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Kashmir: Declare Ahmadis non-Muslims: Grand Mufti

These Indian posters are showing their real face of Hindutva hatred for Islam and Muslims. They have a long term agenda to create Indian version of Islam. They are already funding many Islamic institutions there and training Mullah's to teach Indian Islam. May be another attempt at Fitna (division) just like the British did with Ahamadi's.

India broke Pakistan using traitor Mir Jafar family among us, so killings in civil war in 1971 was responsibility of the master-mind instigator of this conflict, which is India, who had a plan to break Pakistan since 1947. Now using RAWamy League rule, India has made Bangladesh a vassal state.

Waapis Jod lo,manaa kisne kya idher?
May be another attempt at Fitna (division) just like the British did with Ahamadi's.

If Ahmadis have done anything wrong then why don’t you prosecute them under a fair law instead of persecuting them all the time? This shows that wrong is at your side and you are just making up things to persecute Ahmadis. What a bigot.
Keep hoping idiot, the world does not revolve around what Indians hope or wish.

world doesnt even know bangaldesh.

I mean if India did not exist between Pakistan and Bangladesh.America would have long conquered these two chindi chor.
Pluzeeeeeeeeeee jihadi bob, is that what you changed your name in America too?~ you blah blah with your radical views and revisionist history spewing hate all day in on PDF and yet you go land up and live in a Judea Christian land under its laws.

Yes Hindutva Sanjay, I live where I please, Judea Christian land does not belong to INDIAN.
Nobody can dilute your religion buddy,ur deobandi,berelvi,whabbi,shia,wahabbi,sunni brothers have been actively doing it for hundreds of years.This is the main problem too much concern and thought for the supernatural.

One question that has always put me off organized religions of all kinds.
If god exists,he gave us free will.
Then why after giving us free will would he set a rulebook of do's and don'ts on how to lead ur life.
Its mutually contradictory and doesn't make any sense.If u had to lay down strict guidelines to follow what would be the point in giving you free will.
This is why i believe man created god in his own image.
They just give him a name and kill each other in that name.
Wow, Indian philosopher! and here I thought no such thing exists.
Blessed is He in whose hand is dominion, and He is over all things competent{}[He] who created death and life to test you [as to] which of you is best in deed - and He is the Exalted in Might, the Forgiving -(67,1-2)
God gave us free will to test us and see who are the good doers. The Qur'an is a guidance for the believers. What would be the point for God to create humans then? To just watch the drama unfold?!
Open...Yes I am ....Confused ..to you may be... but this comes form the fact the I am a Human at peace with himself. I don't need tokenism to respect any religion. To me a man is a man..irrespective of his faith....he needs to be treated as human first ...other things follow.

Infact people like me were the ones who protected people like you from being killed by raiders and murderers in the name of faith.

May be...but I am living and loving it to the fullest..

Not its like saying ....I have been a good human...so which one of you all gods need me in your house....

So are so called Islam Ke thekedars...Kaboom..and rattattattatta....

So just because they believe in the god their way ..they have no right to live....according to your theory...anyone who does not believe in god your way should be deamonized and killed.

The one who has holes in his faith get angry first...

And thats what I do

HHappens all the time....an we are not angry over that...infact this is an opportunity to debate and improve..

You got that one right.

Strange to see Hindus supporting this sect of so called muslims?????????????

Residents of Saidabad led by Malakpet MLA Ahmed Balala and other leaders take out rally from Saidabad against Qadiani's

Strange to see Police supporting these ????????????


Why do Hindus (not Indians as almost all Muslim Indians do not support) support these ppl?
Religion a great mould which has given so many civilized souls to humanity but some are so much sticky to the mould itself they never become finished products ...nature itself will clear all these unfinished products in due time and good will prevail..because it is in its nature
These Indian posters are showing their real face of Hindutva hatred for Islam and Muslims. They have a long term agenda to create Indian version of Islam. They are already funding many Islamic institutions there and training Mullah's to teach Indian Islam. May be another attempt at Fitna (division) just like the British did with Ahamadi's.

India broke Pakistan using traitor Mir Jafar family among us, so killings in civil war in 1971 was responsibility of the master-mind instigator of this conflict, which is India, who had a plan to break Pakistan since 1947. Now using RAWamy League rule, India has made Bangladesh a vassal state.

These Indian posters are showing their real face of Hindutva hatred for Islam and Muslims. They have a long term agenda to create Indian version of Islam. They are already funding many Islamic institutions there and training Mullah's to teach Indian Islam. May be another attempt at Fitna (division) just like the British did with Ahamadi's.

What do you expect from the works of pagans, in the Qu'ran it states such people cannot be trusted, Muslims have already been warned.
Yes Hindutva Sanjay, I live where I please, Judea Christian land does not belong to INDIAN.

It's Jay ( that is my real name) not sanjay Bangladeshi Bob. and you live under the Judea Christian laws everywhere if you live in our land. We don't have Bangladeshi tribal belts in the US for you to live under your imaginary laws.
Do you report to an Indian boss?

No LaBong da, I have no Indian boss. But I hate the arrogance I see in this forum and love to burst their balloon. It is fun.

It's Jay ( that is my real name) not sanjay Bangladeshi Bob. and you live under the Judea Christian laws everywhere if you live in our land. We don't have Bangladeshi tribal belts in the US for you to live under your imaginary laws.

Like I said Hindutva SanJay, it is not your land, it belongs to all Americans, get it through your thick head, will you?
Strange to see Hindus supporting this sect of so called muslims?????????????

Residents of Saidabad led by Malakpet MLA Ahmed Balala and other leaders take out rally from Saidabad against Qadiani's

Strange to see Police supporting these ????????????


Why do Hindus (not Indians as almost all Muslim Indians do not support) support these ppl?
Get this in your thick head sir we Indians do not support religious extremism whether he be Hindu or Muslim or any religion for that matter.

What we support is tolerance, tolerance to each other belief and practices. It is what has kept such a large and diverse country united.

Outsiders have no right to say what Indian laws should be like.
Its interesting how so many “educated” Islamists are supporting legal and constitutional religious apartheid of Pakistani state against Ahmadis akin to the apartheid era South Africa’s apartheid towards blacks.

These Islamists by doing that accept that a religious state, by its very nature, is a fascist state which apartheids against and persecutes its people in the name of religion. This proves by Islamists’ own admission that a religious state is a curse and a bloat on the face of humanity and must be opposed by all.

These religious bigots have thus shot themselves in the foot by accepting and justifying this apartheid against Ahmadis. And yet these very same Islamists would next claim that an Islamic state is actually better than a secular state even though secular states require equal treatment of its citizens under the law unlike an Islamic state.

Interesting how bigotry and hate blocks one from thinking ahead.
Like I said Hindutva SanJay, it is not your land, it belongs to all Americans, get it through your thick head, will you?

Look at this fool- he throws up the flag that America belongs to all, asks me to get it through my thick head too! ~ but at the same time Bangladeshi Bob is posting on this thread how Ahmedis in other countries should not have the same treatment.
What do you expect from the works of pagans, in the Qu'ran it states such people cannot be trusted, Muslims have already been warned.

Ahmadis, Shias, Christians, Hindus and Hazaras are being killed by REAL Muslims not by pagans in Pakistan. Same with all military actions against Bengalis, Baluchis, Pashtoons, Muhajirs and Sindhis. Everyone including Muslims are running away from Muslim state of Pakistan.
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