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Karachi: 19 Target killers involved in Sectarian Killings are arrested - reportedly trained in Iran.

I care not... this entire system is dead filth... #CriminalEnterprise left, right and centre.

Who do you wish to see back on the Throne of Pak? Nawaz, Zardari, Altaf Hussain, Diesel????

Any weakness for Crown Princess MN or BB?

What do you want? One clear direction...

What's in the name?

If rule of law is enforced in the country without bias and prejudice, none of the mentioned ones will be in the running along with the true leader himself.

You clearly could not tell the forum the difference between target killers and terrorists.

and i am sorry i do not agree to the concept that criticizing Iran is somehow sectarian. Sorry it is what it is
I will lay my position clear again. @Khafee @Mangus Ortus Novem Thoughts please?

NEWS IS TRUE. If so then clearly Iranian state is involved in acts of terrorism inside Pakistan. this is as serious as it gets. I expect swift reply on part of PMIK and COAS Bajwa and ISI. all avenues should be opened up knowing that Iran is in extremely weak position and USA, Israel are baying for her blood. Actions in order-

  • 1. PAF strike into Iran using F-16s to launch attack and destroy IRGC base as retribution just like India tried to do the attack in Balakot post Pulwama. We should treat this as our 'Pulwama'.

  • 2. fire 4 Shaheen Missiles with conventional payload on Tehran as a warning that next time they could be nuclear tipped.

  • 3. armoured assault across the Iran/Pakistan border using SSG, tanks, infantry etc as a punitive measure.

  • 4. call USA, Israel, Saudia, UAE, Europe at the UN to pass a motion against Iran. Given the current climate against Iran that should not be difficult.

  • 5. join Saudia Arabia and Israel in their effort to bring the Mullah regime down.

  • 6. send Pakistan Army to Yemen and join the Saudi coalition against Houthi's. Ask KSA for $10 billion per year and send at least 40,000 men to Yemen and fight the Houthis into the ground.

  • 7. join CIA, Mossad, Saudi intelligence to cause as much grief inside Iran and use Pakistan Balochistan as staging aea for ingress.

NEWS IS FALSE If so then I expect swift reaction by ISI, PMIK, COAS Bajwa. Those behind the false news

  • 1. are endangering Pakistan's geo-politics and as such should be arrested, flogged and shot in public to give a warning to others that sectarian bullshit not be accepted in Pakistan.
  • 2. warning issued that no more sectarism will be allowed in Pakistan and it will carry penalty.

For sure, what is unacceptable in my view is that PMIK, COAS Bajwa, ISI do nothing on both counts. Can we have one of them so we know. Not have this ambiquity that eithers encourages sectarianism or Iranian duplicity
Do you agree then that action needs to be taken against Iran in the manner I detailed involing military, diplomatic, economic?

Actions have been taken and shall continue to be taken.

U Baloch and his gang rolled up... helped by our friends, the oily arabs, courtesy @Khafee

We can done Karachi operation and still continues

We are fencing our borders even if our people are going hungry...

We are developing Gawadar and we shalll regulate border with Iran.

We have been very docile and meek... call it our weakness... or our big heartedness... whatever... offering the other cheek if you will... primarily we are responsible for this. No one else to blame.

But we refuse to be looked downupon as uncivilised and backward people... when there was no Persia... Pak Civlisation was in full swing...

Yes, we are stupid and emtional... but trust me Our Time Has Come.

And no we are not going to bomb iran... no need for it... we are going to put our hosue in order and focus on our economy...with zero tolerance on secterian mafias... we are uprooting the evils from within and then we shall deal with the without.

#PersianPeril is real...denial is only for ostrich.

Iran can be a great friend of Pak... but Iran has to let go of its Persian desires... accept Pak as Pak is.

Pak is not enemy of Iran...but Persia wants to see choas around it... this is not acceptable.

We are Paks... it is Our Land.. from Hindus from Thur to Shias up North... this is Our Land for everyone of us!
You Know What I Think I Think This Is The Result of IK Visit To Iran and Iran Sharing Intelligence With Pakistan.I Could Be Wrong But That Is Definitely A Way To Look At It

Yes I think so too. Good point
I personally believe it's time to help Americans.iran will not understand.you have to hit the revolutionary jokers in their own house.problem is there are irani sympathizers in pakistan.best way is to deport all Irani sympathizers to Iran or sell them to Africa for slavery.these people eat resources of pakistan but pray for Iran only.time to take matters seriously.revenge should be brutal and we should better check numbers of Irani sympathizers in pakistan.and for Iran,help cia.give coordinates of Irani mullah regime to America or fire cruise missile directly at the specific target.revenge should be brutal.

Cant and wont blame others when its our own ppl fuking up!

Not our people.irani sympathizers in Pakistan.
Sure Sir its fault of our peoples but when other countries promote them,provide them funds,pollutted their minds to work for their interest against the interest of State of Pakistan nothing on them ? even in case of killing the killer saction under 302 but those who help him in it also sanctioned under 307 accessory to murder as well
Cant and wont blame others when its our own ppl fuking up!
How many of you are surprise on this news ………….. LOL...…….. Mullah terror state at this again...….. Join allied forces without 2nd thought (when time arrives) ……. And fence that fuking border …….
@Retired Troll , This is not 0.5 front anymore . .. . . Now this become full front war ……..
@BATMAN , @Khafee , @Mentee , @zulu
Finding my old post thats the 4th Iran back group CTD grab in last 2 months from Karachi from start of March its shows an pattern(along with them our LEA,s also get as many Jindullah and jaesha e mohammad too ) its cleaning across the board no sectarian issue just the interest of State of Pakistan
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I am not entirely convinced of this news. But if it true this is serious. Despite my partiality to Iran I expect the following -

NEWS IS TRUE. If so then clearly Iranian state is involved in acts of terrorism inside Pakistan. this is as serious as it gets. I expect swift reply on part of PMIK and COAS Bajwa and ISI. all avenues should be opened up knowing that Iran is in extremely weak position and USA, Israel are baying for her blood. Actions in order-

  • 1. PAF strike into Iran using F-16s to launch attack and destroy IRGC base as retribution just like India tried to do the attack in Balakot post Pulwama. We should treat this as our 'Pulwama'.

  • 2. fire 4 Shaheen Missiles with conventional payload on Tehran as a warning that next time they could be nuclear tipped.

  • 3. armoured assault across the Iran/Pakistan border using SSG, tanks, infantry etc as a punitive measure.

  • 4. call USA, Israel, Saudia, UAE, Europe at the UN to pass a motion against Iran. Given the current climate against Iran that should not be difficult.

  • 5. join Saudia Arabia and Israel in their effort to bring the Mullah regime down.

  • 6. send Pakistan Army to Yemen and join the Saudi coalition against Houthi's. Ask KSA for $10 billion per year and send at least 40,000 men to Yemen and fight the Houthis into the ground.

  • 7. join CIA, Mossad, Saudi intelligence to cause as much grief inside Iran and use Pakistan Balochistan as staging aea for ingress.

NEWS IS FALSE If so then I expect swift reaction by ISI, PMIK, COAS Bajwa. Those behind the false news

  • 1. are endangering Pakistan's geo-politics and as such should be arrested, flogged and shot in public to give a warning to others that sectarian bullshit not be accepted in Pakistan.
  • 2. warning issued that no more sectarism will be allowed in Pakistan and it will carry penalty.
For sure, what is unacceptable in my view is that PMIK, COAS Bajwa, ISI do nothing on both counts. Can we have one of them so we know. Not have this ambiquity that eithers encourages sectarianism or Iranian duplicity.
Sir with due respect We are going to do no such thing we are surrounded by enemies.
Starting a war with Iran is doing the enemies bidding.this is India-us-israel script.

Yes I think so too. Good point

Sure Sir its fault of our peoples but when other countries promote them,provide them funds,pollutted their minds to work for their interest against the interest of State of Pakistan nothing on them ? even in case of killing the killer saction under 302 but those who help him in it also sanctioned under 307 accessory to murder as well
Sir section 307 is attracted by attempted murder not abetment and conspiracy they are
107 Onwards.
Sir nobody in Pakistan want to war with anyone ek India gadha hamary sar py kaam hai why would we want to open new fronts esp giving our current economic condition but what about those who are forcing us ?? we are giving them every chance to step away from it covering them but what we getting in reply ?u may wanna challenge but first check this pic and news article Mehdi Mosvi target killer serve as Irani diplomatic translator involved in sectarian killing its 2016 news but u see kitni dafa cover karain hum ??? (by date u browse many other sites with same news )

Sir with due respect We are going to do no such thing we are surrounded by enemies.
Starting a war with Iran is doing the enemies bidding.this is India-us-israel script.


Sir section 307 is attracted by attempted murder not abetment and conspiracy they are
107 Onwards.
Sir nobody in Pakistan want to war with anyone ek India gadha hamary sar py kaam hai why would we want to open new fronts esp giving our current economic condition but what about those who are forcing us ?? we are giving them every chance to step away from it covering them but what we getting in reply ?u may wanna challenge but first check this pic and news article Mehdi Mosvi target killer serve as Irani diplomatic translator involved in sectarian killing its 2016 news but u see kitni dafa cover karain hum ??? (by date u browse many other sites with same news )
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Mullah regime ab zyada deer tikne wali naheen hum kyun Irani awam to apna Janee dushman banaeen Pakistan ko sirf
Sabr karna hay peecha Kay dono dushman
Nutralise ho jayenga insha allah Irani regime aur Afghani regime dono.

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