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Karachi Airport Under Terrorist Attack

First of all, I don't know why you're trolling here. People have died, there is no need for you to come here and act all self righteous. Second, the militants didn't come directly through the airport, they cut through a security fence and got in.
Sir my intention is not to troll. I am saddened by the lose of life truly I am- the innocents that were killed and the brave security men who went in running towards danger are all surely in heaven now.

I am just pointing out this should never have happened. An international airport is meant to be one of the most secure facilities in any nation and given the persistent security threat in Paksitan from these terror groups against major civilian targets the entire facility both new and old should have had much better security than this. The precedents of Mehran and Karma and then the news about Islamabad airport's failed attack should have been a major kick up the backside for these locations and yet it doesn't seem to have been enough.

I am saddened this has happened and, like you should be doing, I want to know how. How could something like this have happened?
True, but India doesn't make AKs at least not as far as I am aware- it imports all of its AKs from Bulgaria and Hungry so i find it highly implausible these guys were carrying Indian made arms and anyway small arms are not as easy to get a hold of by common folk in India as it is in Pakistan so them finding their way to the black market is equally unlikely.

I knew that was coming but that was pretty different sir. One of the terrorists was caught alive, spilled the beans on where he was from, been trained etc Indian Intel intercepted calls between the handlers and gunmen and traced the calls back to Pakistan, there is a whole plethora of evidence on this really but this isn't the time or place to discuss 26/11.

Please Indians leave this thread, at least till operation is over in hour a two. After that we can discuss so called ''evidence'' of captured terrorist saying bhgawan mujjhe maf kardo.
Sir my intention is not to troll. I am saddened by the lose of life truly I am- the innocents that were killed and the brave security men who went in running towards danger are all surely in heaven now.

I am just pointing out this should never have happened. An international airport is meant to be one of the most secure facilities in any nation and given the persistent security threat in Paksitan from these terror groups against major civilian targets the entire facility both new and old should have had much better security than this. The precedents of Mehran and Karma and then the news about Islamabad airport's failed attack should have been a major kick up the backside for these locations and yet it doesn't seem to have been enough.

I am saddened this has happened and, like you should be doing, I want to know how. How could something like this have happened?
You cannot be 100% secure, there is always a margin of error. Unfortunately the militants seemed to have figured out that error.
Wondering what took SSG so long- they are supposed to be operation ready at all times

Really!!! what are you smoking ????

They are not alway battle ready and they only come when they are called. Stop making irresponsible statements.
Honestly guys I meant no offence, just thought I'd challenge what I perceive as premature but predictable nonsense.

Good hunting to the security forces, put those who came to do harm in the ground.
Congratulations Guys, Our forces just killed all fcuking Pigs who try to attack karachi air port.. :sniper:
great job Armed forces . I salute you
You cannot be 100% secure, there is always a margin of error. Unfortunately the militants seemed to have figured out that error.
You are right of course and I'm sure lessons will be learnt it is just crazy this could happen after what we know has gone on before....
Honestly guys I meant no offence, just thought I'd challenge what I perceive as premature but predictable nonsense.

Good hunting to the security forces, put those who came to do harm in the ground.
It's fine, just be careful with your words, you know how hurtful they can be.
Sir ji, same could be said about the retard who told the mumbai attackers to carry their Pakistani ID cards. :rolleyes:

I won't say anything till the details surface. But ruling that out at this point is wrong.

Yup, you are going in a foreign country to attack, make sure you travel with your passport and all relevant documents, just in case they ask. I don't know should i laugh at the Indians posting here or feel sad for them that they were born this way.
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