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Karachi Airport Under Terrorist Attack

Why are they not using the FLIR equipped choppers like Fennecs?
I really hope they catch some alive this time-
We need to catch them alive-
phosphorus Bombs and hand gernades were also used by terrorists

What do you mean by religious?-
I am religious i dont go around blowing up stuff-
Be careful and choose the words wisely-

I didn't say that all religious people go around blowing themselves , now did I ? The words were chosen carefully and wisely , its the same religiously motivated terrorists yet again , looking at the picture of the dead scumbag . Another gift of the Afghan Jihad , the same continuity of the Jihad being waged in Pakistan since long , which has resulted in 50,000 causalities .
Wondering what took SSG so long- they are supposed to be operation ready at all times-
I knew that was coming but that was pretty different sir. One of the terrorists was caught alive, spilled the beans on where he was from, been trained etc Indian Intel intercepted calls between the handlers and gunmen and traced the calls back to Pakistan, there is a whole plethora of evidence on this really but this isn't the time or place to discuss 26/11.

All that is beside the point friend.

You ask why would we (if we are responsible) give weapons that would let the perpetrator be caught and be led back to us?
Now I ask you, the very same, irrespective of whether you caught the person alive, you had other statement and evidence..

Why would we do the same? Why would you ask yourself when considering that piece of evidence and not these 'supposed' pieces of evidence, which I may add again, for now are 100% unconfirmed?
True, but India doesn't make AKs at least not as far as I am aware- it imports all of its AKs from Bulgaria and Hungry so i find it highly implausible these guys were carrying Indian made arms and anyway small arms are not as easy to get a hold of by common folk in India as it is in Pakistan so them finding their way to the black market is equally unlikely.

Arms are quite easy to smuggle, just because people can't buy them easily, doesn't mean they don't exist. They exist for those that want them, so it's a supply demand market.

I knew that was coming but that was pretty different sir. One of the terrorists was caught alive, spilled the beans on where he was from, been trained etc Indian Intel intercepted calls between the handlers and gunmen and traced the calls back to Pakistan, there is a whole plethora of evidence on this really but this isn't the time or place to discuss 26/11.
Look, we've had this argument before, let's not get into it, please guys? It's neither the time nor thread.
Why are they not using the FLIR equipped choppers like Fennecs?
there was a chopper earlier in the sky, not sure which one it was - all cooms were switched to other frequencies ----

Nighthawk 21: signed off - ALLAH Hafiz
not really , but i think they dont want to take any chance... zarar company is best of the best for this job

Should have just deployed them then , since well they had the intelligence . But well its Pakistan !
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