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Karachi Airport Under Terrorist Attack

1 hour seems a bit long though, if just looked at alone. The Rangers were called in first to handle the situation, which is why it took such a long time. The SSG should have been the first ones on call.
Surely it depends on where the SSG were based? I don't know exactly how this works in Paksitan wrt SSG's deployment but elite forces like them are usually very small in number relatively and can't be everywhere at once so will always take time to get on the scene. That is why it is very important that the first responders (local law enforcement and such ) are suitably equipped and trained for containing the scene until the "big guns" (SFs and such) get on the scene which will always be later.
Who killed the remaining 4?- SSG Zarar company?-

If not thats the second time Zarar company arrived late to carry out operations- the first time was during PNS Mehran attack- SSG (N) lead that operation-
It's not about being late, it's about getting the call. The arrived when they were called in, most likely because they weren't need before.

Mehran was a shock to everyone, but because of that, important lessons were learned, and this operation proves that much at least.
1 hour seems a bit long though, if just looked at alone. The Rangers were called in first to handle the situation, which is why it took such a long time. The SSG should have been the first ones on call.

And 1 is all Pakistan needs to find out who's responsible.

Pakistan don't need to play drama on world stage just to blame India. We know who did this, time for muzakarat is over....
Who killed the remaining 4?- SSG Zarar company?-
If not thats the second time Zarar company arrived late to carry out operations- the first time was during PNS Mehran attack- SSG (N) lead that operation
For the last time stop making irresponsible statemnets. they come when you call them. secondly they are not there to solve every militant related problems, what was Fedral Govt apparatus doing when there were warnings of similar attacks.
Surely it depends on where the SSG were based? I don't know exactly how this works in Paksitan wrt SSG's deployment but elite forces like them are usually very small in number relatively and can't be everywhere at once so will always take time to get on the scene. That is why it is very important that the first responders (local law enforcement and such ) are suitably equipped and trained for containing the scene until the "big guns" (SFs and such) get on the scene which will always be later.
From what I've heard, they were called in after, which is why they were that late.
In a case like this, SSG should not even be called, SSU and Police Elite commandos are well trained guys, they could have handled it, but when call was sent out for help, all the Special Police force guys were busy with VVIP movements and securing them, so they called in Ranger RATS, but it was already too late, so to clean it up swiftly, only then they had to bring in SSG, because they were afraid it will go wrong at the massive scake if not contained
1 hour seems a bit long though, if just looked at alone. The Rangers were called in first to handle the situation, which is why it took such a long time. The SSG should have been the first ones on call.

And 1 is all Pakistan needs to find out who's responsible.
From what I've heard, they were called in after, which is why they were that late.
Still depends on where they were based in relation to the airport surely bro? I mean they can't teleport to the scene the moment they get the call.
All cowards/bastards are dead and on their way to hell where they belong , also one coward/bastard is captured by our forces and I sure hope that we our forces beat the living hell out of him try to get some info good job PA forces .
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