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Kashmir: Declare Ahmadis non-Muslims: Grand Mufti

Shias are kafir according to Sunni fatwas who are in larger numbers so Shias must accept themselves as non-Muslims according to the principal of majority.

What da fck? Shia's and other sects of Islam are Muslims because they believe that Allah is only God and Muhammad PBUH is his messenger and last prophet while Ahmadi's are not considered Muslim because they don't consider Muhammad PBUH as Allah's last prophet, they consider some random guy born in Indian Punjab.
True. I have seen a lot of Wahabis calling Shias non muslims in the forum itself.

No actually the Sunnis are non muslims.. ask the Shias and Amemdis.... they are also in sizable majority and I beleive they are right and not Sunnis.... my wish I beleive them and not Sunnis... :) at the end of the day its ur wish if u r a muslim whether u beleive in Sunni, Shia or Ahemdi etc. The other sect cant do anything about it but give fatwas or kill....

but they wont accept that they are all muslims... each sect is out there to prove we are most true muslim...!! no objection to claim but where it gets dirty is each wants others to change or else be ready for Allah wrath delivered by special envoys having gods wishes for this purpose the extermists.

Wahabis are themselves not Muslims what U talking about . How they can say others non-Muslims.What evidence they got that they are Muslims???.These Wahabis must be working for Mosaad or British MI6....:smokin:

lol now comes another one sect Wahabis are not muslims.. lol... i think just to define who is muslim or not, 90% of the muslim population will have to die or become non muslim.

and the remaining 10% will have to fight in WWF ring to determine who is the ultimate last true muslim.. lol...

anyone answer following questions please:

Do Qoran require muslims:

1) Girls to wear burqa in front or non family men. yes/no

2) A muslim men to keep beard yes/no

3) A muslim to do prayer 4 times a day yes/no

4) Muslims not to drink alcohol yes/no

and if answer to above is YES, then can I declare all those as non muslims and deserving death who dont follow above, as they are non muslims ??

( and out of those many posting on this forum agains Ahmedis, how many follow all the above and many other things which are required from a muslim without which u cant be one..any number? like 10%,20% or all 100%)

meanwhile no answer for my post above :(
anyone answer following questions please:

Do Qoran require muslims:

1) Girls to wear burqa in front or non family men. yes/no

2) A muslim men to keep beard yes/no

3) A muslim to do prayer 4 times a day yes/no

4) Muslims not to drink alcohol yes/no

and if answer to above is YES, then can I declare all those as non muslims and deserving death who dont follow above, as they are non muslims ??

( and out of those many posting on this forum agains Ahmedis, how many follow all the above and many other things which are required from a muslim without which u cant be one..any number? like 10%,20% or all 100%)

According to the Koran,which is the ONLY authority of Islam:

1) Girls are NOT required to wear Burka or even headcover. Only required to cover their breasts and observe cultural modesty (eg. Indian girls wear salwar kameez, western girls wear their own cultural dress etc).

2) No Muslim men are required or even advised to keep beard in Koran.

3) Yes, daily prayer is required to perform. Koran mandates only 3 prayers everyday.

4) No, Koran does not permit drinking alcohol. Besides, I'm sure you are aware of the scientific ill effects of alcohol.

Koran does not give death penalty to non muslims or even to those who leaves Islam.
According to the Koran,which is the ONLY authority of Islam:

1) Girls are NOT required to wear Burka or even headcover. Only required to cover their breasts and observe cultural modesty (eg. Indian girls wear salwar kameez, western girls wear their own cultural dress etc).

2) No Muslim men are required or even advised to keep beard in Koran.

3) Yes, daily prayer is required to perform. Koran mandates only 3 prayers everyday.

4) No, Koran does not permit drinking alcohol. Besides, I'm sure you are aware of the scientific ill effects of alcohol.

Koran does not give death penalty to non muslims or even to those who leaves Islam.

i know buddy ur views are decent.... let those come who say Ahmedis are non muslims... they will probably say to you, you are non muslim if you dont believe in the points i said (if you are one or otherwise for debate point)

also my question is not to you (or those who know Qoran does not teach discrimination of intolerance) but to those who say Ahmedis are not muslims...

for some cultural modesty means covering face also.
many extreme muslims say if u shave beard u r not muslim
so those not praying 3 times would be called as NON MUSLIMS.
so those drinking alcohol would be pronounced NON MUSLIMS.
Indian Constitution does not allow mass killing of Muslims or does it? YET IT HAPPENS in our beloved India

Wat if tomorrow i form a new sect in Hinduism and start preaching Wat all Hinduism does not stand for WILL Indian Constitution AND its ppl support me?

Epic Fail they are there to protect the so called worship house of the Ahmedies or wat ever u call them

it all started with these ppl trying to destribute papers regarding ISLAM ppl protested against this plz read or do i need to educate every one of u?


astounding naïve analogies- stay in Dubai bigot. One less of you in any secular country means better coexistence for all. You can start as many sects as you want, they won't be no call from Hindus or Christians to put you in different box.
i know buddy ur views are decent.... let those come who say Ahmedis are non muslims... they will probably say to you, you are non muslim if you dont believe in the points i said (if you are one or otherwise for debate point)

also my question is not to you (or those who know Qoran does not teach discrimination of intolerance) but to those who say Ahmedis are not muslims...

for some cultural modesty means covering face also.
many extreme muslims say if u shave beard u r not muslim
so those not praying 3 times would be called as NON MUSLIMS.
so those drinking alcohol would be pronounced NON MUSLIMS.

Yes I know. That is the characteristic of a sect called "wahhabism", which originated from saudi arabia in the 1700s. They are quick to declare others as Kafirs and non muslims and issue fatwas legalizing their killing. Today, their influence has spread to everywhere and every country among many sects. Russia's chechenya city was destroyed due to terrorists inspired by wahhabism. Afghanistan did not see peace due to talibans inspired by the same ideology from 1979. Islam got a bad name around the world due to these wahabis and their extremism.... should I continue?:confused:
It is not for the State but the community itself to deal with the "deviaters" as enjoined in The Holy Quo'ran. A good example is Afghanistan pre-1947. The Ulema had decided not to refer this issue to the Shah. Instead they selected a single day when all "deviaters" were eliminated in the kingdom and the tribal belt. The Holy Quo'ran,which a Muslim must follow to the letter, has given clear direction declaring that the life and property of "the one who has turned away" is to be forfeited.

Seems like an invitation to murder & pillage.
Religion does not boundry related..... As a muslim if you will bow infront of anyone other than Allah you are doing shirk and you are not muslim..... You calling yourself muslim sure give the idea how minority view and religion are being manipulated and the basic spirit of Islam being torn... I dont want to go deep into this because my reply can hurt hindu religion followers and i am trying to avoid that.... And i expect the same.... If you dont know about religion Islam dont discuss it.....For the starters You are not a muslim if you dont believe and act as per first kalma

@ Austerlitz....

You are calling a religious belief "Bakwass"....

I dont know kalma, and i dont call myslef a muslim, BUT , in india i have the freedom to do so IF I wanted. I am not discussing religion here. You Pakistanis always keep telling, I will tell it but it will hurt you guys. THat is honestly one of the lamest ways to argue. No one is insulting Islam here.
I am just saying what the mufti says will not have value in india , because here anyone can call himself anything. Simple.

I am not talking about law here.....However i respect Indian court for the decision above. The thing i am talking and trying to tell is that religion is not boundary specific.... There are some basic rules.... And if you dont follow them than you are not one.... Its a simple fact ... If it disturbs you i am sorry but thats how it is... And its not in Pakistan its everywhere in the world .... Ask any muslim around the world and he'll tell you.... We have bangladeshi muslims here, Turk, Iran, Afghanistan, Kuwait, Saudi, Dont believe them ask anyone around you in India. Goto any mosque. Than comeback and we'll talk more if you guys keep your respect for my religion and don't go warrior on me...

Its jsut a matter of interpretation. if you are told from your childhood islam allows you to bow to other religious gods you would done so too.. and vice versa for me. Its all in the mind.
There are millions of muslims in india, who dont subscribe to your view. the things that pakistanis do.. 99% including you wouldnt qualify to be called muslims. So again its all in the interpretation. I think i will call myself a muslim if i need to and still go to a temple and fllow all of my customs and not any islamic one, and in india no one can stop me.

The rule is clear.... If he goes to temple or grudwara or even on nizamud din ziyarat and bows infront of them he is breaking the base rule he said and suppose to believe and do as muslim......
if you put money in a bank and take interest you are also breaking an islamic rule tht you are supposed to d oas a muslim.
most of your rulers in the army drink alcohol. that makes them nonmuslims, and since pakistan is ruled by non muslims, it ceases to become an islamic country. is thtat justified?

WHAT U INDIANS DO NOT UNDERSTAND.... Ahmadi's are not Muslim because they don't believe Muhammad PBUH is last prophet that's it
That's what I was talking about, you indians don't know what Islam is to begin with.:lol: This
Salman and other bollywood khans are not muslims to begin with. And I am not judging anyone
here. Its the most basic Islamic priciples by which any muslims would know that these bollywood
khans have already stepped outside the fold is ISLAM. ISLAM means peace, gaining peace by
submitting oneself to the will of Allah(swt) and no one else.
Bowing down to anyone/anything
else is shirk and an unforgivable sin.
This bollywood khans did ganesh puja and took part in
pagan festivities, so how are they muslim? They can have a muslim name and can be termed muslim
in India by Indians but India is not the flag bearer of ISLAM.

Neither is BD, nor are Sunnis to declare ahmadis or Srk as non muslim. That will be judged by allah. if allah punishes srk, ganpati will protect him. now buzz off.

What da fck? Shia's and other sects of Islam are Muslims because they believe that Allah is only God and Muhammad PBUH is his messenger and last prophet while Ahmadi's are not considered Muslim because they don't consider Muhammad PBUH as Allah's last prophet, they consider some random guy born in Indian Punjab.

so what, you believe shias are muslim, but many dont. Its about who gains upper hand. Right now people who call ahmadis as non-muslims have the upper hand.

Wahabis are themselves not Muslims what U talking about . How they can say others non-Muslims.What evidence they got that they are Muslims???.These Wahabis must be working for Mosaad or British MI6....:smokin:
LOL... there you are .. now wahabbis are non muslims, dont say that to them


WHAT U INDIANS DO NOT UNDERSTAND.... Ahmadi's are not Muslim because they don't believe Muhammad PBUH is last prophet that's it
sorry nowhere it says last prophet in the 5 pillars. in the 5 pillars' acceptance of mohammad clause, it just says to accept him as a messenger of god. There is no clause of last guy.
ašhadu an lā ilāha illá l-Lāhu (wa ashhadu 'anna) Muḥammadan rasūlu l-Lāhi
"I testify that there is no god except Allah and (I testify that) Muhammad is the messenger of God." Reciting this statement is a key part in a person's conversion to Islam"


All others are addendums outside 5 pillars. So ahmadis ARE muslims

Finally I think that GOD is more powerful than mohammad or ahmad, and can override mohammads word and send another prophet IF She chooses to.

WHAT U INDIANS DO NOT UNDERSTAND.... Ahmadi's are not Muslim because they don't believe Muhammad PBUH is last prophet that's it

Some pray to Mary, some pray to Baby jesus and some pray to grown Jesus. They all follow Christianity. They follow the tenants of Islam , regardless of where they think lineage starts or ends.

besides who died and made you the real muslin follower? How are you any better than them? Instead of living a life under Islamic rule you chose to follow the Judea Christian laws of the US.

who among you is a pure Muslim pick up the 1st stone.

Here is Fatwa worthy for all you : Those who sit under Judea country laws , in western countries , enjoying their freedoms and culture , yet ask the poor citizens or any citizens to espouse radical views and actions in their home countries , should be de cloaked from Islam. That's right that's you guys who cheerlead these bigoted views , won't ever have the balls to go back and follow the very rules should be thrown out of Islam. fair enough?

You sit in the US demand freedom of religion for yourself and then espouse hate bigoted speech about other sects in other countries.
Some pray to Mary, some pray to Baby jesus and some pray to grown Jesus. They all follow Christianity. They follow the tenants of Islam , regardless of where they think lineage starts or ends.

besides who died and made you the real muslin follower? How are you any better than them? Instead of living a life under Islamic rule you chose to follow the Judea Christian laws of the US.

who among you is a pure Muslim pick up the 1st stone.

Here is Fatwa worthy for all you : Those who sit under Judea country laws , in western countries , enjoying their freedoms and culture , yet ask the poor citizens or any citizens to espouse radical views and actions in their home countries , should be de cloaked from Islam. That's right that's you guys who cheerlead these bigoted views , won't ever have the balls to go back and follow the very rules should be thrown out of Islam. fair enough?

You sit in the US demand freedom of religion for yourself and then espouse hate bigoted speech about other sects in other countries.
the problem is everyone will pick up that stone because of a warped sense of understanding islam.

WHAT U INDIANS DO NOT UNDERSTAND.... Ahmadi's are not Muslim because they don't believe Muhammad PBUH is last prophet that's it

What chaps like you don't understand is that we don't care one way or the other! That's a religious issue to be sorted out by you chaps yourselves. What is just not acceptable is anyone dragging the state into a matter that does not concern it.
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