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Karachi Airport Under Terrorist Attack

Sad RIP to the brave fallen... and for the scumbag terrorists burn in hell,
True, but India doesn't make AKs at least not as far as I am aware- it imports all of its AKs from Bulgaria and Hungry so i find it highly implausible these guys were carrying Indian made arms and anyway small arms are not as easy to get a hold of by common folk in India as it is in Pakistan so them finding their way to the black market is equally unlikely.

I knew that was coming but that was pretty different sir. One of the terrorists was caught alive, spilled the beans on where he was from, been trained etc Indian Intel intercepted calls between the handlers and gunmen and traced the calls back to Pakistan, there is a whole plethora of evidence on this really but this isn't the time or place to discuss 26/11.

Of course, all terrorists were killed, just one captured.
Okay, enough discussing mumbai, I'm sorry to have even brought it up.

I know you're all as shook up by this as I am. So please, just wait, post your news, discuss. But also wait till you get the full story, then go crusading if you have to.
You are right of course and I'm sure lessons will be learnt it is just crazy this could happen after what we know has gone on before....
You have to admit though, the operation was done quite quickly, and cleanly. From what I can gather, backpacks full of ammo, and food rations, it showed the militants were going to take hostages, and were in it for the long-hull. The security forces seemed to have ruined their plans completely.
Well the operation's completed as per Sharjeel Memon . 10 terrorists dead .
Okay, enough discussing mumbai, I'm sorry to have even brought it up.

I know you're all as shook up by this as I am. So please, just wait, post your news, discuss. But also wait till you get the full story, then go crusading if you have to.
Have you learned your lesson, young man?


But seriously, I'm not surprised that it was brought up. It's okay to be emotional, but just keep in mind that you're a mod.
all terrorists are now dead there were 10 terrorist who attacked Airport....3 terrorist were aged 20 to 25 water bottles chickpeas and dates were found in their bags

Have you learned your lesson, young man?


But seriously, I'm not surprised that it was brought up. It's okay to be emotional, but just keep in mind that you're a mod.

Thanks I needed that. Robot mode engaged. :police:
our armed forces , specially rangers and police commando seriously need modern equipment man ..... along with some choppers
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