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Karachi: 19 Target killers involved in Sectarian Killings are arrested - reportedly trained in Iran.

I am not entirely convinced of this news. But if it true this is serious. Despite my partiality to Iran I expect the following -

NEWS IS TRUE. If so then clearly Iranian state is involved in acts of terrorism inside Pakistan. this is as serious as it gets. I expect swift reply on part of PMIK and COAS Bajwa and ISI. all avenues should be opened up knowing that Iran is in extremely weak position and USA, Israel are baying for her blood. Actions in order-

  • 1. PAF strike into Iran using F-16s to launch attack and destroy IRGC base as retribution just like India tried to do the attack in Balakot post Pulwama. We should treat this as our 'Pulwama'.

  • 2. fire 4 Shaheen Missiles with conventional payload on Tehran as a warning that next time they could be nuclear tipped.

  • 3. armoured assault across the Iran/Pakistan border using SSG, tanks, infantry etc as a punitive measure.

  • 4. call USA, Israel, Saudia, UAE, Europe at the UN to pass a motion against Iran. Given the current climate against Iran that should not be difficult.

  • 5. join Saudia Arabia and Israel in their effort to bring the Mullah regime down.

  • 6. send Pakistan Army to Yemen and join the Saudi coalition against Houthi's. Ask KSA for $10 billion per year and send at least 40,000 men to Yemen and fight the Houthis into the ground.

  • 7. join CIA, Mossad, Saudi intelligence to cause as much grief inside Iran and use Pakistan Balochistan as staging aea for ingress.

NEWS IS FALSE If so then I expect swift reaction by ISI, PMIK, COAS Bajwa. Those behind the false news

  • 1. are endangering Pakistan's geo-politics and as such should be arrested, flogged and shot in public to give a warning to others that sectarian bullshit not be accepted in Pakistan.
  • 2. warning issued that no more sectarism will be allowed in Pakistan and it will carry penalty.

For sure, what is unacceptable in my view is that PMIK, COAS Bajwa, ISI do nothing on both counts. Can we have one of them so we know. Not have this ambiquity that eithers encourages sectarianism or Iranian duplicity.

Please delete this thread.

Ummah brother Iran is innocent and all of this is some very israeli saajish

nobody believes you !!

If it werent for British you would be speaking Farsi as your Messiah says


If my ancestors and yours... weren't indulging too much in aeesh everyone would have been speaking Urdu! From SL to Central Asia!

Not realising a clear and present danger and playing the ostrich... isn't going to help.

You know it too well that I am for a Pak Foreign Policy of Friendship with everyone on this planet... everyone who wishes no ill to Pak.

Paks as people and Pak State as organism is extremely tolerant.... we are like this. This is what we are. Nothing wrong with it.

But everyone has taken us for a ride... used us. And for this we are the only one to blame.

Everyone tends to their interests and we love chasing ghosts...

As for as ummah thing is concerned... for me the only ummah is 220million Paks living within Pak and in the rest of the world... the rest can give a chumma to Pak's brown behind for all I care.

Pak is Our Land. This is Our ONLY Land.

We need to understand this FACT and drop all illusions!



If my ancestors and yours... weren't indulging too much in aeesh everyone would have been speaking Urdu! From SL to Central Asia!

Not realising a clear and present danger and playing the ostrich... isn't going to help.

You know it too well that I am for a Pak Foreign Policy of Friendship with everyone on this planet... everyone who wishes no ill to Pak.

Paks as people and Pak State as organism is extremely tolerant.... we are like this. This is what we are. Nothing wrong with it.

But everyone has taken us for a ride... used us. And for this we are the only one to blame.

Everyone tends to their interests and we love chasing ghosts...

As for as ummah thing is concerned... for me the only ummah is 220million Paks living within Pak and in the rest of the world... the rest can give a chumma to Pak's brown behind for all I care.

Pak is Our Land. This is Our ONLY Land.

We need to understand this FACT and drop all illusions!



this sermon will not give the Pakistani government the balls to tackle the issue.

Iran employs ethno-sectarian blackmail on Pakistan and Pakistani authorities cannot do anything but bendover in front of them. there will be pseudo intellectuals who will be coming in defence of iran in this thread alone.

Iranian hand in both MQM and PPP mercenaries is well documented in the South while Balochistan and KPK sees the other front of the Persian quagmire involving Pakistan.

So instead of discussing this. You should learn Farsi to prepare yourself for the future under messiah of fascists, Imran Khan.
Kahan marr gaey saaray Iran ke chatay?

Oh they have started appearing on this thread already...

@Areesh @Khafee

Iranian hand in both MQM and PPP mercenaries is well documented in the South while Balochistan and KPK sees the other front of the Persian quagmire involving Pakistan.
This is so true... Good that someone is mentioning it here...

Problem is that Iran has its people from parachinar to Karachi... And we are blackmailed always..
This is so true... Good that someone is mentioning it here...

Problem is that Iran has its people from parachinar to Karachi... And we are blackmailed always..

So basically you are telling me that i will be banned shortly for this? well i have said before if anyone wants to try it out be my guest.

Criticize Iran 3 times the same day and you will get banned from this forum.

Iran and India are creating an environment in Pakistan to get the IPI and TAPI pipelines through and if that requires a false messiah then so be it as far as they are concerned.

inferiority complex driven manchild of a PM cannot stop the Indo-Aryan schemes for Pakistan.
I am not entirely convinced of this news. But if it true this is serious. Despite my partiality to Iran I expect the following -

NEWS IS TRUE. If so then clearly Iranian state is involved in acts of terrorism inside Pakistan. this is as serious as it gets. I expect swift reply on part of PMIK and COAS Bajwa and ISI. all avenues should be opened up knowing that Iran is in extremely weak position and USA, Israel are baying for her blood. Actions in order-

  • 1. PAF strike into Iran using F-16s to launch attack and destroy IRGC base as retribution just like India tried to do the attack in Balakot post Pulwama. We should treat this as our 'Pulwama'.
  • 2. fire 4 Shaheen Missiles with conventional payload on Tehran as a warning that next time they could be nuclear tipped.
  • 3. armoured assault across the Iran/Pakistan border using SSG, tanks, infantry etc as a punitive measure.
  • 4. call USA, Israel, Saudia, UAE, Europe at the UN to pass a motion against Iran. Given the current climate against Iran that should not be difficult.
  • 5. join Saudia Arabia and Israel in their effort to bring the Mullah regime down.
  • 6. send Pakistan Army to Yemen and join the Saudi coalition against Houthi's. Ask KSA for $10 billion per year and send at least 40,000 men to Yemen and fight the Houthis into the ground.
  • 7. join CIA, Mossad, Saudi intelligence to cause as much grief inside Iran and use Pakistan Balochistan as staging aea for ingress.

NEWS IS FALSE If so then I expect swift reaction by ISI, PMIK, COAS Bajwa. Those behind the false news

  • 1. are endangering Pakistan's geo-politics and as such should be arrested, flogged and shot in public to give a warning to others that sectarian bullshit not be accepted in Pakistan.
  • 2. warning issued that no more sectarism will be allowed in Pakistan and it will carry penalty.
For sure, what is unacceptable in my view is that PMIK, COAS Bajwa, ISI do nothing on both counts. Can we have one of them so we know. Not have this ambiquity that eithers encourages sectarianism or Iranian duplicity.
I am not entirely convinced of this news.
As expected, No surprises here!
this sermon will not give the Pakistani government the balls to tackle the issue.

Iran employs ethno-sectarian blackmail on Pakistan and Pakistani authorities cannot do anything but bendover in front of them. there will be pseudo intellectuals who will be coming in defence of iran in this thread alone.

Iranian hand in both MQM and PPP mercenaries is well documented in the South while Balochistan and KPK sees the other front of the Persian quagmire involving Pakistan.

So instead of discussing this. You should learn Farsi to prepare yourself for the future under messiah of fascists, Imran Khan.

What is it?

You might have an axe to grind against IK or not....

For me none of the parties have any democractic gene in them... nothing but bhutparasti and servitude... fascists all of them...including #DieselMullahs

Either you come out in the open and play - support a dialectic acceleration... or do as you please.
This constant jabbing at everything... bringing us to what? Clarity, direction... endgame... Dialectics... what is yours?

What is it that you want? Onliners, my brother... come off it!

This decay in national discourse is not going to produce leaders which we need.... What is our national discourse anyway?

It is not a sermon... but a lament... can't you see?

Urdu is the most living, growing and enriching language... subtle, nuanced..full of khushboo

If you study Jinnah... in his speeches, in his life... we have all the National Discourse that we need. Our Dialectics are given to us... we just need to act upon them.
As expected, No surprises here!
I never hid my partiality so your stating something obvious. But more to the point I have already stated my position of the two policy choices that need urgently applied. For me it is simply binary. If Iran is guilty begin bombing it to stone age, join Saudia and Israel in strangling Iran, join KSA,UAE and obliterate the Houthis after agreeing on cost with KSA. Or if this is all lies then hang the bastards who are behind these claims.

I think that is clear as it can be.

NEWS IS TRUE. If so then clearly Iranian state is involved in acts of terrorism inside Pakistan. this is as serious as it gets. I expect swift reply on part of PMIK and COAS Bajwa and ISI. all avenues should be opened up knowing that Iran is in extremely weak position and USA, Israel are baying for her blood. Actions in order-

  • 1. PAF strike into Iran using F-16s to launch attack and destroy IRGC base as retribution just like India tried to do the attack in Balakot post Pulwama. We should treat this as our 'Pulwama'.

  • 2. fire 4 Shaheen Missiles with conventional payload on Tehran as a warning that next time they could be nuclear tipped.

  • 3. armoured assault across the Iran/Pakistan border using SSG, tanks, infantry etc as a punitive measure.

  • 4. call USA, Israel, Saudia, UAE, Europe at the UN to pass a motion against Iran. Given the current climate against Iran that should not be difficult.

  • 5. join Saudia Arabia and Israel in their effort to bring the Mullah regime down.

  • 6. send Pakistan Army to Yemen and join the Saudi coalition against Houthi's. Ask KSA for $10 billion per year and send at least 40,000 men to Yemen and fight the Houthis into the ground.

  • 7. join CIA, Mossad, Saudi intelligence to cause as much grief inside Iran and use Pakistan Balochistan as staging aea for ingress.

NEWS IS FALSE If so then I expect swift reaction by ISI, PMIK, COAS Bajwa. Those behind the false news

  • 1. are endangering Pakistan's geo-politics and as such should be arrested, flogged and shot in public to give a warning to others that sectarian bullshit not be accepted in Pakistan.
  • 2. warning issued that no more sectarism will be allowed in Pakistan and it will carry penalty.
@Mangus Ortus Novem @Khafee @Big Tank
What is it?

You might have an axe to grind against IK or not....

For me none of the parties have any democractic gene in them... nothing but bhutparasti and servitude... fascists all of them...including #DieselMullahs

Either you come out in the open and play - support a dialectic acceleration... or do as you please.
This constant jabbing at everything... bringing us to what? Clarity, direction... endgame... Dialectics... what is yours?

What is it that you want? Onliners, my brother... come off it!

This decay in national discourse is not going to produce leaders which we need.... What is our national discourse anyway?

It is not a sermon... but a lament... can't you see?

Urdu is the most living, growing and enriching language... subtle, nuanced..full of khushboo

If you study Jinnah... in his speeches, in his life... we have all the National Discourse that we need. Our Dialectics are given to us... we just need to act upon them.

There is no democratic solution to the problems facing Pakistan.

Why don't you first answer the question what is the difference between target killers and terrorists?

You do realize that now you cannot protest on the streets of Pakistan for your rights otherwise you will be sold as terrorists who are ryasat se takraying? You do realize that anyone who now goes against IK will be called khawarij and killed off?

I wait patiently for when its time and the false messiah disposed off.
I have always said this that Iran is no friend of Pakistan & Pakistan knows this to
I never hid my partiality so your stating something obvious. But more to the point I have already stated my position of the two policy choices that need urgently applied. For me it is simply binary. If Iran is guilty begin bombing it to stone age, join Saudia and Israel in strangling Iran, join KSA,UAE and obliterate the Houthis after agreeing on cost with KSA. Or if this is all lies then hang the bastards who are behind these claims.

I think that is clear as it can be.

NEWS IS TRUE. If so then clearly Iranian state is involved in acts of terrorism inside Pakistan. this is as serious as it gets. I expect swift reply on part of PMIK and COAS Bajwa and ISI. all avenues should be opened up knowing that Iran is in extremely weak position and USA, Israel are baying for her blood. Actions in order-

  • 1. PAF strike into Iran using F-16s to launch attack and destroy IRGC base as retribution just like India tried to do the attack in Balakot post Pulwama. We should treat this as our 'Pulwama'.

  • 2. fire 4 Shaheen Missiles with conventional payload on Tehran as a warning that next time they could be nuclear tipped.

  • 3. armoured assault across the Iran/Pakistan border using SSG, tanks, infantry etc as a punitive measure.

  • 4. call USA, Israel, Saudia, UAE, Europe at the UN to pass a motion against Iran. Given the current climate against Iran that should not be difficult.

  • 5. join Saudia Arabia and Israel in their effort to bring the Mullah regime down.

  • 6. send Pakistan Army to Yemen and join the Saudi coalition against Houthi's. Ask KSA for $10 billion per year and send at least 40,000 men to Yemen and fight the Houthis into the ground.

  • 7. join CIA, Mossad, Saudi intelligence to cause as much grief inside Iran and use Pakistan Balochistan as staging aea for ingress.

NEWS IS FALSE If so then I expect swift reaction by ISI, PMIK, COAS Bajwa. Those behind the false news

  • 1. are endangering Pakistan's geo-politics and as such should be arrested, flogged and shot in public to give a warning to others that sectarian bullshit not be accepted in Pakistan.
  • 2. warning issued that no more sectarism will be allowed in Pakistan and it will carry penalty.
@Mangus Ortus Novem @Khafee @Big Tank
Gentlemen your views on this sought?
I never hid my partiality so your stating something obvious. But more to the point I have already stated my position of the two policy choices that need urgently applied. For me it is simply binary. If Iran is guilty begin bombing it to stone age, join Saudia and Israel in strangling Iran, join KSA,UAE and obliterate the Houthis after agreeing on cost with KSA. Or if this is all lies then hang the bastards who are behind these claims.

I think that is clear as it can be.

NEWS IS TRUE. If so then clearly Iranian state is involved in acts of terrorism inside Pakistan. this is as serious as it gets. I expect swift reply on part of PMIK and COAS Bajwa and ISI. all avenues should be opened up knowing that Iran is in extremely weak position and USA, Israel are baying for her blood. Actions in order-

  • 1. PAF strike into Iran using F-16s to launch attack and destroy IRGC base as retribution just like India tried to do the attack in Balakot post Pulwama. We should treat this as our 'Pulwama'.

  • 2. fire 4 Shaheen Missiles with conventional payload on Tehran as a warning that next time they could be nuclear tipped.

  • 3. armoured assault across the Iran/Pakistan border using SSG, tanks, infantry etc as a punitive measure.

  • 4. call USA, Israel, Saudia, UAE, Europe at the UN to pass a motion against Iran. Given the current climate against Iran that should not be difficult.

  • 5. join Saudia Arabia and Israel in their effort to bring the Mullah regime down.

  • 6. send Pakistan Army to Yemen and join the Saudi coalition against Houthi's. Ask KSA for $10 billion per year and send at least 40,000 men to Yemen and fight the Houthis into the ground.

  • 7. join CIA, Mossad, Saudi intelligence to cause as much grief inside Iran and use Pakistan Balochistan as staging aea for ingress.

NEWS IS FALSE If so then I expect swift reaction by ISI, PMIK, COAS Bajwa. Those behind the false news

  • 1. are endangering Pakistan's geo-politics and as such should be arrested, flogged and shot in public to give a warning to others that sectarian bullshit not be accepted in Pakistan.
  • 2. warning issued that no more sectarism will be allowed in Pakistan and it will carry penalty.
@Mangus Ortus Novem @Khafee @Big Tank

None of us is supporting secterianism... if anything we have been trying to separate religion from Realpolitiek... where cynical powers have been exploiting Paks for their regional/hegemonic designs... exploiting the emotional nature of Our People.

National Aciton Plan clearly states that no secterian violence will be tolerated.

What we are registering here is that interference into our internal affairs to craete choas and divisions within Pak to keep Pak internally occupied...

Once again it is pointing the obvious... a cynical nexus of three regional countries... to keep Pak entangled...

Kindly, look at Our Map... even in its current contracted form... just look at it... should we be able to break our chains and learn from our past mistakes.... an economy growing at 7-8% a year for two decades...

Rest I leave it to your kind imaginations...

My friends @Khafee @Retired Troll @PakSword @zulu @Reddington are not secterian, ethno-nationalists... just pro Pak. Same as you are... we are Paks... Pak is Our Land.
There is no democratic solution to the problems facing Pakistan.

Why don't you first answer the question what is the difference between target killers and terrorists?

You do realize that now you cannot protest on the streets of Pakistan for your rights otherwise you will be sold as terrorists who are ryasat se takraying? You do realize that anyone who now goes against IK will be called khawarij and killed off?

I wait patiently for when its time and the false messiah disposed off.

I care not... this entire system is dead filth... #CriminalEnterprise left, right and centre.

Who do you wish to see back on the Throne of Pak? Nawaz, Zardari, Altaf Hussain, Diesel????

Any weakness for Crown Princess MN or BB?

What do you want? One clear direction...

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