sunnis is 'Mohamad is god almighty's last messenger and prophet and has no successor.' but Shias believe 'Ali the son in law of the prophet is Mohamad's successor.' So according to you everyone's non-Muslim apart from Sunnis?
In that you are calling half of my muslim friends non musl (not bowing infront of anyone)

And does this not bowing infront of any one means not even infront of your parents ???
Shia's are 100% Muslims, not like non-Muslim Ahmadi's.

Shias are openly and regularly being killed in numbers in Pakistan apparently by religious outfits supported by the state. How can you consider Shias as Muslims when your own prominent Mullahs consider them as non-Muslim and some even consider them worthy of killing? Even Darulaoom Deoband issued fatwa against Shias. Are you going to decide what is right, religiously speaking, or the ulema?

Shia's are 100% Muslims, not like non-Muslim Ahmadi's.

There are numerous fatwas available by prominent Ulema calling each other non-Muslim and what not. Start with this which was bit less vulgar than many other fatwas available.

fatwa, deobandi kafir, brelvi kafir, ahle hadith kafir, kuttay, wahabi

Shia's are 100% Muslims, not like non-Muslim Ahmadi's.

Deobandi fatwa declaring Brelvis and Ahl-e-Hadith people devoid of faith ie non-Muslims.

And please stop obsessing about Bangladeshi significance or insignificance. It makes you look like a fool.

Unfortunately the pathetic quest for significance makes me give a reality check. Don't confuse that with obsession.
Shias are openly and regularly being killed in numbers in Pakistan apparently by religious outfits supported by the state. How can you consider Shias as Muslims when your own prominent Mullahs consider them as non-Muslim and some even consider them worthy of killing? Even Darulaoom Deoband issued fatwa against Shias. Are you going to decide what is right, religiously speaking, or the ulema?

There are numerous fatwas available by prominent Ulema calling each other non-Muslim and what not. Start with this which was bit less vulgar than many other fatwas available.

fatwa, deobandi kafir, brelvi kafir, ahle hadith kafir, kuttay, wahabi

Deobandi fatwa declaring Brelvis and Ahl-e-Hadith people devoid of faith ie non-Muslims.


Please do not equate a few deviant extremists with mainstream Muslims.

Mainstream Sunni's never consider Shia's or even other deviant groups within Sunni's as non-Muslim. You are trying to bring in irrelevant topics to confuse the issue. No other groups deny the fact the Muhammad (SAWS) was the last prophet, except Ahmadi/Qadiani. So please do not compare Ahmadi/Qadiani with other deviant or misguided groups, who are still considered as within the fold of Islam. And I am no expert Ulama or anything, just telling you my common sense perception on this issue.

If anybody is killing Shia, because they are Shia, are engaging in Haram or illegal activity. It is as simple as that. I will let more experts on Islam explain further.

Unfortunately the pathetic quest for significance makes me give a reality check. Don't confuse that with obsession.

Yeah right!!! Everyone has the right to express their opinion, its free and open public forum. Please just keep that in mind.
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